Anxiety sufferers will be excited to learn about new research that has identified a brain pathway that can instantly calm the body.
More About:
Eggs for Better Brain Health: A Simple Way to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
Learn why eggs are good for brain health and how several key herbs can also help keep neurodegeneration at bay.
Herbal Focus: Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa
Black cohosh (black bugbane, black snakeroot, baneberry, or rattleweed) is known as a potent remedy for balancing hormones during menopause.
Matcha Green Tea: Can it Improve Sleep and Social Functioning in Older Adults?
The range of health benefits from drinking matcha green tea, with its robust nutrient profile, may surprise you!
Harnessing the Power of Radical Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Radical gratitude is about turning obstacles into opportunities, and transforming loss or negativity into a path of gratefulness.
Is Sleeping on Your Back Harming Your Brain?
A new study suggests that one’s preferred sleep position may significantly impact health and correlate with neurodegeneration.
Here’s How Menopause Affects Autoimmunity — And How to Find Relief!
Exploring some of the factors that play large roles in how autoimmunity affects — and the other way around.
Can’t Workout? A Hot Bath May Be The Next Best Option
Researchers have found that a hot bath helps to boost metabolism, regulate blood sugar, and reduce inflammation.
Restless Legs Syndrome: Is Reishi Mushroom The Answer?
The root cause of RLS has not been established, but several lifestyle, dietary, and herbal options can help ease symptoms.
Are EMFs Destroying Your Sleep?
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are not something we typically give much thought to in our modern age, but the health impacts are real.
Supercharge Your Immunity and Sleep with the Power of Gratitude
Our brains may be wired to problem-solve, but making the effort to practice gratitude can yield big rewards for mental and physical health
Black Cohosh & Red Clover are My Favorite Remedies for Menopause. Here’s Why.
These two powerful herbs can smooth the transition of menopause and help you to embrace this new chapter in your life.
Unleashing the Power Within: How Confidence Rewires Your Brain
Great news – your brain can learn confidence, and the more you orient towards it, the more confidence is hardwired into your brain!
Harnessing Nature’s Pharmacy: Top Herbs for Focal Dystonia
Focal dystonia symptoms, or the “yips”, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary muscle spasms or contractions in one part of the body.
Best Methods for Attracting Pollinators into Your Garden Space (It’s Easier Than You May Think)
Learn more about specific flowers, plants, and practices that help to encourage a green space brimming with pollinator life.
Facing the Pain: Living with Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia
Lifestyle tips and herbal remedies for those struggling with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia or another form of nerve pain.
The Secret to Beautiful Skin Series (Part III): Exercise & Sleep
Looking at the science-backed reasons why prioritizing quality rest and daily exercise benefits overall health and radiant skin.
Are You Sleep Deficient or Deprived? Here are the Top Symptoms and Solutions
Let’s take a look at both sleep deprivation and sleep deficiency — and how to address the underlying causes so that you can get quality rest!
Natural Health for Children: An Essential Guide
On the lookout for natural remedies for childhood illnesses and ailments? Check out Nicole Apelian’s guide to kid-friendly herbal remedies.
Feeling Tired? Try These Energy Hacks That Don’t Involve Caffeine
Are you one of the estimated 45% of Americans that feels fatigued up to three times a week — even when you’ve slept 7-8 hours a night?
The Science Behind Sleeping Positions: Why It Matters and How to Choose the Best One
Let’s explore which position is best for specific health conditions and get some additional tips for how to support better sleep.
The Hidden Health Risks of Living on the Wrong Side of a Time Zone
How Time Affects Your Circadian Rhythm With daylight savings ending soon where the clocks will be turned back an hour, many of us are looking forward to resuming standard time since it is more closely attuned to our natural circadian rhythms. Considering this...
One Quick (and Simple) Habit That Will Help You to Remember Anything
Memory isn’t what it used to be? Try this technique for greatly improved recall to help you remember anything.
Emotions Are Contagious — Here’s Why.
Did you know we can hardwire our brain towards positivity, and with enough practice, it can become second nature?
Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging Skincare — My Top Tips!
Lifestyle, diet, and natural skincare make a difference in reversing the signs of aging, skin damage, and protecting against future harm.
Want to Reduce Heart Attack and Stroke Risk? Study Shows Gardening Can Help
Gardening is an outstanding form of exercise, relieves stress, and boosts overall physical and mental well-being.
Want to Enjoy a Long and Happy Life? The Secret May Lie in Calming the Brain
Researchers have found that activities of neurons in the brain play a significant role in determining lifespan.
How Leaky Brain Can Lead to Autism, Autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, and More
Leaky brain syndrome occurs when the blood brain barrier is compromised, causing inflammation, mood disorders, chronic fatigue, and more.
Here’s Why Walking in Bad Weather is Good For You
Cold is good? A brief review of some of the history and science behind the beneficial effects of embracing uncomfortable weather.
My Favorite Productivity Hacks to Boost Clarity, Relieve Stress, and Promote Calm
Establishing a positive daily routine can help you to accomplish your goals and create more happiness in your life.
Lifting the Cloud of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Naturally
Lifestyle habits and herbal remedies may reduce seasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms, including flagging energy and brain fog.
This Simple Breathing Technique May Help You Lose Weight, Alleviate Depression, and Calm Asthma
Improved Health in Only 3 Minutes Sometimes the most simple interventions are the most effective solution for health issues. And one of the best examples of this is a technique called Senobi Breathing Exercise (SBE). Gentle yet powerful, this method only takes three...
Need Another Reason to Enjoy Nature? Here are 5 New Science-Backed Benefits
Learn what science has to say about the powerful impact of spending time in nature on your physical and mental health.
How to Stop a Migraine in its Tracks (or Prevent it Altogether)
A review of remedies that lessen the length and severity of migraines, and the triggers that may bring them on.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: My Top Herbal Medicines & Lifestyle Tips for Healing
Reviewing factors that may lead to better treatment and health outcomes for those impacted by chronic fatigue syndrome.
Can Gardening Improve Your Health & Happiness? You Bet! Here’s Why.
Science has found that gardening has a range of healthy benefits, from weight loss to improved physical and cognitive wellbeing.
As Global Temperatures Rise, Our Sleep Will Suffer. Here’s How to Soften the Impact.
A new study finds that global warming will significantly reduce sleep quality around the globe, but we can take steps to minimize the impact.
Transforming Grief Into Strength, Resiliency, Connection, and Hope
Learn about the health-impacts of extended grieving, and methods to navigate these trials in a healthy way.
Secrets of the Blue Zones for Health, Happiness, and Longevity
A researcher set out on a quest to document the secret of blue zones, regional populations of long-lived and exceedingly healthy people.
It’s Time to Let Go of Chronic Busyness — Here’s How
Daily constant stress can cause health issues like weight gain, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, brain fog, and heart disease.
Two Powerful (and Surprising) Methods for Detoxing Your Brain
Learn about the waste clearance system that helps to detoxify your brain and plays an important role in supporting cognitive health.
How To Know If You Have a Thyroid Condition — And What To Do About It
The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland may be tiny but it’s powerful, and malfunctions can cause a cascade of significant health issues.
Ready for a Good Spring Cleaning? Here Are My Favorite Detox Methods — Recipes Included!
Time for a spring detox? The liver is one of your hardest working organs and should be the focus of any detoxification effort.
The Pandemic, Maintaining a Healthy Gut Terrain, and You
Germ theory, terrain theory, or a mix of both? The science is clear: the health of the gut is essential for mental and physical health.
The Top 5 Benefits of Yoga that are Backed by Science
Yoga is a wonderful practice for both mental and physical wellbeing, and its benefits are well backed by science.
Light Pollution: Why it Matters if You Want to Live a Healthy Life
Simple steps to minimize the impacts of artificial lighting in our homes and communities without living in the dark.
Giving Thanks and The True Power of Gratitude
The practice of gratitude helps to put our lives in perspective and enriches us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
The Art of Doing Nothing — And Why It’s Important
Being in a constant state of activity has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing – prioritize slowing down for overall health.
Unplugging: Why a Device and Media Detox is Good Medicine
If you feel as if you could use a reboot in your life, a media and device detox may be just what you need!
Gratitude is good medicine for your health. Here’s why.
Gratitude is a profound habit that can transform your life. A growing body of research shows how it may also impact your physical health.
Keep your cool this summer with these refreshing foods and herbal remedies
Cooling herbs can help with symptoms brought on by the hot summer months, like flaring tempers, bloating, inflammation, and fatigue.