Our brains may be wired to problem-solve, but making the effort to practice gratitude can yield big rewards for mental and physical health
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Results for "gratitude"
Want to Live More Sustainably? Practice Gratitude
Add this to the growing list of reasons why expressing gratitude is vital for a great life – it can actually help us to live more sustainably!
8 Science-Backed Reasons Why Gratitude Is Good for Your Career, Relationships, & Health
Gratitude is an excellent practice to embrace during the holidays. Here are 8 ways gratitude can change your life for the better.
The Transformative Power of Gratitude in the Workplace
Gratitude is a powerful practice for our overall health and well-being. It can transform our daily lives, even in the workplace.
Gratitude is good medicine for your health. Here’s why.
Gratitude is a profound habit that can transform your life. A growing body of research shows how it may also impact your physical health.
Gratitude: A Powerful Practice for Relieving Stress and Anxiety
Practicing gratitude can become a habit that powerfully shifts our thoughts so that we experience less stress and anxiety.
Giving Thanks and The True Power of Gratitude
The practice of gratitude helps to put our lives in perspective and enriches us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
I start my days off with gratitude. No matter how bad things seem in life there is always something to be grateful for. That thankfulness can change your whole outlook for the day. My youngest son and I sometimes do a simple gratitude: Thank you for the birds and the...
Harnessing the Power of Radical Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Radical gratitude is about turning obstacles into opportunities, and transforming loss or negativity into a path of gratefulness.
How to Foster Nature Connection for Holistic Healing
We are all in need of Vitamin N, nature. It’s a really easy prescription to write for yourself, and it’s free.
How Stress Changes Your Microbiome for the Worse
Microbiome support with a fiber-rich diet, stress reduction practices, and herbal remedies may lead to a healthier, happier life.
Rediscovering Joy After Adversity
Seven research-based tips to help you navigate adversity in ways that lead to positive growth, contentment, and, ultimately, joy.
Unleashing the Power Within: How Confidence Rewires Your Brain
Great news – your brain can learn confidence, and the more you orient towards it, the more confidence is hardwired into your brain!
The 3 Traits of the Happiest People on Earth — It’s Not What You May Think
Finland has been named “Happiest Country” in the World Happiness Report 2023. They’ve won that distinction 6 times now, what’s their secret?
How a Sense of Purpose Helps Us to Survive & Thrive: The Science Behind a Purpose Driven Life
A discussion of scientific and anecdotal evidence that explain how, and why, a sense of purpose is crucial for wellness.
Achieving Holistic Health through a Connection to Self
Connection to Self You may have noticed a few themes running through these articles about holistic health, and that’s not an accident. We foster nature connection in much the same way we foster a connection to self, using simple practices you can implement in your own...
My Favorite Morning Routine for Exceptional Gut Health
Approaching the morning intentionally with a positive routine sets the tone for the entire day, and can lead to better gut health!
Why Functional Medicine is the Future of Healthcare
Functional medicine views the body as an integrated system and it is effective in uncovering and treating the root cause of complex illnesses
How to Break Out of Negative Thinking in 30 Seconds or Less According to Neuroscientists
The Mind-Body Connection When I began my journey with multiple sclerosis and found myself in a downward spiral of extremely poor health, I realized that I needed a radical shift in how I approached illness. Along with medicinal mushrooms and other natural remedies,...
Navigating the Emotional Impact of Multiple Sclerosis
Nicole Apelian’s journey to navigating the emotional and physical aspects of MS, and how she thrives in spite of it.
My Favorite Productivity Hacks to Boost Clarity, Relieve Stress, and Promote Calm
Establishing a positive daily routine can help you to accomplish your goals and create more happiness in your life.
Transforming Grief Into Strength, Resiliency, Connection, and Hope
Learn about the health-impacts of extended grieving, and methods to navigate these trials in a healthy way.
Encouraging Small Moments of Joy in Everyday Life
Cultivate moments of joy to boost health and contribute to less stress, improved heart health, a stronger immune system, and reduced pain.
The 3 Keys to a Sharp Brain: Passion, Exercise, & Meaningful Relationships
Exciting research has found that a sense of purpose, moving your body, and personal connections are a boon to cognitive health.
Hygge and the Art of Comfort & Connection
How to practice the Scandinavian art of being cozy, hygge, and cultivate calm, comfortable contentment during these dark days of winter.
Feeling Tired? Try These Energy Hacks That Don’t Involve Caffeine
Are you one of the estimated 45% of Americans that feels fatigued up to three times a week — even when you’ve slept 7-8 hours a night?
Emotions Are Contagious — Here’s Why.
Did you know we can hardwire our brain towards positivity, and with enough practice, it can become second nature?
Memory, Emotion, and Stress — How The Relationship Between all Three Predicts Disease
The pioneering work of Esther Sternberg M.D. has revolutionized how we look at the mind-body connection in modern medicine.
Struggling With Insomnia? Try This Little Known Japanese Sleep Solution
A simple yet effective Japanese method called Kaizen may just be the answer to establishing a solid sleep routine.
The Pandemic, Maintaining a Healthy Gut Terrain, and You
Germ theory, terrain theory, or a mix of both? The science is clear: the health of the gut is essential for mental and physical health.
Holistic Health and Mind-Body Connection
Mind-Body Connection We all know that emotional stress can cause physiological responses in the body via the nervous and hormonal systems, illustrating the mind-body connection. These physical responses kick off a cascade of reactions in the body that often lead to...
How I Manage Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Nicole discusses the daily regimen that works best for her body and lifestyle to manage Multiple Sclerosis.
Herbalism 101: Harnessing the Power of Plant-Based Medicine
Plant medicine has been time-tested for millennia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda – here are some tips to start making your own.
Need to Brighten Your Mood and Reduce Stress? Polyphenols May be the Answer.
Polyphenols are antioxidants found in nutrient-rich foods that can protect against oxidative stress, disease, and boost your mood!
Facing the Pain: Living with Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia
Lifestyle tips and herbal remedies for those struggling with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia or another form of nerve pain.
Here’s Why SARS Can Cause Poor Sleep For Months — And What To Do About It
The Relationship Between Immunity, Illness, & Sleep Science has long established poor sleep impacts your immunity and can create the perfect storm for illness. Be that as it may, research is coming to light demonstrating that disrupted sleep doesn't necessarily...
The Key to Healthy Weight Loss — It’s Not What You May Think.
There is no shortage of strategies for losing weight, but researchers have found three methods that may surprise you.
Great News! Study Finds Middle Age Doesn’t Cause Weight Gain
Check out a recent study that challenges long-held beliefs that metabolism naturally slows down as we age.
Putting Your Best Face Forward: Natural Methods for Reducing Rosacea Flares
What is rosacea? A lifelong inflammatory skin condition that impacts more than 16 million Americans, rosacea causes flushing and redness in the center of the face; visibly broken blood vessels; swelling and inflammation; and burning, dry scaly skin. Signs of the...
Researchers Discover Changes in the Gut Microbiota After Severe Respiratory Syndrome — And What This Means For You
Are you struggling with post recovery syndrome after a viral respiratory infection? A fascinating new study may shed light on the root cause.
The Hidden Health Risks of Living on the Wrong Side of a Time Zone
How Time Affects Your Circadian Rhythm With daylight savings ending soon where the clocks will be turned back an hour, many of us are looking forward to resuming standard time since it is more closely attuned to our natural circadian rhythms. Considering this...
Love Your Kidneys With These Natural Health Tips
Treating These Vital Organs Well The kidneys are often the unsung heroes of detoxification. When exposure to toxins, a genetic predisposition, or lifestyle choices damage these vital organs, it can lead to disease and a host of health issues. Those with diabetes and...
Having a Bad Day? Here’s How to Quickly Turn it Around.
Sympathetic nervous system activation compromises our ability to reason, focus, and think clearly. Time to reset!
Ongoing Fatigue, Loss of Smell, & Brain Fog After a Viral Infection? New Study Shows it May be Due to an Autoimmune Reaction
Ongoing fatigue, loss of smell, and brain fog are a few of the frustratingly persistent after effects of viral illness.
This is How a Healthy Gut Improves Vitamin D Availability
Research has found that the state of your gut microbiome directly influences how well you absorb vitamin D, a crucial vitamin.
Want to Enjoy a Long and Happy Life? The Secret May Lie in Calming the Brain
Researchers have found that activities of neurons in the brain play a significant role in determining lifespan.
How Leaky Brain Can Lead to Autism, Autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, and More
Leaky brain syndrome occurs when the blood brain barrier is compromised, causing inflammation, mood disorders, chronic fatigue, and more.
High-Salt Diet Linked to Inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis
If you have multiple sclerosis or another autoimmune condition, recent research suggests you may want to curb your salt habit.
Managing the Symptoms of Lupus, Naturally!
Natural approaches to symptom management for calming lupus flares, including diet, lifestyle habits, helpful supplements, and herbs.
Seeking a Natural Approach to Cushing Syndrome? Here are My Top Remedies.
Examining a multi-pronged approach to Cushing’s Syndrome, a multiple-symptom condition which impacts 10-15 million people every year.
Just in Time for the Holidays: How True Forgiveness Can Boost Our Health & Happiness
The practice of releasing resentment, anger, and hostility, or forgiveness, has been proven to impact health and happiness.
Children’s Health: Treating PANDAS Naturally
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders (PANDAS) seriously impact learning, memory, and school performance.
Our Ancestral Microbiome is Disappearing. Here’s How to Help Slow the Damage.
Gut health is a vital factor in avoiding chronic disease. Learn how to encourage microbial diversity for ourselves and future generations.
Seasonal Health: Autumn
Nicole’s favorite methods for creating balance during autumn, strengthening yourself against contagious illness, and fortifying your lungs.
Here’s How to Naturally Improve Hair Health and Stop Excessive Shedding
Certain lifestyle habits, herbal remedies, and diet changes can significantly reduce hair loss and encourage healthy growth.
My Favorite Natural Solutions for Sleep Apnea
Suffering from sleep apnea? It’s important to address the underlying causes sooner rather than later to avoid chronic health issues.
Healing Gout: Natural Remedies That Really Work!
Dietary and lifestyle choices, along with medicinal herbs, can help manage the symptoms of gout, a chronic inflammatory disease.
“Post Recovery Syndrome”, Autoimmunity, Cancer, and More Linked with Epstein-Barr Virus. Here’s How to Defeat it.
The common Epstein-Barr virus may be associated with cancer, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and “post recovery syndrome.”
Natural Acne Remedies That Really Work!
A discussion of natural solutions for supporting healthy, clear skin, that work with the body, not against it.
My Top Herbal Remedies for Urgent Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief
Natural remedies and a shift in lifestyle practices can offer much-needed relief for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
Intermittent Fasting: The Missing Link for Avoiding Viral Illness?
Compelling research is showing that an intermittent fasting practice may greatly influence and enhance immune response.
Breaking the Cycle of Herpes and Shingles with the Power of Herbal Remedies
Medicinal herbs are a safe and effective avenue for preventing and treating herpes and shingles outbreaks.
Struggling to shed unwanted pounds? These underlying conditions may be the cause.
Undiagnosed autoimmune disease, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, and other factors can make it difficult to achieve your weight loss goals.
My 5 Favorite Medicinal Herbs for Defeating Lyme Disease and Co-Infections
Lyme Disease is the top vector-borne disease in the United States – learn about the many herbal options for healing.
Struggling with Fatigue? Herbal Remedies to the Rescue!
Medicinal herbal remedies are an excellent choice for support along the journey to regaining your energy and vibrancy.
The True Cause of “Adrenal Fatigue” — And How to Heal It
Always exhausted, gaining weight, craving sweet or salty foods, and experiencing brain fog? You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue.
How to Help Hashimoto’s and Autoimmunity With These 8 Powerful Herbs
For those who struggle with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, medicinal herbs are a powerful ally for addressing the maze of life-disrupting symptoms.
Wild Joy: The Bliss (and Challenges) of Nature Adventures, My Story
Nicole’s relationship with nature and love of wild places was established early, and has only deepened as her journey continues.
Help keep joints happy this winter with my top 4 herbal remedies and lifestyle tips
Increased arthritic pain during the cold winter months may be mitigated with these practical tips and a few of my favorite botanicals.
Why Medicinal Mushroom Tinctures are My Top Choice for Autoimmune Disorders
Evidence has shown Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Turkey Tail to be effective in regulating immune responses in folks with autoimmune conditions.
Survive & Thrive with Nicole Apelian
NICOLE APELIAN, PH.D. Herbalist, biologist, anthropologist, researcher, mother, survival TV celebrity, traditional skills instructor, and author.
Holistic Health and the Importance of Fostering Personal Cultural Repair
Holistic Health What is holistic health? It is knowing your own body and taking charge of it as a complete entity, not as a specific disease. Yes, it’s diet, it’s supplements, it’s herbal medicine, it’s exercise, it’s lifestyle, it’s gratitude, it’s “alternative”...
Journey of Possibilities Podcast | Medicinal Plants, Multiple Sclerosis, Natural Wellness
Listen in to this enlightening discussion on holistic wellness with Journey of Possibilities podcast host Sheryl Sitts. Sheryl and I discuss the following topics and more: Raising children with a healthy connection to nature and the outdoors Balancing the demands of...
About Nicole Apelian, Ph.D.
Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist, biologist, anthropologist, best-selling author, survival TV celebrity, mother, educator, and traditional skills instructor. Nicole is excited to share her knowledge and expertise of herbal medicine, wild foods, nature connection,...
Menopausal Weight Gain: Here’s How to Defeat It
Let’s have a look at the different stages of menopause hormonal changes and how each can influence your weight.
Here’s How Menopause Affects Autoimmunity — And How to Find Relief!
Exploring some of the factors that play large roles in how autoimmunity affects — and the other way around.
The Stress-Cortisol Connection: Why It Matters for Your Skin
Chronic stress is bad for your health and the stress hormone cortisol can significantly age your skin prematurely.
The Science Behind the Healing Power of Prayer
Does prayer have the power to cure illness? Researchers are looking at examples of remarkable healing, unexplained recoveries, and prayer.