Explore what the research says about the health-boosting benefits of birds, and easy ways to attract more birdsong into your life.
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Good Living
5 Science-Backed Reasons Why You Should Listen to Music for Health & Happiness
If you enjoy listening to music you’ll be happy to learn about how this simple habit can bring more health and happiness into your day.
Short on Time? Try These “Exercise Snacks” to Boost Health, Energy, & Fitness
Short bursts of high-intensity movement are a game-changer. Learn why everyone should embrace this simple lifestyle hack.
The Stress-Cortisol Connection: Why It Matters for Your Skin
Chronic stress is bad for your health and the stress hormone cortisol can significantly age your skin prematurely.
The Surprising Secret to a Long & Healthy Life: Friendship
If you want to enjoy a long and healthy life, it’s important to prioritize relationships and social connections.
Is Your Wardrobe Making You Sick? The Truth About Synthetic Fabrics
Another aspect of the “fast fashion” problem: the trade-off between inexpensive clothing and its impact on physical and environmental health.
Staying Up Late? Here’s How It Affects Your Health
Night owl? You may have increased risk of weight gain and diabetes but there are ways you can minimize the health impacts of staying up late.
Harnessing the Power of Radical Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Radical gratitude is about turning obstacles into opportunities, and transforming loss or negativity into a path of gratefulness.
‘Interesting’ Over Happy: Why It’s the Secret to a Rich and Full Life
Learn to cultivate a curiously good life by living with purpose, practicing altruism, and fostering psychological richness.
Are EMFs Destroying Your Sleep?
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are not something we typically give much thought to in our modern age, but the health impacts are real.
Supercharge Your Immunity and Sleep with the Power of Gratitude
Our brains may be wired to problem-solve, but making the effort to practice gratitude can yield big rewards for mental and physical health
NEAT: The Secret to Weight Loss That Doesn’t Involve a Gym
The smallest habit shifts can add up to significant caloric burn? Let’s talk about Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT).
Why Everyone Should Eat More Collagen for Beauty and Health — Recipe Included!
Collagen is found in the connective tissues (tendons, skin, and muscles) and helps to strengthen bones. But is it the ultimate superfood?
The World’s Best Kept Secret for Eliminating Stress: Singing
If you need more joy and less stress in your life, keep reading. Singing has some surprising health benefits — all backed by science.
Beat the Heat Without Air Conditioning This Summer
Read this if you would like to learn to stay cool from methods of times past and save on your electricity bill this summer.
The 3 Keys to a Sharp Brain: Passion, Exercise, & Meaningful Relationships
Exciting research has found that a sense of purpose, moving your body, and personal connections are a boon to cognitive health.
5 Science-Backed Reasons Why Traveling is Good For You
Travel is Essential for Well-Being If you love to travel as much as I do — good news! Not only is it invigorating and renewing, but it also has tangible mental and physical health benefits. Whether you are visiting a new city or traveling across the world, it can help...
Why Sitting on the Floor is the New Standing Desk for Health
A childhood habit that is good for adults? Research finds sitting on the floor helps to improve circulation, mobility, and metabolism.
Best Methods for Attracting Pollinators into Your Garden Space (It’s Easier Than You May Think)
Learn more about specific flowers, plants, and practices that help to encourage a green space brimming with pollinator life.
Hygge and the Art of Comfort & Connection
How to practice the Scandinavian art of being cozy, hygge, and cultivate calm, comfortable contentment during these dark days of winter.
8 Science-Backed Reasons Why Gratitude Is Good for Your Career, Relationships, & Health
Gratitude is an excellent practice to embrace during the holidays. Here are 8 ways gratitude can change your life for the better.
Feeling Tired? Try These Energy Hacks That Don’t Involve Caffeine
Are you one of the estimated 45% of Americans that feels fatigued up to three times a week — even when you’ve slept 7-8 hours a night?
My Top Tips for Happy and Healthy Holiday Travel
Some favorites methods and herbal remedies to ease the stress that often accompanies the holiday season and travel.
The Science Behind Sleeping Positions: Why It Matters and How to Choose the Best One
Let’s explore which position is best for specific health conditions and get some additional tips for how to support better sleep.
The Art of Being Nice: How Acts of Kindness Can Heal You and Others
Kindness is Crucial Mark your calendars, World Kindness Day is set to arrive in exactly one month on November 13, 2023. And Random Acts of Kindness Week will begin shortly thereafter on February 11th, 2024. Why is this important? Because kindness matters much more...
Having a Bad Day? Here’s How to Quickly Turn it Around.
Sympathetic nervous system activation compromises our ability to reason, focus, and think clearly. Time to reset!
Memory, Emotion, and Stress — How The Relationship Between all Three Predicts Disease
The pioneering work of Esther Sternberg M.D. has revolutionized how we look at the mind-body connection in modern medicine.
One Simple Habit To Reduce Your Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
We have much more control over our health than previously thought — even when we have a strong family history of disease.
The 3 Traits of the Happiest People on Earth — It’s Not What You May Think
Finland has been named “Happiest Country” in the World Happiness Report 2023. They’ve won that distinction 6 times now, what’s their secret?
How to Break Out of Negative Thinking in 30 Seconds or Less According to Neuroscientists
The Mind-Body Connection When I began my journey with multiple sclerosis and found myself in a downward spiral of extremely poor health, I realized that I needed a radical shift in how I approached illness. Along with medicinal mushrooms and other natural remedies,...
My Favorite Productivity Hacks to Boost Clarity, Relieve Stress, and Promote Calm
Establishing a positive daily routine can help you to accomplish your goals and create more happiness in your life.
Just in Time for the Holidays: How True Forgiveness Can Boost Our Health & Happiness
The practice of releasing resentment, anger, and hostility, or forgiveness, has been proven to impact health and happiness.
Here’s Why Taming Your Smartphone Habit Leads to Better Brain Health & More Happiness
Simple suggestions to minimize the negative impacts of smartphone use, and cognitive-boosting tips to help to protect the brain.
How to Strike a Healthy Balance in a Dopamine-Driven World
Experience the pleasure of the feel-good neurotransmitter, dopamine, in a health-affirming way by shifting habits and choices.
Secrets of the Blue Zones for Health, Happiness, and Longevity
A researcher set out on a quest to document the secret of blue zones, regional populations of long-lived and exceedingly healthy people.
Is Plastic Driving the Obesity Epidemic?
New studies show that plastic bottles and food packaging may be causing significant weight gain and obesity worldwide.
Nature Rx: The Science-Supported Miracle Medicine That’s Free
An increasing number of medical professionals have begun writing “nature prescriptions” for their patients.
Encouraging Small Moments of Joy in Everyday Life
Cultivate moments of joy to boost health and contribute to less stress, improved heart health, a stronger immune system, and reduced pain.
It’s Time to Let Go of Chronic Busyness — Here’s How
Daily constant stress can cause health issues like weight gain, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, brain fog, and heart disease.
The Joy of Modern Homesteading — DIY Tincture Recipe Included!
Get back to the land and adopt the spirit of homesteading on your apartment balcony, backyard, or a small plot of land.
The Transformative Power of Gratitude in the Workplace
Gratitude is a powerful practice for our overall health and well-being. It can transform our daily lives, even in the workplace.
One Simple Science-Backed Habit to Boost Happiness, Brain Power, Weight Loss and More
Exercise is a crucial aspect of promoting both physical and mental well-being, and these benefits are also strongly supported by science.
Kick Off the New Year with These Superfoods for Weight Loss and Health
These three superfoods can help you get back on track after the holidays, and also improve immunity, inflammation, and brain function.
The Power of Connection for Health and Happiness
Connection is a crucial part of our emotional and physical health, and the holidays are a great time to strengthen social bonds.
Capturing Slow Moments of Holiday Joy
Slowing down and savoring the moment, especially during busy seasons, are vital ingredients to a full, happy, and healthy life.
The Top 5 Benefits of Yoga that are Backed by Science
Yoga is a wonderful practice for both mental and physical wellbeing, and its benefits are well backed by science.
My Top Tips for Keeping an Aging Brain Healthy, Sharp, and Active
Dig in and explore the active steps that can be taken to maintain and improve brain health, memory, and cognition.
Light Pollution: Why it Matters if You Want to Live a Healthy Life
Simple steps to minimize the impacts of artificial lighting in our homes and communities without living in the dark.
Giving Thanks and The True Power of Gratitude
The practice of gratitude helps to put our lives in perspective and enriches us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
The Art of Doing Nothing — And Why It’s Important
Being in a constant state of activity has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing – prioritize slowing down for overall health.
How to Have a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving — Wild Food Recipe Included!
The holiday season is fast approaching, do you have a game plan to support yourself through this busy time?
Laughter really is the best medicine. Here’s why.
Learn more about the science behind laughter and improved health, and the therapeutic benefits of laughter for your life.
Unplugging: Why a Device and Media Detox is Good Medicine
If you feel as if you could use a reboot in your life, a media and device detox may be just what you need!
Hormonal Balance: Living Vibrantly, No Matter What Your Age
Manage menopausal symptoms and support hormonal balance using select medicinal herbs and adjusting lifestyle habits.
5 Simple Methods for Boosting Oxytocin, the Happiness Hormone
If you feel you could use a little more happiness and connection, here are five ways you can naturally boost oxytocin.
Gratitude is good medicine for your health. Here’s why.
Gratitude is a profound habit that can transform your life. A growing body of research shows how it may also impact your physical health.
Rediscovering Joy After Adversity
Seven research-based tips to help you navigate adversity in ways that lead to positive growth, contentment, and, ultimately, joy.
My Favorite Herbal Remedies For Aging Gracefully
Herbal remedies can help us lead vibrant lives by boosting energy, calming inflammation, improving vision, and clarifying the mind.
Grief and the Nature of Loss: How to Find Comfort, Hope, and Healing
Understanding the process of grief, and how self-care, aromatherapy, and medicinal herbs can support the healing journey.
Nature, Awe, and Clearing Clutter. Why we need all three for a calm and happy mind.
Research has shown that nature, awe, and spaces free of clutter greatly influence our mental health and provide tangible benefits.
Want to Live More Sustainably? Practice Gratitude
Add this to the growing list of reasons why expressing gratitude is vital for a great life – it can actually help us to live more sustainably!
How a Sense of Purpose Helps Us to Survive & Thrive: The Science Behind a Purpose Driven Life
A discussion of scientific and anecdotal evidence that explain how, and why, a sense of purpose is crucial for wellness.
Want to Live a Healthier, Happier Life? Practice Kindness
Be kind and be well. Over the years research has consistently found that kindness is directly tied to our overall happiness and well-being.
True Happiness: Life Lessons from the Kalahari San Bushmen
On cultivating a sense of community in our lives, and enjoying the benefits of true connection with others.
Life After Alone: What am I Doing Now?
Check in with Nicole Apelian to see what the Alone alum is up to now. New ventures, adventures, and maintaining that good work-life balance.
MS, General Health, and Yoga: Useful Tips for Your Home Yoga Space
Yoga has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, with more than 36 million Americans engaging in it, according to a recent survey. While many yoga practitioners enjoy the sense of community experienced in a yoga class, many others prefer to practice mindfulness in...
Stress Less: The Key to Immune Health
The more we stress the more susceptible we become to an attack on our immune system. Doctor Nicole Apelian shares simple, effective ideas to keep the peace.
Achieving Holistic Health through Connection with Community
Connection with Community In the most recent couple of articles in this series on holistic health, we’ve discussed connection with self and connection with nature. The third level of connection, connection with community is equally important and relates back to all of...
Achieving Holistic Health through a Connection to Self
Connection to Self You may have noticed a few themes running through these articles about holistic health, and that’s not an accident. We foster nature connection in much the same way we foster a connection to self, using simple practices you can implement in your own...
Favorite Things: Dovetail Workwear for Women
As you might have guessed, I live an outdoor lifestyle. I'm almost always outside and I'm usually working at harvesting local herbs and mushrooms for my healing salves and tinctures, or teaching others how to make the most of our beautiful natural surroundings. My...
Chinook Observer | ‘Survive and thrive’: Pacific County woman’s philosophy
Teacher, TV survival expert is role model for self-sufficiency From the Chinook Observer article authored by Patrick Webb: Nicole Apelian is a survivor. She leads safari groups to Africa, teaches outdoor survival skills and competes on TV reality shows which push...
Book Review: Balanced and Barefoot | Strong, Confident, and Capable Kids
I absolutely love books and the gift of learning something new. While the time to read sometimes feels like a luxury, I always relish the opportunity to settle in for an interesting read. Recently, I was blessed with the time to do just that during the long flights to...
I start my days off with gratitude. No matter how bad things seem in life there is always something to be grateful for. That thankfulness can change your whole outlook for the day. My youngest son and I sometimes do a simple gratitude: Thank you for the birds and the...