Hormones play a significant role in how multiple sclerosis develops, progresses, as well as the level of severity.
More About:
multiple sclerosis
Facing the Pain: Living with Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia
Lifestyle tips and herbal remedies for those struggling with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia or another form of nerve pain.
The Science Behind the Healing Power of Prayer
Does prayer have the power to cure illness? Researchers are looking at examples of remarkable healing, unexplained recoveries, and prayer.
Dual-Extraction: The Secret to Getting the Most Out of Your Mushrooms and Lichens
Essential medicinal mushrooms and lichens, their uses, and step-by-step instructions for how to make your own dual-extracted tinctures.
How Parasites Could Be The Key To Treating Multiple Sclerosis
Researchers believe certain parasitic infections help to regulate the immune system by increasing regulatory T-cells.
The Science Behind “Earthing” — And Why You Should Adopt This Easy (and Free!) Habit
Exploring the science behind “earthing”, an easy and inexpensive method to reap additional benefits from your time in nature.
The Ketogenic Diet and Autoimmunity: Here is What You Need to Know
Considering a ketogenic diet for autoimmunity? Research has shown it can be beneficial, neuroprotective, and is known to calm inflammation.
Viruses and the Brain: How Infections Can Cause Cognitive Decline
The Link Between Poor Cognitive Health & Viral Illness It has long been known in the scientific community that viral infection can cause cognitive and mood changes — anyone who has felt brain fog, depression, insomnia, and general irritability during a bout with a...
My Favorite Morning Routine for Exceptional Gut Health
Approaching the morning intentionally with a positive routine sets the tone for the entire day, and can lead to better gut health!
Study Finds Lion’s Mane Doubles Neuron Growth, Dramatically Improves Memory
Researchers have found that the highly bioactive lion’s mane mushroom doubles neuron growth and dramatically improves memory.
Researchers Have Just Uncovered Another Piece of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Puzzle: Your Microbiome
Recent studies by the U.S. National Institutes of Health found that microbiome dysbiosis may be the root cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
The Surprising Connection Between Mental Health & Viral Infections
Inflammation, Viral Illness, and Mood Disorders Throughout the pandemic, many underlying health concerns were highlighted as they contributed to poorer outcomes for severe acute respiratory syndrome. Pre-existing chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, kidney...
CBD: An All-Natural Miracle Worker for Autoimmunity, Inflammation, Seizures, & More
Natural Relief for Hard-To-Treat Conditions Over the past decade, cannabidiol (CBD) products have enjoyed an upswing in popularity for those seeking a natural method to control seizures and pain, cool inflammation, address mood disorders, and promote relaxation and...
How to Break Out of Negative Thinking in 30 Seconds or Less According to Neuroscientists
The Mind-Body Connection When I began my journey with multiple sclerosis and found myself in a downward spiral of extremely poor health, I realized that I needed a radical shift in how I approached illness. Along with medicinal mushrooms and other natural remedies,...
Researchers Discover Fungi in Gut Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Cognitive health may be linked to a surprising culprit: a unique fungi co-living with bacteria in the gut.
Navigating the Emotional Impact of Multiple Sclerosis
Nicole Apelian’s journey to navigating the emotional and physical aspects of MS, and how she thrives in spite of it.
New Study Links Black Death Pandemic With Future Autoimmunity Risk
Fascinating new research digs into the immune system adaptations of plague survivors, and their influence on our immunity today.
How to Prevent and Naturally Treat Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Guillain-Barré Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness and numbness.
Are You Keto? New Study Finds High-Fat Diets Reprogram Immune Cells
A new study has found that a high-fat diet, such as what you find with a ketogenic diet, can reprogram immune cells to enhance immunity.
High-Salt Diet Linked to Inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis
If you have multiple sclerosis or another autoimmune condition, recent research suggests you may want to curb your salt habit.
The Surprising Connection Between Glutamate, Autoimmunity, and Neurological Conditions
Did you know? A glutamate imbalance in the brain may worsen neurological issues, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, and multiple sclerosis conditions.
Glutamate, Brain Health & You
Learn why the balance between glutamate and GABA in the brain has a profound impact on our mental health and physical well-being.
CBD and Inflammation: Here is What You Need to Know
Lifestyle and dietary choices, time in nature, CBD, and other medicinal herbs are Nicole’s go-tos for taming chronic inflammation.
Is This Virus the Missing Link for Multiple Sclerosis?
An exciting new study shows that a past viral infection with Epstein-Barr, a type of herpes virus, may be the cause of multiple sclerosis.
The Top 5 Benefits of Yoga that are Backed by Science
Yoga is a wonderful practice for both mental and physical wellbeing, and its benefits are well backed by science.
My Top Tips for Keeping an Aging Brain Healthy, Sharp, and Active
Dig in and explore the active steps that can be taken to maintain and improve brain health, memory, and cognition.
The Art of Doing Nothing — And Why It’s Important
Being in a constant state of activity has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing – prioritize slowing down for overall health.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Here’s why.
Learn more about the science behind laughter and improved health, and the therapeutic benefits of laughter for your life.
Struggling to shed unwanted pounds? These underlying conditions may be the cause.
Undiagnosed autoimmune disease, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, and other factors can make it difficult to achieve your weight loss goals.
Are You Experiencing Unexplained Health Issues? EMFs May Be to Blame
The 5G telecom rollout is in full-swing, and many are questioning the safety of this electric and magnetic field producing technology.
The Life-Changing Power of Medicinal Herbs — One Family’s Inspiring Story
Nicole’s path to managing MS led to the creation of healing herbal formulations in her Apothecary, and the answer to this user’s prayers.
The True Cause of “Adrenal Fatigue” — And How to Heal It
Always exhausted, gaining weight, craving sweet or salty foods, and experiencing brain fog? You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue.
Wild Joy: The Bliss (and Challenges) of Nature Adventures, My Story
Nicole’s relationship with nature and love of wild places was established early, and has only deepened as her journey continues.
My Top 5 Tips for Keeping Your Brain Healthy, Clear, and Sharp
Nicole discusses how diet, exercise, herbal remedies, and more have all helped to keep her mind clear and sharp throughout her MS journey.
Why Healing a Leaky Gut Should be a Top Priority for Health;
Plus: 6 Herbs for Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut Syndrome is associated with increased intestinal permeability. Learn more about herbal and diet support for this condition.
Aronia Berries, Ursolic Acid, and MS
Ursolic Acid is found in Aronia Berries, and new studies show it to be an exciting new area of Multiple Sclerosis research.
How I Manage Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Nicole discusses the daily regimen that works best for her body and lifestyle to manage Multiple Sclerosis.
“Experience Alone” and Preparedness Workshop with Alan Kay and Nicole Apelian – May 2017
Join Alan Kay and Nicole Apelian from the Alone Show on History Channel for a 5-Day Wilderness Living Skills and Emergency Preparedness Experience! Want to experience what it takes to be Alone in the woods for the long-term? Join Nicole and Alan from the hit TV show...