Red clover is a powerful herb that alleviates menopause symptoms and promotes bone, cardiovascular health in menopausal women.
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Herbal Focus
Herbal Focus: Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
Learn how to identify, grow, and use rosemary, an all-time favorite, easily-accessible herb with a wide range of benefits.
Herbal Focus: SchisandraSchisandra chinensis
Schisandra should be on your radar because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, and neuroprotective properties.
Herbal Focus: Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa
Black cohosh (black bugbane, black snakeroot, baneberry, or rattleweed) is known as a potent remedy for balancing hormones during menopause.
Herbal Focus:Andrographis paniculata
Andrographis is a helpful botanical with a spectrum of uses including boosting immunity, respiratory conditions, inflammation, and colds/flu.
Herbal Focus: Maitake MushroomGrifola frondosa
A popular culinary and medicinal mushroom, wild maitake grows throughout North America, Europe, China, and Japan.
Herbal Focus: GooseberryRibes spp.
Want to age gracefully, balance blood sugar, and boost brain and cardiovascular health? The gooseberry should be part of your daily diet.
Herbal Focus: Birch (Black) Betula lenta
Your local Black Birch tree is a healing powerhouse and an outstanding source of food and natural medicine.
Herbal Focus: Oregon Grape Mahonia (Berberis) aquifolium and M. nervosa
Oregon Grape is an exceptionally versatile plant, useful in the treatment of UTI’s, skin infections, severe respiratory syndrome, and the flu.
Herbal Focus: Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Tips on how to identify and harvest the soft and mighty herb mullein, as well as how to utilize its powerful medicinal properties.
Nigella sativa: A Small But Mighty Seed for Autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and Much More!
Black seed oil has been traditionally used by many cultures for thousands of years as a natural beauty and health remedy. Science agrees.
Herbal Focus: White Pine (Pinus strobus)
Ready to reap the benefits of eastern white pine? Identification tips, what and when to harvest, and its edible and medicinal uses.
Herbal Focus: Black Walnut, Eastern (Juglans nigra)
Identify and harvest the tasty, nutritious Black Walnut, and learn more about its powerful medicinal uses. Tincture recipe included!
Amanita muscaria: A Legendary Mushroom With a Healthy Twist
How to locate, harvest, and prepare the impossible-to-miss Amanita muscaria mushroom safely during your foraging adventures!
Herbal Focus: Golden Root Rhodiola rosea
For those without autoimmune disorders, Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, can help to address a wide range of health complaints.
Herbal Focus: Bladderwrack(Focus vesiculosus)
Bladderwrack, a common type of seaweed, is a nutritional powerhouse and can be used for a variety of medicinal and beauty purposes.
Herbal Focus: Bilberry(Vaccinium myrtillus)
Bilberry is a powerhouse of nutrition and medicinal uses this is a berry that everyone should get to know!
Herbal Focus: Bee Balm(Monarda didyma)
Bee balm is a beautiful plant that attracts a range of pollinators into your garden, including hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.
Herbal Focus: Yarrow(Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow is a wonder herb for infectious illness, wounds, dental pain, fever, menstrual complaints, anxiety, swellings, and more!
Herbal Focus: Holy Basil(Ocimum tenuiflorum/Ocimum sanctum)
Learn about holy basil, a perennial herb that is often grown for both religious and medicinal use, and can be enjoyed in multiple ways.
Herbal Focus:Maple (Bigleaf) (Acer macrophyllum)
Winter morphs into spring, and the big maple leaf blooms are emerging here in the Pacific Northwest. Learn more about these versatile flowers.
Herbal Focus: Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides)
Spring is just around the corner in the Pacific Northwest, which means it’s cottonwood bud season. Learn all about this medicinal powerhouse!
Herbal Focus: Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
Jerusalem artichoke is a wonderfully sweet, easy to grow autumn tuber with several significant health benefits.
Suffering from pain, inflammation, or insomnia? Wild lettuce may help
Wild lettuce (also known as opium or prickly lettuce) is an outstanding wild food and herbal remedy, famous for its ability to address pain.
Magical Morel Mushrooms: A Savory Wild Food for Boosting Immunity, Inhibiting Cancer, and Defeating Infections
Morel mushrooms are a wild, health-promoting superfood with many medicinal benefits and outstanding flavor.
Japanese Honeysuckle: Problematic Weed or Outstanding Herbal Remedy? You Decide.
Studies have shown Japanese Honeysuckle to exhibit immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant health benefits.
Plume Thistle: A Powerful Medicinal Herb and Delicious Wild Food Rolled into One
Plume thistle may be a prickly weed found throughout the world, but it’s also a nutritious food and medicinal herb with many uses.
Chinese Skullcap: A Traditional Medicinal Herb That Tackles Cancer, Inflammation, Allergies, and Anxiety
Chinese skullcap is a medicinal herb that has unique health benefits and is an outstanding remedy for a host of afflictions.
The Power of Pine Needle Tea for Respiratory Health, Immunity, and More
Nicole reviews the many benefits of pine needle, an important herbal remedy that is a powerful source of nutrition and natural medicine.
Herbal Focus: Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor)
This beautiful medicinal mushroom is a phenomenal botanical – boasting benefits for issues ranging from inflammation to heart health.
Japanese Knotweed: A Mighty Medicinal Herb For Respiratory Health, Inflammation, Lyme Disease, and Much More
This botanical may be an invasive weed, but it is also known to help prevent and treat a number of health disorders.
Herbal Focus: Usnea Lichen (Usnea barbata)
Usnea is an outstanding herbal remedy and the go-to herb for keeping healthy during cold and flu season and when traveling or in crowds.
Herbal Focus: Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Marshmallow has outstanding medicinal properties and has been traditionally used for a range of digestive, lung, and urinary issues.
Herbal Focus: Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Hello Stinging Nettle, goodbye allergies! More than just a prickly plant, this herb is nutrient dense, medicinal, and makes gorgeous fiber.
Herbal Focus: Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris)
Boost energy, calm Inflammation, and regulate blood sugar with Cordyceps, a miracle mushroom with an impressive range of benefits.
Herbal Focus: Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)
All about elderberry, why it’s one of the most imporant herbs you can use during the cold & flu season, and Nicole’s top 3 uses.
Herbal Focus: St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
St. John’s Wort is a yellow-flowered botanical known for easing depression and anxiety, but it’s also an exceptional anti-inflammatory.
Herbal Focus: Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
Lion’s Mane mushroom is an outstanding medicinal herbal remedy, providing stress and anxiety support, boosting energy, and reducing fatigue.
Herbal Focus: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
The ashwagandha plant has a wide range of medicinal uses that include stress relief, improved cognitive function, and enhanced immunity.
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
Reishi mushroom helps to strengthen the body against the negative effects of stress and encourages healthy immune function.
Herbal Focus: Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Lemon balm is a fragrant, citrusy, natural remedy to soothe mind, body, and spirit – a health promoting powerhouse!
Herbal Focus: Violets (Viola spp.)
Violets are a plant that most people can identify out in the wild, but many folks don’t know that these lovelies are both edible and medicinal.
Herbal Focus: Plantain (Plantago major and P. lanceolata )
It’s not a weed, it’s plantain, Nicole’s #1 go-to plant! Plantain is edible and its medicinal uses include help for stings, bites, rashes, and splinters.
Herbal Focus: Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
The entire dandelion plant, commonly regarded as a weed, is edible, nutritious, and can be used for myriad medicinal purposes.
Herbal Focus: Borage (Borago officinalis)
Borage is an edible and medicinal plant with blue flowers. It’s a great addition to your garden as it brings in pollinators and butterflies – bees love it!
Yerba Santa, My Top 3 Uses!
Yerba Santa is an herb used to dry up mucus fast. Keep it at the ready during cold season and allergy season for symptom relief.