This mushroom helps prevent picking up the latest bug, enhances gut health, improves immune function, and reduces inflammation.
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Everyday Elderberry: The Incredible Superfruit That Can Fight Aging, Cancer, Heart Disease & More!
Let’s dig deeper into the outstanding and versatile benefits of elderberry, a truly multipurpose botanical.
My Top Herbal Recommendations for HIV and AIDS
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is known worldwide as a severe retroviral infection that causes the destruction of the immune system.
Herbal Focus: Oregon Grape Mahonia (Berberis) aquifolium and M. nervosa
Oregon Grape is an exceptionally versatile plant, useful in the treatment of UTI’s, skin infections, severe respiratory syndrome, and the flu.
Herbal Focus: Black Walnut, Eastern (Juglans nigra)
Identify and harvest the tasty, nutritious Black Walnut, and learn more about its powerful medicinal uses. Tincture recipe included!