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My All-Natural Guide to a Healthy & Happy Back-to-School Season

My All-Natural Guide to a Healthy & Happy Back-to-School Season

Aug 13, 2024 | Healthy Kids

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that I may earn a small commission from, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I use or have used myself. All opinions expressed here are my own.

A Smooth Transition

It is difficult to believe we are already racing towards the beginning of a new school year, but here we are! Whether you have small children who are just beginning their journey or older teens wrapping up their high school years, it can be a challenging time of adjustment for families who are used to the freedom of summer fun. Below I will share several tips for how to transition into more structured days — and how to stay healthy and happy throughout. Let’s get started!

Helpful Lifestyle Habits

As we all know, what you eat on any given day can make (or break) energy levels, quality of sleep, mood, and more — and this is especially important for children during the back-to-school season. Family meals that focus on whole foods, plenty of fruits and vegetables, while steering clear of processed foods, artificial flavors and colors, and refined sugar can help to support a stable mood, balanced energy, and better focus.

Carving out time in nature is another habit I’ve found to be beneficial for promoting happy children and adults — especially during times of transition. As I wrote in, “Nature Rx: The Science-Supported Miracle Medicine That’s Free“:

“… researchers have found that the benefits of nature impact our mental health by reducing mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, it improves ADHD symptoms, focus, and boosts a sense of well-being and resiliency with less of a tendency towards rumination.”

Since the school year typically means more time indoors, being in nature is a priority for my family to support overall well being.

Nicole Apelian with lemon balm in raised bed

Sleep, Stress, & Anxiety

This brings us to the importance of sleep. It’s no surprise that stress and anxiety can disrupt sleep. The reverse is also true: poor sleep can trigger higher levels of stress and anxiety. It is a challenging cycle to break — especially during the disruption that typically accompanies the back-to-school season. But there is one herb in particular that can help: lemon balm.

Don’t let this gentle, delightfully scented medicinal plant fool you: it is a powerfully effective remedy for calming spinning thoughts, stress, and restless sleep. Lemon balm is also outstanding for boosting memory, mood, clarity, and focus — making it a helpful ally for children (and their parents) during the school year. What’s more, lemon balm is an excellent remedy for ADHD and is known to support those with autism spectrum disorder. A concentrated lemon balm extract can be found in my apothecary.

elderberries leaves and tea

Avoiding Contagious Illness

It’s an unfortunate fact that the back-to-school season also ushers in an unwelcome guest: contagious illness. The transition of the season, less outdoor time, and close contact with groups of children sets the stage for a higher chance of picking up a bug. Beyond making sure your family is getting enough quality rest, washing their hands frequently, and eating a healthy diet, the top defense for my family against illness is our Travel Pack. In fact, I never leave home without it during the school season, while traveling, or if we will be around crowds.

This bundle contains three essential herbal remedies to keep you and your family healthy: a concentrated, immune-boosting elderberry tincture; antimicrobial usnea throat spray; and a tin of our antiviral and antibacterial All-Purpose (First Aid) Salve. Here are the unique benefits of each:


  • Antiviral
  • Colds
  • Influenza
  • Can be safely used by children
  • Severe respiratory illness
  • Shortens the duration of colds and the flu
  • Elderberry is a safe option for treating viral respiratory illness and does not over-stimulate the immune system or create a ‘cytokine storm’.
  • A study published in the medical journal Autoimmunity Reviews believes that “the use of elderberry supplements should be considered at an early course of
  • the [severe respiratory] disease”.


  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Antimicrobial
  • Bruises
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Stings
  • Rashes
  • Cuts, scrapes, burns
  • Can be applied to the inside the nose as a preventative for contagious illness


  • Herbal antibiotic
  • Antiviral
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antifungal
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Sinus infections
  • Strep throat
  • Epstein-Barr
  • Tuberculosis
  • Facilitates clotting and stops bleeding
  • Can be sprayed on the back of the throat to prevent/treat illness
dried herbs

Herbal Safety

While I have used all of the herbs mentioned in this post with my own family (including when my boys were young and as they have grown), it is always a good idea to consult with a naturopathic physician who is familiar with your child’s personal health history before using herbal remedies — particularly if there is an underlying health condition or they are taking medication and/or other supplements.

Having said that, a general rule of thumb can be found as follows with two options from The Naturopathic Dosing Guidelines:

  1. Clark’s rule uses weight in pounds: Child’s dose = (Child’s weight/150 lbs) multiplied by the Adult dose.
  2. Young’s rule uses age: Child’s dose = (Child’s age ÷ (Child’s age+12)) multiplied by the Adult dose (only used for children 2+ years).

Interested in deepening your knowledge about natural health for children? Have a look at this post.

Nicoles Apothecary Travel Pack

My apothecary is also a tremendous resource of information. Visit today to learn more about how our Lemon Balm Tincture and Travel Pack Bundle can keep you and your family healthy, happy, and focused this back-to-school season and beyond!

Nicole Apelian

Nicole’s Apothecary Products in this Post

Nicole's Apothecary Lemon Balm Tincture

Lemon Balm Tincture

Nicole's Apothecary Travel Pack bundle

Travel Pack

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