Excess refined sugar is pleasurable while we are enjoying it, but what follows wreaks havoc on our health and our skin.
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Healthful Eating
3 Simple DIY Home Remedies For Weight Loss
Here are 3 all-natural slim down remedies utilizing readily available ingredients already found in your pantry.
Eggs for Better Brain Health: A Simple Way to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
Learn why eggs are good for brain health and how several key herbs can also help keep neurodegeneration at bay.
Natural Weight Loss: My Top Tips!
Support for your healthy weight goals, including: diet, herbal remedies, exercise, vitamins and minerals, and daily habits.
Here’s How to Defeat Sugar Cravings Once and For All
Refined sugar is a tough addiction to break! Learn some tangible steps you can take to overcome sugar cravings once and for all.
Healthy Aging and The Hidden Dangers of AGEs
AGEs are advanced glycation end products, and when we have too many in the bloodstream it can lead to premature aging and a range of diseases.
Seaweed: The Ultimate Sustainable Superfood?
Seaweed is a sustainable nutritional powerhouse that is a food staple around the world, learn why it should also be part of your diet!
Boost Your Brain Health: How Olive Oil Can Slash Dementia & Alzheimer’s Risk
Learn what the latest science says about olive oil’s cognitive health benefits, including reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Top Alternatives to Toxic Cookware
80 years after the advent of non-stick cookware and we’re now seeing the health consequences of the use of these chemicals in our cookware.
Here’s Why You Should Eat More Plants for a Better Brain
Plant-heavy diets have become exceedingly popular with those who want to improve health and treat conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Tiny With Big Benefits: Here’s Why Everyone Should Be Eating Chia Seeds for Heart Health
A Small But Mighty Seed Long known in health circles as a health-promoting superfood, chia seeds are packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain important antioxidants, such as quercetin, kaempferol, chlorogenic acid,...
Carnivore Diet, The Microbiome, & You
Let’s examine how the animal product-heavy, “zero carb” carnivore diet impacts gut health and the microbiome.
Does Eating Earlier Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk & More? Researchers Say Yes.
Learn how disrupting our internal clock can increase our risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic disorder, and weight gain.
Fat, Sugar, & Salt Aren’t the Problem. This Is.
It may surprise you to learn consuming fat and sugar aren’t the health-destroying villains researchers once thought they were.
You Asked, I Listened: Best Practices for Natural Detoxification
Detox season? Explore how to support your liver and kidneys, recommended foods, herbs, and detox methods, and detoxifying heavy metals.
Chocolate is Having a Moment: Here’s How to Reap the Health Benefits.
Let’s explore the science that supports more chocolate in your life, this may just be the delicious superfood you’ve been seeking.
Four Popular Diets: Exploring the Benefits of Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, & Plant-Based
Are you seeking a healthful diet for the new year after a season of holiday indulgence? Let’s explore some currently popular options.
There’s No Better Time Than Now to Enjoy Turkey Tail Mushroom — An Immune-Boosting, Disease-Destroying Thanksgiving Superfood!
This mushroom helps prevent picking up the latest bug, enhances gut health, improves immune function, and reduces inflammation.
My Favorite Autumn Detox Routine — Here’s Why You Should Try It Too. Recipe Included!
A fall detox focuses on removing the busyness of the summer months and nourishing your system so you can navigate the fall and winter.
Non-Dairy Chai Tea: A Delicious Way to Fight Inflammation, Pain, & Much More — Recipe Included!
Delicious chai tea is brimming with beneficial herbs that can help ease joint pain, muscle aches, and even chronic inflammation!
Eating More Fiber in Pregnancy: The Missing Link for Your Baby’s Brain?
Researchers have discovered that a high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of neurodevelopmental delays in children.
Pumpkin Power: How This Fall Favorite Boosts Your Health and Immunity
A Humble Fruit With Surprising Benefits As we head into autumn, one of the hallmarks of the season is the abundance of pumpkin in all its glorious forms. Think: Sweet bread, pie, savory soups, cookies, and even ice cream. It truly is one of the most versatile fruits...
Is a High-Sugar, High-Carbohydrate Diet Causing Your Depression & Anxiety?
Science has something to say about the impact of sugar on your brain and body. Here are some ways to break the sugar habit once and for all.
Natural Weight Loss Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Losing Pounds and Keeping Them Off for Good
My Top Natural Weight Loss Strategies For many, weight loss can be a complicated affair since there are many factors that are involved: age, hormonal balance, stress levels, toxicity, thyroid issues, and even autoimmunity can all contribute to excess pounds. If you...
The Ketogenic Diet and Autoimmunity: Here is What You Need to Know
Considering a ketogenic diet for autoimmunity? Research has shown it can be beneficial, neuroprotective, and is known to calm inflammation.
Time-Restricted Eating: The Simple, Science-Backed Strategy to Optimize Your Health, Lose Weight, and Fight Metabolic Disorders
Thermogenesis — the body mechanism for burning energy from food — is directly linked to the light-dark cycles of our circadian rhythms.
My Favorite Morning Routine for Exceptional Gut Health
Approaching the morning intentionally with a positive routine sets the tone for the entire day, and can lead to better gut health!
How Gluten-Free and Plant-Based Diets Can Lead to Poor Gut Health
If you are eating conventional foods, you may be unknowingly ingesting glyphosate, a toxin that severely damages the gut and overall health.
Is This Common Food Additive the Cause of Your Weight Gain and Anxiety?
Learn about emulsifiers, the foods that contain them, and how to naturally address anxiety, inflammation, and gut health.
Food Allergies & Sensitivities: Could Butyrate Be the Solution?
Researchers are testing unique ways to address food allergies, including healing the microbiome with a compound called butyrate.
Seeking the Best Diet for Brain Health? Green Mediterranean is the Answer.
Researchers have discovered that the green Mediterranean diet is one of the best ways to promote brain health and reduce neurodegeneration.
Can Excess Salt Damage Immunity? Researchers Say Yes.
Scientists have found that excess sodium intake is linked to many health conditions, and also lowers resistance to bacteria infections.
High-Salt Diet & Stress: Here is What You Need to Know
Researchers have discovered that lowering salt in your diet is a crucial component to soothing stress in your life.
Need Another Reason to Avoid Sugar? Study Shows it Promotes Metabolic Syndrome by Altering the Microbiome
Researchers have now confirmed what health and wellness advocates have known for decades — refined sugar destroys your gut.
Are You Keto? New Study Finds High-Fat Diets Reprogram Immune Cells
A new study has found that a high-fat diet, such as what you find with a ketogenic diet, can reprogram immune cells to enhance immunity.
High-Salt Diet Linked to Inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis
If you have multiple sclerosis or another autoimmune condition, recent research suggests you may want to curb your salt habit.
Eating Later in the Evening Encourages Obesity. Here’s Why.
New science explains how meal timing plays a major role in energy expenditure, appetite, and pathways within fat tissue.
DIY Sauerkraut: An Inexpensive (and Delicious!) Remedy For Gut Issues. Recipe Included!
Homemade sauerkraut is a simple and budget-friendly way to boost your microbiome health, and also improve mood, immunity, and weight loss.
This is How a Sugar Detox Can Change Your Brain for the Better
The heavy impact refined sugar has on brain function, and how to remedy our addiction to this widespread additive.
Discover the Wild World of Sourdough for Gut Health and More!
Explore the wild world of sourdough fermentation and learn how this ancient technique can yield delicious bread that is good for you!
Elevate Your Meals With These Healthy Condiments — Wild Food Recipe Included!
Explore a few of Nicole’s favorite go-to condiments that will elevate your meals to a whole new level of flavor and nutrition.
My Favorite Culinary Oils for Inflammation, Weight Loss, Diabetes, and More
Learn about the many different types of culinary oils to choose from, which is best for your needs, and how to use it properly.
Why (Almost) Everyone Should Eat Seaweed — Wild Food Recipe Included!
Dive into one of Nicole Apelian’s favorite superfoods for healthy living – if you’ve never tried seaweed, you are in for a treat!
Herbal Focus: Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
Jerusalem artichoke is a wonderfully sweet, easy to grow autumn tuber with several significant health benefits.
Now is a fantastic time to enjoy foraging and wild foods. Recipes included!
A few basics of what to keep in mind while safely foraging, as well as some favorite wild foods and recipes.
There’s No Better Time Than Now To Go Wild For Alpine Blueberries!
All about bog/alpine blueberries – a power-packed superfood which can help protect you against cancer, aging, and cardiovascular disease.
Magical Morel Mushrooms: A Savory Wild Food for Boosting Immunity, Inhibiting Cancer, and Defeating Infections
Morel mushrooms are a wild, health-promoting superfood with many medicinal benefits and outstanding flavor.
Japanese Honeysuckle: Problematic Weed or Outstanding Herbal Remedy? You Decide.
Studies have shown Japanese Honeysuckle to exhibit immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant health benefits.
Plume Thistle: A Powerful Medicinal Herb and Delicious Wild Food Rolled into One
Plume thistle may be a prickly weed found throughout the world, but it’s also a nutritious food and medicinal herb with many uses.
Keep your cool this summer with these refreshing foods and herbal remedies
Cooling herbs can help with symptoms brought on by the hot summer months, like flaring tempers, bloating, inflammation, and fatigue.
The Wild and Wonderful World of Cattails, Nature’s Plant-Based Corn Dogs
Cattails are an outstanding wild food for survival – boasting nutritious edible shoots, roots, and pollen.
The Ultimate Guide to Foraging Wild Foods — Now Available!
Nicole shares her brand-new book: The Foragers Guide to Wild Foods, Edible Plants, Lichens, Mushrooms, and Seaweeds.
Feasting on Foraged Fare: Lamb’s Quarter!
Lamb’s Quarter is a nutritional powerhouse, an effective poultice, and a hearty annual that can be found growing wild on every continent.
Organic Gardening 101: 3 Methods for Cultivating a Bountiful Harvest
Tips to help you cultivate a successful organic garden and put your own fresh and healthy produce on the table.
Cooking on the Wild Side: Ideas & Inspiration for Foraged Fare Year-Round
Are you ready to get excited about wild foods and foraging? Learn more about the magic that comes with foraging your next meal.
Discover the Joy of Wild foods, Foraging, and DIY Spore Prints
Nicole shares her enthusiasm for foraging in the wilderness for food, including plants you may be able to locate close to home.