Explore how to master tough emotions for self-care and building resiliency to support physical and mental well-being.
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Want to lower stress and boost happiness? Listen to birdsong.
Explore what the research says about the health-boosting benefits of birds, and easy ways to attract more birdsong into your life.
5 Science-Backed Reasons Why You Should Listen to Music for Health & Happiness
If you enjoy listening to music you’ll be happy to learn about how this simple habit can bring more health and happiness into your day.
Is A Potential “Yoga Pill” the Future of Anxiety Relief?
Anxiety sufferers will be excited to learn about new research that has identified a brain pathway that can instantly calm the body.
Could Passion Flower Be the Key to Menopause Relief? Here’s What Science Has to Say.
Passion flower is a workhorse for symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disruptions, depression, headaches, and anger.
Harnessing the Power of CBD for Autoimmunity, Sleep, Inflammation, & More!
From sleepless nights to chronic pain, many are turning to cannabis products as a natural solution for a range of health conditions
The Stress-Cortisol Connection: Why It Matters for Your Skin
Chronic stress is bad for your health and the stress hormone cortisol can significantly age your skin prematurely.
Herbal Focus: Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa
Black cohosh (black bugbane, black snakeroot, baneberry, or rattleweed) is known as a potent remedy for balancing hormones during menopause.
Harnessing the Power of Radical Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Radical gratitude is about turning obstacles into opportunities, and transforming loss or negativity into a path of gratefulness.
‘Interesting’ Over Happy: Why It’s the Secret to a Rich and Full Life
Learn to cultivate a curiously good life by living with purpose, practicing altruism, and fostering psychological richness.
Stay Calm, Happy, and Healthy: My Top Go-To Holiday Remedies
Take extra precautions during the autumn and winter months to avoid picking up a bug that can dampen holiday festivities with loved ones.
Can’t Workout? A Hot Bath May Be The Next Best Option
Researchers have found that a hot bath helps to boost metabolism, regulate blood sugar, and reduce inflammation.
Are EMFs Destroying Your Sleep?
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are not something we typically give much thought to in our modern age, but the health impacts are real.
The Surprising Link Between Hypothyroidism and Mental Health
Addressing hypothyroidism is crucial to avoid not only the negative physical effects but also to ensure your mental health is protected.
Supercharge Your Immunity and Sleep with the Power of Gratitude
Our brains may be wired to problem-solve, but making the effort to practice gratitude can yield big rewards for mental and physical health
My All-Natural Guide to a Healthy & Happy Back-to-School Season
Tips for how to stay (and keep kids) healthy and happy from the freedom of summer back to school and more structured days.
Unleashing the Power Within: How Confidence Rewires Your Brain
Great news – your brain can learn confidence, and the more you orient towards it, the more confidence is hardwired into your brain!
Chromotherapy: Using The Power of Color to Heal
Have you felt calmed by a blue environment or energized by a yellow one? This is chromotherapy – science of color – at work!
The World’s Best Kept Secret for Eliminating Stress: Singing
If you need more joy and less stress in your life, keep reading. Singing has some surprising health benefits — all backed by science.
Ease Menopause Symptoms Naturally with CBD: Find Out How
One of the most sought-after natural remedies for the unpleasant symptoms of menopause that affect up to 90% of women is CBD.
The 3 Keys to a Sharp Brain: Passion, Exercise, & Meaningful Relationships
Exciting research has found that a sense of purpose, moving your body, and personal connections are a boon to cognitive health.
Need to Brighten Your Mood and Reduce Stress? Polyphenols May be the Answer.
Polyphenols are antioxidants found in nutrient-rich foods that can protect against oxidative stress, disease, and boost your mood!
Do You Suffer From Fibromyalgia? Here’s How Dehydration Makes it Worse.
A discussion of common risk factors for fibromyalgia, clear triggers, and how dehydration aggravates the condition.
Harnessing Nature’s Pharmacy: Top Herbs for Focal Dystonia
Focal dystonia symptoms, or the “yips”, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary muscle spasms or contractions in one part of the body.
Best Methods for Attracting Pollinators into Your Garden Space (It’s Easier Than You May Think)
Learn more about specific flowers, plants, and practices that help to encourage a green space brimming with pollinator life.
Cultivating Happiness & The Power of Blue Spaces
Spending time in the natural world is just plain good for you, and research suggests blue spaces may be even more beneficial!
Birdsong Dramatically Lowers Stress in 10 Minutes or Less, Study Finds
Cultivate a bird-friendly area to lower stress — whether you live in a city, the suburbs, or out in the country.
The Hidden Link Between MTHFR Mutations and Gut Health
MTHFR mutations link to a range of conditions including Alzheimer’s, Hashimoto’s, mental illness, chronic pain, cancer. and birth defects.
Are You Sleep Deficient or Deprived? Here are the Top Symptoms and Solutions
Let’s take a look at both sleep deprivation and sleep deficiency — and how to address the underlying causes so that you can get quality rest!
Hygge and the Art of Comfort & Connection
How to practice the Scandinavian art of being cozy, hygge, and cultivate calm, comfortable contentment during these dark days of winter.
Frankincense: The Secret Ingredient for a Healthy and Happy Life
Frankincense is a rare but resilient tree with a range of healing attributes, including easing depression and boosting the immune system.
9 Science-Backed Reasons Why Lion’s Mane is a Smart Choice for Health
Lion’s Mane Mushroom is a unique, shaggy mushroom that is rich in bioactive compounds that enhance health on a variety of levels.
How to Navigate Grief During the Holiday Season & Beyond
You are not alone if you struggle during the holidays. There are many ways in which you can navigate grief and honor the process.
8 Science-Backed Reasons Why Gratitude Is Good for Your Career, Relationships, & Health
Gratitude is an excellent practice to embrace during the holidays. Here are 8 ways gratitude can change your life for the better.
My Top Tips for Happy and Healthy Holiday Travel
Some favorites methods and herbal remedies to ease the stress that often accompanies the holiday season and travel.
My Favorite Autumn Detox Routine — Here’s Why You Should Try It Too. Recipe Included!
A fall detox focuses on removing the busyness of the summer months and nourishing your system so you can navigate the fall and winter.
The Art of Being Nice: How Acts of Kindness Can Heal You and Others
Kindness is Crucial Mark your calendars, World Kindness Day is set to arrive in exactly one month on November 13, 2023. And Random Acts of Kindness Week will begin shortly thereafter on February 11th, 2024. Why is this important? Because kindness matters much more...
Don’t Let Ulcerative Colitis Get You Down. Try These Natural Methods to Ease Symptoms and Boost Your Mood.
Ulcerative colitis can be a challenging condition with flare ups caused by stress and trigger foods, affecting both body and mind.
Diverticulitis: A Common But Preventable Disease — Learn How To Heal It Naturally
What is Diverticulitis? Often called "the disease of modern man", diverticulitis is a condition that gives rise to severe abdominal pain, typically on the lower left side. It is caused when the pouches along your digestive tract become infected and inflamed. While...
The Science Behind “Earthing” — And Why You Should Adopt This Easy (and Free!) Habit
Exploring the science behind “earthing”, an easy and inexpensive method to reap additional benefits from your time in nature.
Back-to-School Made Easy: A Simple Method for a Calm (and Healthy) Transition
An easy herbal protocol that eliminates the stress, anxiety, behavioral challenges, and uptick in sickness that come with the season.
Supporting a Grieving Child: What Every Parent Should Know
Any type of a loss can lead us to experience challenging feelings of grief — and babies and children are not exempt.
Emotions Are Contagious — Here’s Why.
Did you know we can hardwire our brain towards positivity, and with enough practice, it can become second nature?
The Secret Superpowers of Highly Sensitive People: Here’s How to Unleash Their Potential for More Joy & Less Stress
Prevent overstimulation, fatigue, nervous tension, and overwhelm in the day-to-day lives of highly sensitive people.
Craniosacral Therapy for Anxiety, Pain Relief, Autism, and More: How It Works and What to Expect
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive modality that may lead to improved relaxation, fewer fibromyalgia symptoms, and more benefits.
Having a Bad Day? Here’s How to Quickly Turn it Around.
Sympathetic nervous system activation compromises our ability to reason, focus, and think clearly. Time to reset!
Study Finds Lion’s Mane Doubles Neuron Growth, Dramatically Improves Memory
Researchers have found that the highly bioactive lion’s mane mushroom doubles neuron growth and dramatically improves memory.
The 3 Traits of the Happiest People on Earth — It’s Not What You May Think
Finland has been named “Happiest Country” in the World Happiness Report 2023. They’ve won that distinction 6 times now, what’s their secret?
Is This Common Food Additive the Cause of Your Weight Gain and Anxiety?
Learn about emulsifiers, the foods that contain them, and how to naturally address anxiety, inflammation, and gut health.
Suffering from Brain Fog? Here’s How to Improve Focus & Clarity in a Fast-Paced World.
Research seeks to answer what role technology plays in increasing levels of brain fog and diminishing focus and attention.
CBD: An All-Natural Miracle Worker for Autoimmunity, Inflammation, Seizures, & More
Natural Relief for Hard-To-Treat Conditions Over the past decade, cannabidiol (CBD) products have enjoyed an upswing in popularity for those seeking a natural method to control seizures and pain, cool inflammation, address mood disorders, and promote relaxation and...
Want to Reduce Heart Attack and Stroke Risk? Study Shows Gardening Can Help
Gardening is an outstanding form of exercise, relieves stress, and boosts overall physical and mental well-being.
How to Break Out of Negative Thinking in 30 Seconds or Less According to Neuroscientists
The Mind-Body Connection When I began my journey with multiple sclerosis and found myself in a downward spiral of extremely poor health, I realized that I needed a radical shift in how I approached illness. Along with medicinal mushrooms and other natural remedies,...
Naturally Treating and Preventing Parkinson’s — My Top Tips!
The Root Cause of Neurological Conditions The basal ganglia is an area of the brain that we typically do not give much thought to unless it becomes dysfunctional and impacts our movement or emotional and mental wellbeing. It is most famously known to be involved in...
Using a Device to Soothe Your Child? Researcher’s Say It May Backfire
Researchers have found that frequent use of mobile devices to calm young children is associated with an increase of emotional dysregulation.
High-Salt Diet & Stress: Here is What You Need to Know
Researchers have discovered that lowering salt in your diet is a crucial component to soothing stress in your life.
Navigating the Emotional Impact of Multiple Sclerosis
Nicole Apelian’s journey to navigating the emotional and physical aspects of MS, and how she thrives in spite of it.
Exciting New Research: A Healthy Microbiome is Key for the Developing Brain and Social Skills
Researchers have learned that a robust microbiome helps to create a brain system that supports the development of social skills.
New Study Finds Shingles Virus May Cause Significant Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke
Researchers have determined a reactivated shingles infection can also have serious health consequences well beyond nerve pain and blisters.
How Leaky Brain Can Lead to Autism, Autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, and More
Leaky brain syndrome occurs when the blood brain barrier is compromised, causing inflammation, mood disorders, chronic fatigue, and more.
High-Salt Diet Linked to Inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis
If you have multiple sclerosis or another autoimmune condition, recent research suggests you may want to curb your salt habit.
The Surprising Connection Between Gut Health and Exercise
Wild and wonderful gut bacteria, how they can make (or break) your health, and new research showing that exercise can boost your microbiome.
Interoception: The Secret Inner Sense for Defeating Anxiety, Depression, & More
Tune in with interoception, the sense involving subtle signals sent from the cardiovascular system, gut, lungs, bladder, and kidneys.
Seasonal Health: Winter
Take active steps to fortify yourself against poor health and maintain your well being during the winter season.
Struggling with Celiac Disease? Here are My Favorite Natural Remedies to Soothe Symptoms
Celiac disease is an ancient autoimmune disorder with 1 in 100 people diagnosed worldwide and an estimated 2.5 million undiagnosed in the US.
Let’s Play! How Forest Floor Playgrounds Build Stronger Microbiomes in Kids
Study finds that children who regularly interact with nature have more robust microbiomes and lower risk of developing autoimmune diseases.
Managing the Symptoms of Lupus, Naturally!
Natural approaches to symptom management for calming lupus flares, including diet, lifestyle habits, helpful supplements, and herbs.
Here’s Why Walking in Bad Weather is Good For You
Cold is good? A brief review of some of the history and science behind the beneficial effects of embracing uncomfortable weather.
My Favorite Productivity Hacks to Boost Clarity, Relieve Stress, and Promote Calm
Establishing a positive daily routine can help you to accomplish your goals and create more happiness in your life.
How Stress Changes Your Microbiome for the Worse
Microbiome support with a fiber-rich diet, stress reduction practices, and herbal remedies may lead to a healthier, happier life.
The Connection Between Autism, Mood Disorders, and Low Levels of Lithium
Could naturally occurring lithium, or the lack thereof, impact rates of autism and mood/cognitive disorders?
Lifting the Cloud of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Naturally
Lifestyle habits and herbal remedies may reduce seasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms, including flagging energy and brain fog.
Seeking a Natural Approach to Cushing Syndrome? Here are My Top Remedies.
Examining a multi-pronged approach to Cushing’s Syndrome, a multiple-symptom condition which impacts 10-15 million people every year.
Just in Time for the Holidays: How True Forgiveness Can Boost Our Health & Happiness
The practice of releasing resentment, anger, and hostility, or forgiveness, has been proven to impact health and happiness.
Our Ancestral Microbiome is Disappearing. Here’s How to Help Slow the Damage.
Gut health is a vital factor in avoiding chronic disease. Learn how to encourage microbial diversity for ourselves and future generations.
Psychobiotics, Mind Control, and The Gut-Brain Connection
When you eat, the tiny bacteria that make up your microbiome respond by sending biochemicals up to the brain — for better or worse.
The Surprising Connection Between Glutamate, Autoimmunity, and Neurological Conditions
Did you know? A glutamate imbalance in the brain may worsen neurological issues, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, and multiple sclerosis conditions.
DIY Sauerkraut: An Inexpensive (and Delicious!) Remedy For Gut Issues. Recipe Included!
Homemade sauerkraut is a simple and budget-friendly way to boost your microbiome health, and also improve mood, immunity, and weight loss.
Depression, Poor Immunity, Excess Weight? Cold Therapy to the Rescue!
Looking at what science has to say about the benefits of cold therapy, and how to safely incorporate this practice into your wellness regimen.
Need Another Reason to Enjoy Nature? Here are 5 New Science-Backed Benefits
Learn what science has to say about the powerful impact of spending time in nature on your physical and mental health.
My Favorite Natural Solutions for Sleep Apnea
Suffering from sleep apnea? It’s important to address the underlying causes sooner rather than later to avoid chronic health issues.
It’s Back to School Time! Here’s How to Keep Families Happy, Healthy, & Focused
Tried and true methods that support a smooth transition back to school, while also supporting a happy, healthy, and focused school year.
Here’s Why Taming Your Smartphone Habit Leads to Better Brain Health & More Happiness
Simple suggestions to minimize the negative impacts of smartphone use, and cognitive-boosting tips to help to protect the brain.
Herbal Focus: Golden Root Rhodiola rosea
For those without autoimmune disorders, Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, can help to address a wide range of health complaints.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: My Top Herbal Medicines & Lifestyle Tips for Healing
Reviewing factors that may lead to better treatment and health outcomes for those impacted by chronic fatigue syndrome.
Can Gardening Improve Your Health & Happiness? You Bet! Here’s Why.
Science has found that gardening has a range of healthy benefits, from weight loss to improved physical and cognitive wellbeing.
As Global Temperatures Rise, Our Sleep Will Suffer. Here’s How to Soften the Impact.
A new study finds that global warming will significantly reduce sleep quality around the globe, but we can take steps to minimize the impact.
Discover the Wild World of Sourdough for Gut Health and More!
Explore the wild world of sourdough fermentation and learn how this ancient technique can yield delicious bread that is good for you!
Transforming Grief Into Strength, Resiliency, Connection, and Hope
Learn about the health-impacts of extended grieving, and methods to navigate these trials in a healthy way.
My Top Remedies for Alopecia Areata, Hair Loss & Slow Growth
Simple lifestyle choices and natural remedies that are highly effective in addressing hair loss and slow growth.
Keeping Your Eyes Bright, Healthy, and Disease-Free — Naturally!
Don’t take your vision for granted! Learn about simple methods, like medicinal herbs and lifestyle, that can support healthy eyesight.
Nature Rx: The Science-Supported Miracle Medicine That’s Free
An increasing number of medical professionals have begun writing “nature prescriptions” for their patients.
Encouraging Small Moments of Joy in Everyday Life
Cultivate moments of joy to boost health and contribute to less stress, improved heart health, a stronger immune system, and reduced pain.
CBD and Inflammation: Here is What You Need to Know
Lifestyle and dietary choices, time in nature, CBD, and other medicinal herbs are Nicole’s go-tos for taming chronic inflammation.
Why Everyone Should Take Snapshots of Nature
Nature inspires feelings that connect us to each other and the environment, here’s a practice to foster that connection.
Suffering From Tinnitus? Here’s How to Manage Your Symptoms Naturally
Tinnitus is a common condition affecting an estimated 50 million Americans. In some cases, anxiety and neuroinflammation may be the cause.
The Gut/Brain Axis: How Nurturing Your Microbiome Can Defeat Depression, Anxiety, and More
Addressing the state of your gut microbiome is an important aspect of healing if you struggle with depression, anxiety, brain fog.
Sleep Easy with These Top Herbal Remedies
When our sleep is disrupted, every area of our life is affected – medicinal herbs offer a safe and effective solution for sleep problems.
The Transformative Power of Gratitude in the Workplace
Gratitude is a powerful practice for our overall health and well-being. It can transform our daily lives, even in the workplace.
One Simple Science-Backed Habit to Boost Happiness, Brain Power, Weight Loss and More
Exercise is a crucial aspect of promoting both physical and mental well-being, and these benefits are also strongly supported by science.
Fertilize Your Gut? You Bet! Here’s How.
Gut microflora play a crucial role in our overall well being. Prioritizing gut balance and health can help you truly thrive.
The Top 5 Benefits of Yoga that are Backed by Science
Yoga is a wonderful practice for both mental and physical wellbeing, and its benefits are well backed by science.
Light Pollution: Why it Matters if You Want to Live a Healthy Life
Simple steps to minimize the impacts of artificial lighting in our homes and communities without living in the dark.
Giving Thanks and The True Power of Gratitude
The practice of gratitude helps to put our lives in perspective and enriches us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
The Art of Doing Nothing — And Why It’s Important
Being in a constant state of activity has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing – prioritize slowing down for overall health.
How to Have a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving — Wild Food Recipe Included!
The holiday season is fast approaching, do you have a game plan to support yourself through this busy time?
Laughter really is the best medicine. Here’s why.
Learn more about the science behind laughter and improved health, and the therapeutic benefits of laughter for your life.
9 Simple Methods to Boost Vagal Tone for Happiness and Health
The vagus nerve affects your breathing, digestion, immune system, and heart rate – its proper functioning is crucial for your well-being!
Living Vibrantly With Vitiligo: 7 Herbal Remedies That Can Help
Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition that has no cure, but an anti-inflammatory diet and herbal remedies may be helpful.
Unplugging: Why a Device and Media Detox is Good Medicine
If you feel as if you could use a reboot in your life, a media and device detox may be just what you need!
Hormonal Balance: Living Vibrantly, No Matter What Your Age
Manage menopausal symptoms and support hormonal balance using select medicinal herbs and adjusting lifestyle habits.
Gratitude is good medicine for your health. Here’s why.
Gratitude is a profound habit that can transform your life. A growing body of research shows how it may also impact your physical health.
Stay Healthy, Happy, and Calm with My Favorite Back-To-School Herbs
Back-to-school can be a stressful time. Medicinal herbs may help fortify against illness and soothe overstimulated nervous systems.
Autism and ADHD: How to Manage Symptoms Naturally
Exploring some of the options for managing symptoms of autism and ADHD through diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and herbal support.
Need to brighten your outlook? Diet may hold the key.
Current research shows that diet can influence mental well-being and has uncovered some surprising correlations.
Rediscovering Joy After Adversity
Seven research-based tips to help you navigate adversity in ways that lead to positive growth, contentment, and, ultimately, joy.
The Life-Changing Power of Medicinal Herbs — One Family’s Inspiring Story
Nicole’s path to managing MS led to the creation of healing herbal formulations in her Apothecary, and the answer to this user’s prayers.
How to Help Hashimoto’s and Autoimmunity With These 8 Powerful Herbs
For those who struggle with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, medicinal herbs are a powerful ally for addressing the maze of life-disrupting symptoms.
Suffering from pain, inflammation, or insomnia? Wild lettuce may help
Wild lettuce (also known as opium or prickly lettuce) is an outstanding wild food and herbal remedy, famous for its ability to address pain.
Keep your cool this summer with these refreshing foods and herbal remedies
Cooling herbs can help with symptoms brought on by the hot summer months, like flaring tempers, bloating, inflammation, and fatigue.
My 6 Favorite Herbs for Defeating Insomnia Once and For All
When you’re ready to experience sound, rejuvenating sleep, medicinal herbs offer a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.
How to Break the Habit of Worry and Fear: 4 Ways to Naturally Calm Anxiety
Nicole shares simple suggestions that can help you break the cycle of fear and worry—and cultivate peace of mind.
Want to Live a Healthier, Happier Life? Practice Kindness
Be kind and be well. Over the years research has consistently found that kindness is directly tied to our overall happiness and well-being.