Rain gardens are a low-maintenance, multi-function garden enhancement for adding beauty and function to your outdoor space.
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Natural Remedies
Facing Tough Emotions? Here Are 3 Ways to Bring Balance & Clarity
Explore how to master tough emotions for self-care and building resiliency to support physical and mental well-being.
3 Simple DIY Home Remedies For Weight Loss
Here are 3 all-natural slim down remedies utilizing readily available ingredients already found in your pantry.
Nature’s Medicine Cabinet: DIY Recipes for Pain Relief, Detox, Memory, & More!
Learn what you can expect to find within the pages of “The Forgotten Home Apothecary,” along with a sampling of healing recipes.
Creatine: The Unsung Hero for Healthy Aging and Mental Clarity
Creatine helps to increase lean muscle mass and strength, improves exercise performance and stamina, and so much more.
Is This Cellular Protein the Secret to Turning Back the Hands of Time?
Nrf2 is a natural compound closely tied to a reduction in disease, improved energy levels, youthful skin, cognitive health, and much more.
Here’s How to Boost Liver Health: My Favorite Foods & Herbs
Your liver is an industrious organ! Learn about foods and herbs that will help you to support your liver for optimal health.
A Natural Approach to Managing Huntington’s Disease
Research offers a ray of hope in slowing the progression of Huntington’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that affects 30k Americans.
Herbalism 101: Salves — Recipes Included!
Never made a salve before? The simple recipes in this post will have you cooking up your own herbal remedies quickly.
Cannabis & ADHD: Here’s What You Need to Know
Let’s explore the symptoms of the neurobehavioral disorder ADHD and review several helpful natural remedies, including CBD products.
Clearing the Mental Haze: How to Tackle Post-Pandemic Brain Fog
Let’s look at supportive foods and a specific herbal extract to boost brain health and lift the fog once and for all!
Five Proven Ulcer Remedies Hidden in Your Pantry
If you would like to sidestep conventional treatments for ulcers, here are some of my favorite home remedies to help you heal.
The Hidden Dangers of Wildfire Smoke: Here’s How to Lessen the Health Impact
With the wildfire season beginning to ramp up in the northern hemisphere, protecting the health of you and your family has most likely come front and center of concern. Considering wildfires are bigger, more severe, and increasingly common in the Western United States...
Olive Oil Craze: Does it Live Up to the Hype?
Let’s explore what the science has to say about the health benefits of olive oil and separate fact from fiction.
Feeling Under the Weather? Here Are The Best Foods + Natural Remedies To Support Recovery
Nicole Apelian’s top recommendations for supporting immunity and feeling better quickly, plus tips for avoiding contagious illness altogether.
More Common Than You May Think: Vitamin A Toxicity
Too much of a good thing? Yes! Learn about the symptoms associated with vitamin A toxicity, especially if you use supplements.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: The Secret to Better Digestion, Fat Loss, and Blood Sugar Balance?
Raw apple cider vinegar is full of health-supporting compounds like acetic acid, proteins, enzymes, vitamins C & B, and probiotics.
Non-Dairy Chai Tea: A Delicious Way to Fight Inflammation, Pain, & Much More — Recipe Included!
Delicious chai tea is brimming with beneficial herbs that can help ease joint pain, muscle aches, and even chronic inflammation!
Back-to-School Made Easy: A Simple Method for a Calm (and Healthy) Transition
An easy herbal protocol that eliminates the stress, anxiety, behavioral challenges, and uptick in sickness that come with the season.
Seasonal Health: Summer!
Enjoying a Naturally Healthy Summertime As we head into summer, there is a good chance we will spend more time outdoors gardening, enjoying nature, and gathering together with family and friends. This is certainly a season to embrace! To ensure that it is comfortable...
Acetylcholine: Why You Should Treat This Common Deficiency
A Crucial Biochemical For Neurological Health As one of the most important neurotransmitters in the body, acetylcholine is directly associated with cognitive health by supporting our ability to learn, focus, and memorize information. What's more, it is also involved...
Is Sugar Fueling Your Seasonal Allergies?
Is it possible to enjoy a glorious spring without the drawbacks of hay fever and over-the-counter allergy medications? Absolutely!
Seasonal Health: Spring
Spring is an excellent time to tend to our detoxification pathways and take steps to reduce the impact of hay fever.
Seasonal Health: Winter
Take active steps to fortify yourself against poor health and maintain your well being during the winter season.
Struggling with Celiac Disease? Here are My Favorite Natural Remedies to Soothe Symptoms
Celiac disease is an ancient autoimmune disorder with 1 in 100 people diagnosed worldwide and an estimated 2.5 million undiagnosed in the US.
Managing the Symptoms of Lupus, Naturally!
Natural approaches to symptom management for calming lupus flares, including diet, lifestyle habits, helpful supplements, and herbs.
The Connection Between Autism, Mood Disorders, and Low Levels of Lithium
Could naturally occurring lithium, or the lack thereof, impact rates of autism and mood/cognitive disorders?
Lifting the Cloud of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Naturally
Lifestyle habits and herbal remedies may reduce seasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms, including flagging energy and brain fog.
Seeking a Natural Approach to Cushing Syndrome? Here are My Top Remedies.
Examining a multi-pronged approach to Cushing’s Syndrome, a multiple-symptom condition which impacts 10-15 million people every year.
Psychobiotics, Mind Control, and The Gut-Brain Connection
When you eat, the tiny bacteria that make up your microbiome respond by sending biochemicals up to the brain — for better or worse.
This Simple Breathing Technique May Help You Lose Weight, Alleviate Depression, and Calm Asthma
Improved Health in Only 3 Minutes Sometimes the most simple interventions are the most effective solution for health issues. And one of the best examples of this is a technique called Senobi Breathing Exercise (SBE). Gentle yet powerful, this method only takes three...
DIY Sauerkraut: An Inexpensive (and Delicious!) Remedy For Gut Issues. Recipe Included!
Homemade sauerkraut is a simple and budget-friendly way to boost your microbiome health, and also improve mood, immunity, and weight loss.
Depression, Poor Immunity, Excess Weight? Cold Therapy to the Rescue!
Looking at what science has to say about the benefits of cold therapy, and how to safely incorporate this practice into your wellness regimen.
Seasonal Health: Autumn
Nicole’s favorite methods for creating balance during autumn, strengthening yourself against contagious illness, and fortifying your lungs.
Can Gardening Improve Your Health & Happiness? You Bet! Here’s Why.
Science has found that gardening has a range of healthy benefits, from weight loss to improved physical and cognitive wellbeing.
As Global Temperatures Rise, Our Sleep Will Suffer. Here’s How to Soften the Impact.
A new study finds that global warming will significantly reduce sleep quality around the globe, but we can take steps to minimize the impact.
Sunburn, Stings, and Bites: My Top Summertime Skincare Tips!
Learn how to keep your summer skin healthy, hydrated, and protected, without the drawbacks of synthetic ingredients.
10 Natural Remedies for Neuropathy Relief
Top tips for managing neuropathy, a painful condition that affects the nerves and is often associated with diabetes, MS, and chemotherapy.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Here’s why.
Learn more about the science behind laughter and improved health, and the therapeutic benefits of laughter for your life.
Living Vibrantly With Vitiligo: 7 Herbal Remedies That Can Help
Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition that has no cure, but an anti-inflammatory diet and herbal remedies may be helpful.
Free Yourself From Mold Toxicity With These Tips
After addressing environmental mold problems, the next step is to detoxify from mold exposure and subsequent mycotoxins.
5 Ways to Transform Anger into Compassion
Actively practicing empathy and compassion can help us to to get a handle on our anger, and to remember the we are all in this together.
My Favorite 7 Medicinal Herbs for Exceptional Lung Health
Detailed information on several herbal remedies that are powerful allies for keeping your respiratory system healthy and strong.
Ancient Herbal Remedies for Modern Times
Ancient herbal remedies are experiencing a strong resurgence today as people seek natural solutions for their health challenges.
Are mosquitoes getting you down this summer? Try these natural solutions.
Keep mosquitos and other biting insects at bay so that you and your family can enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about pests.
Keep your cool this summer with these refreshing foods and herbal remedies
Cooling herbs can help with symptoms brought on by the hot summer months, like flaring tempers, bloating, inflammation, and fatigue.
The Power of Pine Needle Tea for Respiratory Health, Immunity, and More
Nicole reviews the many benefits of pine needle, an important herbal remedy that is a powerful source of nutrition and natural medicine.
My 6 Favorite Herbs for Defeating Insomnia Once and For All
When you’re ready to experience sound, rejuvenating sleep, medicinal herbs offer a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.
Japanese Knotweed: A Mighty Medicinal Herb For Respiratory Health, Inflammation, Lyme Disease, and Much More
This botanical may be an invasive weed, but it is also known to help prevent and treat a number of health disorders.
Are you using counterfeit mushroom extracts? Here’s how to know the difference.
A discussion of mushroom extracts, ingredients, mycelium vs full fruiting bodies, and why the distinction matters in your supplements.
How to Naturally Manage Your Blood Sugar for Heart and Brain Health
Research has shown that there is a strong link between blood sugar and both brain and cardiovascular health.
My Seven Favorite Herbs for the Allergy Season (and Asthma Too!)
Here are seven herbal remedies that may calm allergies and help you to stop and smell everything this glorious spring season.
A Medicinal Backyard Kit for Starting a Small Backyard Pharmacy
Nicole’s Medicinal Seed Garden Kit includes all the seeds you need to start your very own plant and herb pharmacy.
Why I Never Leave Home Without My Herbal Travel Pack DIY Bonus – How to make an herbal tincture
Nicole’s Travel Pack is a potent herbal trinity made up of Usnea Lichen and Elderberry Tinctures, and All-Purpose (First Aid) Salve.
My Best-Loved Herbal Remedies for Topical Use
Nicole shares some of her favorite healing botanicals for topical use, their benefits, and usage information.
Why Healing a Leaky Gut Should be a Top Priority for Health;
Plus: 6 Herbs for Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut Syndrome is associated with increased intestinal permeability. Learn more about herbal and diet support for this condition.
Herbal Focus: Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)
All about elderberry, why it’s one of the most imporant herbs you can use during the cold & flu season, and Nicole’s top 3 uses.
Help keep joints happy this winter with my top 4 herbal remedies and lifestyle tips
Increased arthritic pain during the cold winter months may be mitigated with these practical tips and a few of my favorite botanicals.
Struggling with Lyme disease? Wild Teasel may help
Approximately 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme Disease annually, Wild Teasel may help with prevention and to support treatment.
My Favorite Herbal Remedies for the Cold and Flu Season
These 6 herbs help maintain lung health, boost immunity, and reduce fevers – supporting overall well-being throughout the winter and beyond.
Suffering from autoimmunity? Avoid these popular herbs
If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder, it’s important to tread carefully when using herbs like echinacea, goldenseal, and astragalus.
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
Reishi mushroom helps to strengthen the body against the negative effects of stress and encourages healthy immune function.
Wildfire and Smoke Season: Healing Herbs and Recipes for Lung Support
Dr. Nicole shares 7 protective and therapeutic herbs that ease anxiety, address respiratory complaints, and help repair lung damage.
The 10 Medicinal Plants You Want to Have in Your Backyard
Nicole’s Medicinal Seed Garden Kit will fit into your backyard with the most incredible, aromatic herbs you need for maximum health benefits.
Herbal Focus: Violets (Viola spp.)
Violets are a plant that most people can identify out in the wild, but many folks don’t know that these lovelies are both edible and medicinal.
Herbal Focus: Plantain (Plantago major and P. lanceolata )
It’s not a weed, it’s plantain, Nicole’s #1 go-to plant! Plantain is edible and its medicinal uses include help for stings, bites, rashes, and splinters.
Herbal Focus: Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
The entire dandelion plant, commonly regarded as a weed, is edible, nutritious, and can be used for myriad medicinal purposes.
Herbal Focus: Borage (Borago officinalis)
Borage is an edible and medicinal plant with blue flowers. It’s a great addition to your garden as it brings in pollinators and butterflies – bees love it!
Yerba Santa, My Top 3 Uses!
Yerba Santa is an herb used to dry up mucus fast. Keep it at the ready during cold season and allergy season for symptom relief.
10 Medicinal Mushrooms And Possible Health Benefits
Our Earth is a reservoir of abundant edible and medicinal mushrooms possessing many health benefits. Fungi boast enormous potential when it comes to maintaining your mental and physical well-being. Mushrooms have a high medicinal and nutritional value that aids in...
Aronia Berries, Ursolic Acid, and MS
Ursolic Acid is found in Aronia Berries, and new studies show it to be an exciting new area of Multiple Sclerosis research.
Combatting Hashimoto’s With Natural Medicine
(Guest Blog by Jennifer Bell) Hashimoto’s, a disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid; resulting in hormone level issues, is a hard disease to deal with. If you or a loved one are dealing with Hashimoto’s, it’s likely that you’ve tried various treatments...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Are there any natural allergy remedies?
Hi Nicole, it’s allergy season and I am more miserable and uncomfortable than I’ve been in a long time. It seems to get a little worse each year. Any suggestions when it comes to natural allergy remedies?
Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Guest Post by Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. Rheumatoid Arthritis (also known as RA) begins when your immune system attacks and lines the thin layer of tissue that is located near your joints. Usually, joints are affected the worst, but in some cases, it can also spread...
Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis Effectively With Simple Exercises
Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis 10% of males over 60 years of age and 13% of women in the same age range have symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Thankfully, there are multiple natural remedies that can help to alleviate the pain associated...
Keeping Kids Healthy During Back-to-School Season
Back-to-school season is a mixed blessing – we’ve had all summer to enjoy more time outdoors with a less scheduled, less hectic, more free-range lifestyle that the extended break from school affords, but now it’s time to put a little more structure in place and for...
Now on Amazon: A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature by Nicole Apelian
A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature I love being outdoors – solo, with my children, with friends and family – every chance I get, I’m hiking, camping, or just sitting somewhere in nature, enjoying what’s around me. Over the years as I’ve worked with more and more...
Favorite Things: Foraging Field Reference Bandana
When the Wazoo Survival Gear crew asked me to help them create this foraging field reference bandana along with Mark Merriwether Vorderbruggen I was thrilled. Foraging is something I teach a few times every year because it is such an important part of being prepared...
Medicine Making: Herbal Remedies, Healing Salves | Classes with Nicole Apelian
Upcoming dates for this class have not been scheduled yet. If you have a group of at least 10 people who would like to take the class, I will happily come to you or we can schedule the class at my country property in Raymond, Washington. Please sign up for my...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Are there natural remedies for migraine headaches?
Hi Nicole, my mother has been dealing with migraine headaches her whole life. I've started telling her about you and your apothecary items on your website. We looked for something that might be good for easing migraines but didn't see anything specific. Do you have...
Ask Dr. Nicole: How often should I take Elderberry?
Hi Nicole! I have been wanting to get Elderberry for my kids for a while now. We take Vitamin C daily but a lot of health groups I'm in recommend taking Elderberry every day. I saw you have it in your apothecary and I'd prefer to buy from you than some big company. My...
Ask Dr. Nicole: What are the best herbal remedies for anxiety?
Hi Dr. Nicole, I've been following you on Alone on The History Channel as well as reading your blog and Facebook page. I am in awe of your knowledge of and personal experiences with what works for natural healing and wellness. I was wondering if you have any...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Is there an herbal remedy for kidney stones?
Hi Dr. Nicole, my CT scan shows that I have kidney stones yet they aren't active or moving so I started taking Chanca Piedra Veggie Caps to maybe help break those up and stop forming them altogether, but I'd like to get more of your tinctures to address this. Which...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Whats the difference between the Anti-Fungal Salve and First Aid Salve?
Hi Nicole! First, I just wanted to let you know, I purchased a few of your salves and had the pleasure to use the First Aid Salve on a cut on my foot. It's a great product that helped at the time of the cut and then seemed to really aid in the healing. So, thank you...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Natural wellness recommendations for keeping healthy kids healthy?
Hello Dr. Nicole! I would like to know what your recommendations are for keeping healthy kids healthy? I have an 11-year-old son who plays outside regularly and gets plenty of fresh air and exercise. He's active, and healthy overall. He doesn't eat very much...
Ask Dr. Nicole: What are the best herbal remedies for chest congestion?
Dr. Nicole, I knew I should have ordered from your apothecary back in November, but I've been procrastinating, and now I'm sick with chest congestion. I had three "standard" doctor's visits last week and I'm going to blame that on catching a bug since I hardly ever...
My Favorite Natural Herbal Remedies and Their Uses
My love of and passion for natural herbal remedies and healing has extended beyond simply being in nature to making healing salves and herbal infusions. Since 2012 I've been working to perfect my natural recipes and I love sharing them with others through my...
Cottonwood Bud Oil – How to Make an Easy Cold-Infused Herbal Oil
It’s Early February and the sun is shining here in Portland, Oregon. Spring is springing, and the swollen cottonwood buds are starting to drip with their sticky orange resin. It is time! Time for what, you ask? It is time to harvest cottonwood tree buds (Populus...