Excess refined sugar is pleasurable while we are enjoying it, but what follows wreaks havoc on our health and our skin.
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Natural Weight Loss: My Top Tips!
Support for your healthy weight goals, including: diet, herbal remedies, exercise, vitamins and minerals, and daily habits.
A Natural Approach to Managing Huntington’s Disease
Research offers a ray of hope in slowing the progression of Huntington’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that affects 30k Americans.
Six Ways to Slash Your Cancer Risk by 40%
Modifiable risk factors play a large role in your chances of developing cancer, but simple lifestyle changes may help to prevent the disease.
NEAT: The Secret to Weight Loss That Doesn’t Involve a Gym
The smallest habit shifts can add up to significant caloric burn? Let’s talk about Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT).
Suffering From Hay Fever? Here’s How to Naturally Ease Symptoms With Food & Herbs
Exploring food and herbs that ease hay fever symptoms so you can embrace spring and take advantage of all the season has to offer.
Fat, Sugar, & Salt Aren’t the Problem. This Is.
It may surprise you to learn consuming fat and sugar aren’t the health-destroying villains researchers once thought they were.
You Asked, I Listened: Best Practices for Natural Detoxification
Detox season? Explore how to support your liver and kidneys, recommended foods, herbs, and detox methods, and detoxifying heavy metals.
My Favorite Autumn Detox Routine — Here’s Why You Should Try It Too. Recipe Included!
A fall detox focuses on removing the busyness of the summer months and nourishing your system so you can navigate the fall and winter.
Don’t Let Ulcerative Colitis Get You Down. Try These Natural Methods to Ease Symptoms and Boost Your Mood.
Ulcerative colitis can be a challenging condition with flare ups caused by stress and trigger foods, affecting both body and mind.
Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging Skincare — My Top Tips!
Lifestyle, diet, and natural skincare make a difference in reversing the signs of aging, skin damage, and protecting against future harm.
Seeking the Best Diet for Brain Health? Green Mediterranean is the Answer.
Researchers have discovered that the green Mediterranean diet is one of the best ways to promote brain health and reduce neurodegeneration.
Why Functional Medicine is the Future of Healthcare
Functional medicine views the body as an integrated system and it is effective in uncovering and treating the root cause of complex illnesses
The Gut/Brain Axis: How Nurturing Your Microbiome Can Defeat Depression, Anxiety, and More
Addressing the state of your gut microbiome is an important aspect of healing if you struggle with depression, anxiety, brain fog.
The Pandemic, Maintaining a Healthy Gut Terrain, and You
Germ theory, terrain theory, or a mix of both? The science is clear: the health of the gut is essential for mental and physical health.
6 Foods to Boost Your Mood During the Dark Days of Winter and Beyond
Don’t underestimate the power of food – research shows that diet can be a helpful ally to brighten your outlook!
How Herbal Remedies Can Help Transform Lives – One Family’s Story
A loyal customer shares her and her family’s ongoing success with a range of herbal products from Nicole’s Apothecary.
How I Manage Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Nicole discusses the daily regimen that works best for her body and lifestyle to manage Multiple Sclerosis.