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Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis Effectively With Simple Exercises

Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis Effectively With Simple Exercises

Jan 24, 2020 | Natural Healing, Natural Remedies, Natural Wellness

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Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis

10% of males over 60 years of age and 13% of women in the same age range have symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Thankfully, there are multiple natural remedies that can help to alleviate the pain associated with this condition, including taking green tea, ginger and curcumin. But if you’re to fully benefit from these remedies, they need to be used as part of a holistic health treatment plan and taken alongside effective exercises that have been proven to benefit knee osteoarthritis.

Tai chi

Multiple pieces of research have found that tai chi is beneficial for people with knee OA. A 2009 study concluded that tai chi reduced pain, as after 12 weeks of practicing the low-impact exercise, the number of patients taking NSAIDs and analgesics reduced by 25%. A later study found that tai chi benefited patients with knee OA even more significantly and improved their general health and well-being. The researchers found that the gentle strength-boosting movements, along with the meditation aspect of tai chi, resulted in lower levels of pain, improved movement of the knee, a reduction in depressive symptoms, and an overall better quality of life. So, not only will tai chi help you with the physical symptoms of knee OA, but it will help you deal with the emotional side of your condition too.

Cycling in and outdoors

Like tai chi, cycling is a low impact exercise that supports movement in the knees and helps to strengthen the muscles that support the knee. As the repetitive motions are capable of flushing out fluid that’s built up around the knee, it’s the ideal exercise for people with knee OA. Research backs this up, with one study finding that low-impact cycling is just as effective for OA patients as high impact cycling. Stationary cycling is also advantageous, with the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy reporting that regularly cycling on a stationary bike can help to reduce the pain experienced by people with knee OA when walking. It’s easy enough to cycle in your home without purchasing a stationary bike, too. Tools such as a bike trainer or roller can be used to turn a traditional bicycle into a stationary one. As long as you secure the bike in the stand, you can cycle at your own leisure while reducing your overall pain and discomfort.

Yoga classes

Yoga is a holistic method that targets the mind, body and soul. Practicing traditional yoga moves while meditating will help to remove toxins from your body that could be contributing to your knee OA pain. From a physical point of view, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia found that knee OA patients who practiced yoga just once a week for eight weeks experienced less pain, better mobility, and less stiffness. Additional studies have found that frequent yoga sessions provide people with knee OA a better quality of life and improved mental well-being.

Osteoarthritis of the knee doesn’t have to be the debilitating condition that it is often perceived to be. By adopting a holistic approach to your treatment that includes plenty of low-impact but effective exercise, the symptoms associated with your knee OA will drastically improve, and so will your overall physical and mental health.


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