Rain gardens are a low-maintenance, multi-function garden enhancement for adding beauty and function to your outdoor space.
Nicole Apelian’sWellness Blog
Do Allergy Medications Increase Alzheimer’s Risk?
Natural alternatives to over-the-counter antihistamines can help you navigate allergy season without risking your cognitive health.
Reading Print Books is Good For You. Here’s Why.
Reading print books is better for your well-being — including improved sleep, better cognitive function, and overall happiness.
Wilderness Survival Series (Pt.II): Water
Let’s dive into water and survival: creating a cache, capturing water from rain and plants, purification and safety.
Facing Tough Emotions? Here Are 3 Ways to Bring Balance & Clarity
Explore how to master tough emotions for self-care and building resiliency to support physical and mental well-being.
Herbal Focus: Red Clover Trifolium pretense
Red clover is a powerful herb that alleviates menopause symptoms and promotes bone, cardiovascular health in menopausal women.
The Hidden Dangers of Sugar: How It Accelerates Aging Inside and Out
Excess refined sugar is pleasurable while we are enjoying it, but what follows wreaks havoc on our health and our skin.
3 Simple DIY Home Remedies For Weight Loss
Here are 3 all-natural slim down remedies utilizing readily available ingredients already found in your pantry.
Want to lower stress and boost happiness? Listen to birdsong.
Explore what the research says about the health-boosting benefits of birds, and easy ways to attract more birdsong into your life.
Cleanse & Renew: Top Herbs & Foods For a Rejuvenating Spring Detox
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) spring is the best time to address one of our most hard-working organs — the liver.
5 Science-Backed Reasons Why You Should Listen to Music for Health & Happiness
If you enjoy listening to music you’ll be happy to learn about how this simple habit can bring more health and happiness into your day.
Herbal Focus: Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
Learn how to identify, grow, and use rosemary, an all-time favorite, easily-accessible herb with a wide range of benefits.
Short on Time? Try These “Exercise Snacks” to Boost Health, Energy, & Fitness
Short bursts of high-intensity movement are a game-changer. Learn why everyone should embrace this simple lifestyle hack.
Is A Potential “Yoga Pill” the Future of Anxiety Relief?
Anxiety sufferers will be excited to learn about new research that has identified a brain pathway that can instantly calm the body.
Long-Term Living in the Wild: The Art of Shelter Building
Nicole Apelian’s wilderness guide contains valuable info to help you keep your family safe in the event of a major crisis.
Could Passion Flower Be the Key to Menopause Relief? Here’s What Science Has to Say.
Passion flower is a workhorse for symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disruptions, depression, headaches, and anger.
Herbal Focus: SchisandraSchisandra chinensis
Schisandra should be on your radar because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, and neuroprotective properties.
Is Colostrum the Key to Better Health?
Let’s look at what the science has to say about the beneficial properties of colostrum and if it truly lives up to the hype.
Harnessing the Power of CBD for Autoimmunity, Sleep, Inflammation, & More!
From sleepless nights to chronic pain, many are turning to cannabis products as a natural solution for a range of health conditions
Eggs for Better Brain Health: A Simple Way to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk
Learn why eggs are good for brain health and how several key herbs can also help keep neurodegeneration at bay.
Natural Weight Loss: My Top Tips!
Support for your healthy weight goals, including: diet, herbal remedies, exercise, vitamins and minerals, and daily habits.
The Rise of “American Malaria” — Here’s What You Need to Know
Researchers are warning about babesiosis, a disease carried by ticks that is rapidly spreading across America.
The Stress-Cortisol Connection: Why It Matters for Your Skin
Chronic stress is bad for your health and the stress hormone cortisol can significantly age your skin prematurely.
Nature’s Medicine Cabinet: DIY Recipes for Pain Relief, Detox, Memory, & More!
Learn what you can expect to find within the pages of “The Forgotten Home Apothecary,” along with a sampling of healing recipes.
Here’s How to Defeat Sugar Cravings Once and For All
Refined sugar is a tough addiction to break! Learn some tangible steps you can take to overcome sugar cravings once and for all.
Flow into Wellness: Yoga for Better Lymphatic Circulation and Immunity
A yoga practice can help you navigate the cold and influenza season, while staying healthy, happy and fit.
The Surprising Secret to a Long & Healthy Life: Friendship
If you want to enjoy a long and healthy life, it’s important to prioritize relationships and social connections.
Creatine: The Unsung Hero for Healthy Aging and Mental Clarity
Creatine helps to increase lean muscle mass and strength, improves exercise performance and stamina, and so much more.
Herbal Focus: Black Cohosh Actaea racemosa
Black cohosh (black bugbane, black snakeroot, baneberry, or rattleweed) is known as a potent remedy for balancing hormones during menopause.
Is Your Wardrobe Making You Sick? The Truth About Synthetic Fabrics
Another aspect of the “fast fashion” problem: the trade-off between inexpensive clothing and its impact on physical and environmental health.
Is This Cellular Protein the Secret to Turning Back the Hands of Time?
Nrf2 is a natural compound closely tied to a reduction in disease, improved energy levels, youthful skin, cognitive health, and much more.
Leaky Skin Syndrome: A Key Player in Food Allergies?
The gut lining and skin barrier are more similar than you may think in the role each plays in immune response.
Matcha Green Tea: Can it Improve Sleep and Social Functioning in Older Adults?
The range of health benefits from drinking matcha green tea, with its robust nutrient profile, may surprise you!
Staying Up Late? Here’s How It Affects Your Health
Night owl? You may have increased risk of weight gain and diabetes but there are ways you can minimize the health impacts of staying up late.
Harnessing the Power of Radical Gratitude This Thanksgiving
Radical gratitude is about turning obstacles into opportunities, and transforming loss or negativity into a path of gratefulness.
Here’s How to Boost Liver Health: My Favorite Foods & Herbs
Your liver is an industrious organ! Learn about foods and herbs that will help you to support your liver for optimal health.
A Natural Approach to Managing Huntington’s Disease
Research offers a ray of hope in slowing the progression of Huntington’s disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that affects 30k Americans.
‘Interesting’ Over Happy: Why It’s the Secret to a Rich and Full Life
Learn to cultivate a curiously good life by living with purpose, practicing altruism, and fostering psychological richness.
Is Sleeping on Your Back Harming Your Brain?
A new study suggests that one’s preferred sleep position may significantly impact health and correlate with neurodegeneration.
Coffee May Be Your New Anti-Aging Ally, According to Science
Coffee is one of the great pleasures in life. Turns out, it can be exceedingly healthy and provide major health benefits!
The Hidden Link Between Hashimoto’s and Epstein-Barr Virus
A Common Viral Infection Most of us have been exposed at some point in our lives to the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) — a type of herpesvirus (HHV-4). Mononucleosis is one of the most well-known EBV diseases, but the virus is also associated with certain forms of cancer,...
Stay Calm, Happy, and Healthy: My Top Go-To Holiday Remedies
Take extra precautions during the autumn and winter months to avoid picking up a bug that can dampen holiday festivities with loved ones.
Common “All-Natural” Sugar Substitute Linked with Increased Risk of Blood Clots, Heart Attack
New research is highlighting concerns over the safety of erythritol, once thought to be a healthy sugar substitute.
Here’s How Menopause Affects Autoimmunity — And How to Find Relief!
Exploring some of the factors that play large roles in how autoimmunity affects — and the other way around.
High Iron Levels in the Brain Connected to Greater Dementia Risk
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and is associated with around two thirds of the world’s cases.
Can’t Workout? A Hot Bath May Be The Next Best Option
Researchers have found that a hot bath helps to boost metabolism, regulate blood sugar, and reduce inflammation.
Six Ways to Slash Your Cancer Risk by 40%
Modifiable risk factors play a large role in your chances of developing cancer, but simple lifestyle changes may help to prevent the disease.
Restless Legs Syndrome: Is Reishi Mushroom The Answer?
The root cause of RLS has not been established, but several lifestyle, dietary, and herbal options can help ease symptoms.
Herbal Focus:Andrographis paniculata
Andrographis is a helpful botanical with a spectrum of uses including boosting immunity, respiratory conditions, inflammation, and colds/flu.
Is Post-Treatment (Chronic) Lyme Disease an Autoimmune Condition?
Chronic Lyme is now a verifiable syndrome that affects individuals who have been infected and treated for the disease.
Menopausal Weight Gain: Here’s How to Defeat It
Let’s have a look at the different stages of menopause hormonal changes and how each can influence your weight.
Herbal Focus: Maitake MushroomGrifola frondosa
A popular culinary and medicinal mushroom, wild maitake grows throughout North America, Europe, China, and Japan.
Are EMFs Destroying Your Sleep?
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) are not something we typically give much thought to in our modern age, but the health impacts are real.
Are Gluten-Free Products Really Safe? New Report Reveals Glyphosate Risk
Analysis of popular gluten-free products shows you may be at risk of exposure to glyphosate, a chemical used in Round-Up Ready herbicide.
Understanding MS in Women: 9 Key Differences
Hormones play a significant role in how multiple sclerosis develops, progresses, as well as the level of severity.
How to Love Your Liver In Three Easy Steps
Keep the largest organ in your body, the hard-working liver, healthy and happy with these simple ways to encourage liver health.
The Surprising Link Between Hypothyroidism and Mental Health
Addressing hypothyroidism is crucial to avoid not only the negative physical effects but also to ensure your mental health is protected.
Herbalism 101: Salves — Recipes Included!
Never made a salve before? The simple recipes in this post will have you cooking up your own herbal remedies quickly.
“Nature’s Ozempic” — Does It Really Work for Weight Loss & Blood Sugar Control?
Let’s separate fact from fiction and explore the research to see if berberine actually lives up to the claims of effortless weight loss.
Supercharge Your Immunity and Sleep with the Power of Gratitude
Our brains may be wired to problem-solve, but making the effort to practice gratitude can yield big rewards for mental and physical health
Black Cohosh & Red Clover are My Favorite Remedies for Menopause. Here’s Why.
These two powerful herbs can smooth the transition of menopause and help you to embrace this new chapter in your life.
Cannabis & ADHD: Here’s What You Need to Know
Let’s explore the symptoms of the neurobehavioral disorder ADHD and review several helpful natural remedies, including CBD products.
NEAT: The Secret to Weight Loss That Doesn’t Involve a Gym
The smallest habit shifts can add up to significant caloric burn? Let’s talk about Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT).
Here’s What to Forage This Autumn — Wild Food Recipe Included!
With autumn just around the corner, there is no better time than now to start thinking about your wild food game plan.
My All-Natural Guide to a Healthy & Happy Back-to-School Season
Tips for how to stay (and keep kids) healthy and happy from the freedom of summer back to school and more structured days.
Dengue Fever Outbreak in the US: How Herbal Remedies Can Help
Let’s talk about protection against Dengue Fever and effective herbal remedies that can lower the risk of serious illness.
Why Everyone Should Eat More Collagen for Beauty and Health — Recipe Included!
Collagen is found in the connective tissues (tendons, skin, and muscles) and helps to strengthen bones. But is it the ultimate superfood?
Unleashing the Power Within: How Confidence Rewires Your Brain
Great news – your brain can learn confidence, and the more you orient towards it, the more confidence is hardwired into your brain!
Chromotherapy: Using The Power of Color to Heal
Have you felt calmed by a blue environment or energized by a yellow one? This is chromotherapy – science of color – at work!
Clearing the Mental Haze: How to Tackle Post-Pandemic Brain Fog
Let’s look at supportive foods and a specific herbal extract to boost brain health and lift the fog once and for all!
Fact or Fiction: Can Lettuce Water Help You to Fall Asleep Faster?
An estimated 70 million Americans suffer from insomnia, it’s no wonder an easy and natural solution would be popular!
Beating the Heat: My Top Tips for Managing MS in Hot Weather
Trying to manage heat-related MS flares? Take heart! Here are several ways to help you stay calm, cool, and collected.
Discover the World’s Most Transformative Healing Destinations
Craving a travel experience that’s more than just a vacation? Have a look at these off-the-beaten track destinations for holistic healing.
Healthy Aging and The Hidden Dangers of AGEs
AGEs are advanced glycation end products, and when we have too many in the bloodstream it can lead to premature aging and a range of diseases.
Seaweed: The Ultimate Sustainable Superfood?
Seaweed is a sustainable nutritional powerhouse that is a food staple around the world, learn why it should also be part of your diet!
Boost Your Brain Health: How Olive Oil Can Slash Dementia & Alzheimer’s Risk
Learn what the latest science says about olive oil’s cognitive health benefits, including reducing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Adventure Awaits: Mastering Outdoor Skills with Your Kids & Family
With summer in full swing, it’s time for one of Nicole’s favorite family activities – deepening our outdoor survival skills!
The World’s Best Kept Secret for Eliminating Stress: Singing
If you need more joy and less stress in your life, keep reading. Singing has some surprising health benefits — all backed by science.
Five Proven Ulcer Remedies Hidden in Your Pantry
If you would like to sidestep conventional treatments for ulcers, here are some of my favorite home remedies to help you heal.
Beyond the Pain: How Heavy Metals Contribute to MS and Fibromyalgia
Researchers have discovered two additional conditions that can be caused by heavy metal toxicity: multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia.
Herbalism 101: Essential Oils
Essential oils are cost-effective for anyone willing to roll up their sleeves and DIY — and it’s easier than you may think!
Beat the Heat Without Air Conditioning This Summer
Read this if you would like to learn to stay cool from methods of times past and save on your electricity bill this summer.
The Hidden Dangers of Wildfire Smoke: Here’s How to Lessen the Health Impact
With the wildfire season beginning to ramp up in the northern hemisphere, protecting the health of you and your family has most likely come front and center of concern. Considering wildfires are bigger, more severe, and increasingly common in the Western United States...
Revolutionizing Recovery: How Microdosing Lithium Eases Long-Haul Syndrome
New findings are offering hope to those suffering from long-haul symptoms after a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) infection.
Ease Menopause Symptoms Naturally with CBD: Find Out How
One of the most sought-after natural remedies for the unpleasant symptoms of menopause that affect up to 90% of women is CBD.
The 3 Keys to a Sharp Brain: Passion, Exercise, & Meaningful Relationships
Exciting research has found that a sense of purpose, moving your body, and personal connections are a boon to cognitive health.
5 Science-Backed Reasons Why Traveling is Good For You
Travel is Essential for Well-Being If you love to travel as much as I do — good news! Not only is it invigorating and renewing, but it also has tangible mental and physical health benefits. Whether you are visiting a new city or traveling across the world, it can help...
Hiding in Plain Sight: Top Alternatives to Toxic Cookware
80 years after the advent of non-stick cookware and we’re now seeing the health consequences of the use of these chemicals in our cookware.
Here’s Why You Should Eat More Plants for a Better Brain
Plant-heavy diets have become exceedingly popular with those who want to improve health and treat conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Study Finds Autism, ADHD, & Emotional Dysregulation in Children Linked with Maternal Inflammation
Explore the research and learn about options helpful in addressing maternal inflammation to lessen the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders.
Understanding Addison’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Remedies
The adrenal glands may be small, but they are powerful. When imbalanced, as in Addison’s disease, they can wreak havoc on your health.
Tiny With Big Benefits: Here’s Why Everyone Should Be Eating Chia Seeds for Heart Health
A Small But Mighty Seed Long known in health circles as a health-promoting superfood, chia seeds are packed with protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain important antioxidants, such as quercetin, kaempferol, chlorogenic acid,...
Why Multiple SARS Infections Can Cause Serious Health Consequences
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome can have unexpected effects, such as long-haul syndrome and future consequences from multiple infections.
Carnivore Diet, The Microbiome, & You
Let’s examine how the animal product-heavy, “zero carb” carnivore diet impacts gut health and the microbiome.
Herbalism 101: Harnessing the Power of Plant-Based Medicine
Plant medicine has been time-tested for millennia in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda – here are some tips to start making your own.
Why Sitting on the Floor is the New Standing Desk for Health
A childhood habit that is good for adults? Research finds sitting on the floor helps to improve circulation, mobility, and metabolism.
Need to Brighten Your Mood and Reduce Stress? Polyphenols May be the Answer.
Polyphenols are antioxidants found in nutrient-rich foods that can protect against oxidative stress, disease, and boost your mood!
Do You Suffer From Fibromyalgia? Here’s How Dehydration Makes it Worse.
A discussion of common risk factors for fibromyalgia, clear triggers, and how dehydration aggravates the condition.
Olive Oil Craze: Does it Live Up to the Hype?
Let’s explore what the science has to say about the health benefits of olive oil and separate fact from fiction.
Harnessing Nature’s Pharmacy: Top Herbs for Focal Dystonia
Focal dystonia symptoms, or the “yips”, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary muscle spasms or contractions in one part of the body.
Best Methods for Attracting Pollinators into Your Garden Space (It’s Easier Than You May Think)
Learn more about specific flowers, plants, and practices that help to encourage a green space brimming with pollinator life.
Suffering From Hay Fever? Here’s How to Naturally Ease Symptoms With Food & Herbs
Exploring food and herbs that ease hay fever symptoms so you can embrace spring and take advantage of all the season has to offer.
Cultivating Happiness & The Power of Blue Spaces
Spending time in the natural world is just plain good for you, and research suggests blue spaces may be even more beneficial!
Herbalism 101: Alcohol, Glycerin, & Apple Cider Vinegar Tinctures — Here’s What You Need to Know
Botanical tinctures made with alcohol, glycerine, or raw apple cider vinegar – what’s the difference? Tincture how-to included!
Birdsong Dramatically Lowers Stress in 10 Minutes or Less, Study Finds
Cultivate a bird-friendly area to lower stress — whether you live in a city, the suburbs, or out in the country.
Does Eating Earlier Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk & More? Researchers Say Yes.
Learn how disrupting our internal clock can increase our risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic disorder, and weight gain.
Facing the Pain: Living with Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia
Lifestyle tips and herbal remedies for those struggling with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia or another form of nerve pain.
Fat, Sugar, & Salt Aren’t the Problem. This Is.
It may surprise you to learn consuming fat and sugar aren’t the health-destroying villains researchers once thought they were.
The Secret to Beautiful Skin Series (Part III): Exercise & Sleep
Looking at the science-backed reasons why prioritizing quality rest and daily exercise benefits overall health and radiant skin.
Alpha-Gal Syndrome (Red Meat Allergy) Is On The Rise. Here’s How To Defeat It.
AGS is a reaction to the alpha-gal sugar found in beef, pork, and lamb, and cases are steadily increasing around the world.
You Asked, I Listened: Best Practices for Natural Detoxification
Detox season? Explore how to support your liver and kidneys, recommended foods, herbs, and detox methods, and detoxifying heavy metals.
The Hidden Link Between MTHFR Mutations and Gut Health
MTHFR mutations link to a range of conditions including Alzheimer’s, Hashimoto’s, mental illness, chronic pain, cancer. and birth defects.
The Science Behind the Healing Power of Prayer
Does prayer have the power to cure illness? Researchers are looking at examples of remarkable healing, unexplained recoveries, and prayer.
Here’s Why SARS Can Cause Poor Sleep For Months — And What To Do About It
The Relationship Between Immunity, Illness, & Sleep Science has long established poor sleep impacts your immunity and can create the perfect storm for illness. Be that as it may, research is coming to light demonstrating that disrupted sleep doesn't necessarily...
The Key to Healthy Weight Loss — It’s Not What You May Think.
There is no shortage of strategies for losing weight, but researchers have found three methods that may surprise you.
My Long-Term Wilderness Survival Guide is a Game-Changer — Here’s Why
If you would like to learn the skills to thrive in nature for substantial lengths of time, check out Nicole’s new book!
Dual-Extraction: The Secret to Getting the Most Out of Your Mushrooms and Lichens
Essential medicinal mushrooms and lichens, their uses, and step-by-step instructions for how to make your own dual-extracted tinctures.
Feeling Under the Weather? Here Are The Best Foods + Natural Remedies To Support Recovery
Nicole Apelian’s top recommendations for supporting immunity and feeling better quickly, plus tips for avoiding contagious illness altogether.
The Secret to Beautiful Skin (Part II): Diet + Herbs
Part II of this Beautiful Skin series: exploring several key areas that help to promote healthy skin to keep you looking young and vibrant.
Are You Ready to Deepen Your Knowledge of Herbal Medicine? My New Online Herbal Academy is For You!
Nicole Apelian’s Lost Remedies Academy will empower you to take charge of your own health and self-sufficiency.
Thriving Through Thirst: Top Drought Resistant Crops for a Warming World
Explore the full spectrum of drought resistant crops, including new developments, and great options for your own garden.
Prepping 101: Urban Dwellers
Don't Panic. Prepare Instead! While living in the city during a long-term disruption of water and electricity during a power grid failure is not the ideal or even possible for months on end, there are preparations you can make that will address the immediate needs of...
The Bone-Gut Axis: A Revolutionary Approach to Predicting Osteoporosis
Researchers have found another compelling reason for making gut health a priority: bone density and strength.
The Secret to Beautiful Skin Series (Part I): Face Yoga
Let’s talk about face yoga: what it is, why you should do it, and how you will benefit from this little-known technique.
Medicinal Mushrooms: A Plant-Powered Solution for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome?
Explore what science has to say about the role medicinal mushrooms can play in protecting you from getting sick, as well as treating illness.
Chocolate is Having a Moment: Here’s How to Reap the Health Benefits.
Let’s explore the science that supports more chocolate in your life, this may just be the delicious superfood you’ve been seeking.
Are You Sleep Deficient or Deprived? Here are the Top Symptoms and Solutions
Let’s take a look at both sleep deprivation and sleep deficiency — and how to address the underlying causes so that you can get quality rest!
Plant-Based Herbal Medicine for Weight Loss — My Favorite Remedies
All about weight loss and adaptogens, a class of botanicals that help to balance the stress response, increase energy, and normalize hormones.
Four Popular Diets: Exploring the Benefits of Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, & Plant-Based
Are you seeking a healthful diet for the new year after a season of holiday indulgence? Let’s explore some currently popular options.
Natural Health for Children: An Essential Guide
On the lookout for natural remedies for childhood illnesses and ailments? Check out Nicole Apelian’s guide to kid-friendly herbal remedies.
Hygge and the Art of Comfort & Connection
How to practice the Scandinavian art of being cozy, hygge, and cultivate calm, comfortable contentment during these dark days of winter.
Unlock Nature’s Pharmacy: Combat Inflammation, Cancer, & More with This Tasty Backyard Superweed — Recipe Included!
Plantain is a medicinal powerhouse that can address inflammation, digestive complaints, venomous bites, and wound healing!
Great News! Study Finds Middle Age Doesn’t Cause Weight Gain
Check out a recent study that challenges long-held beliefs that metabolism naturally slows down as we age.
Frankincense: The Secret Ingredient for a Healthy and Happy Life
Frankincense is a rare but resilient tree with a range of healing attributes, including easing depression and boosting the immune system.
Putting Your Best Face Forward: Natural Methods for Reducing Rosacea Flares
What is rosacea? A lifelong inflammatory skin condition that impacts more than 16 million Americans, rosacea causes flushing and redness in the center of the face; visibly broken blood vessels; swelling and inflammation; and burning, dry scaly skin. Signs of the...
The Fascinating World of Lichens: A Hidden Treasure for Your Health
Grow your awareness of the curious lichen from brief mental nod to appreciation of this incredibly useful and interconnected plant.
More Common Than You May Think: Vitamin A Toxicity
Too much of a good thing? Yes! Learn about the symptoms associated with vitamin A toxicity, especially if you use supplements.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: The Secret to Better Digestion, Fat Loss, and Blood Sugar Balance?
Raw apple cider vinegar is full of health-supporting compounds like acetic acid, proteins, enzymes, vitamins C & B, and probiotics.
9 Science-Backed Reasons Why Lion’s Mane is a Smart Choice for Health
Lion’s Mane Mushroom is a unique, shaggy mushroom that is rich in bioactive compounds that enhance health on a variety of levels.
How to Navigate Grief During the Holiday Season & Beyond
You are not alone if you struggle during the holidays. There are many ways in which you can navigate grief and honor the process.
There’s No Better Time Than Now to Enjoy Turkey Tail Mushroom — An Immune-Boosting, Disease-Destroying Thanksgiving Superfood!
This mushroom helps prevent picking up the latest bug, enhances gut health, improves immune function, and reduces inflammation.
8 Science-Backed Reasons Why Gratitude Is Good for Your Career, Relationships, & Health
Gratitude is an excellent practice to embrace during the holidays. Here are 8 ways gratitude can change your life for the better.
Everyday Elderberry: The Incredible Superfruit That Can Fight Aging, Cancer, Heart Disease & More!
Let’s dig deeper into the outstanding and versatile benefits of elderberry, a truly multipurpose botanical.
Feeling Tired? Try These Energy Hacks That Don’t Involve Caffeine
Are you one of the estimated 45% of Americans that feels fatigued up to three times a week — even when you’ve slept 7-8 hours a night?
Researchers Discover Changes in the Gut Microbiota After Severe Respiratory Syndrome — And What This Means For You
Are you struggling with post recovery syndrome after a viral respiratory infection? A fascinating new study may shed light on the root cause.
My Top Tips for Happy and Healthy Holiday Travel
Some favorites methods and herbal remedies to ease the stress that often accompanies the holiday season and travel.
My Favorite Autumn Detox Routine — Here’s Why You Should Try It Too. Recipe Included!
A fall detox focuses on removing the busyness of the summer months and nourishing your system so you can navigate the fall and winter.
How Parasites Could Be The Key To Treating Multiple Sclerosis
Researchers believe certain parasitic infections help to regulate the immune system by increasing regulatory T-cells.
Non-Dairy Chai Tea: A Delicious Way to Fight Inflammation, Pain, & Much More — Recipe Included!
Delicious chai tea is brimming with beneficial herbs that can help ease joint pain, muscle aches, and even chronic inflammation!
The Science Behind Sleeping Positions: Why It Matters and How to Choose the Best One
Let’s explore which position is best for specific health conditions and get some additional tips for how to support better sleep.
Eating More Fiber in Pregnancy: The Missing Link for Your Baby’s Brain?
Researchers have discovered that a high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of neurodevelopmental delays in children.
The Art of Being Nice: How Acts of Kindness Can Heal You and Others
Kindness is Crucial Mark your calendars, World Kindness Day is set to arrive in exactly one month on November 13, 2023. And Random Acts of Kindness Week will begin shortly thereafter on February 11th, 2024. Why is this important? Because kindness matters much more...
Don’t Let Ulcerative Colitis Get You Down. Try These Natural Methods to Ease Symptoms and Boost Your Mood.
Ulcerative colitis can be a challenging condition with flare ups caused by stress and trigger foods, affecting both body and mind.
Pumpkin Power: How This Fall Favorite Boosts Your Health and Immunity
A Humble Fruit With Surprising Benefits As we head into autumn, one of the hallmarks of the season is the abundance of pumpkin in all its glorious forms. Think: Sweet bread, pie, savory soups, cookies, and even ice cream. It truly is one of the most versatile fruits...
Is a High-Sugar, High-Carbohydrate Diet Causing Your Depression & Anxiety?
Science has something to say about the impact of sugar on your brain and body. Here are some ways to break the sugar habit once and for all.
Natural Weight Loss Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide to Losing Pounds and Keeping Them Off for Good
My Top Natural Weight Loss Strategies For many, weight loss can be a complicated affair since there are many factors that are involved: age, hormonal balance, stress levels, toxicity, thyroid issues, and even autoimmunity can all contribute to excess pounds. If you...
The Hidden Health Risks of Living on the Wrong Side of a Time Zone
How Time Affects Your Circadian Rhythm With daylight savings ending soon where the clocks will be turned back an hour, many of us are looking forward to resuming standard time since it is more closely attuned to our natural circadian rhythms. Considering this...
Diverticulitis: A Common But Preventable Disease — Learn How To Heal It Naturally
What is Diverticulitis? Often called "the disease of modern man", diverticulitis is a condition that gives rise to severe abdominal pain, typically on the lower left side. It is caused when the pouches along your digestive tract become infected and inflamed. While...
My Top 10 Herbal Remedies for Beginners
Explore this list handful of readily available, versatile herbs, including general instructions for how to make a tincture and salve.
The Truth About Cataracts and What You Can Do To Avoid Them
There are several preventative steps that can significantly slow the progression and symptoms of cataracts, including diet and supplements.
The Science Behind “Earthing” — And Why You Should Adopt This Easy (and Free!) Habit
Exploring the science behind “earthing”, an easy and inexpensive method to reap additional benefits from your time in nature.
Love Your Kidneys With These Natural Health Tips
Treating These Vital Organs Well The kidneys are often the unsung heroes of detoxification. When exposure to toxins, a genetic predisposition, or lifestyle choices damage these vital organs, it can lead to disease and a host of health issues. Those with diabetes and...
Back-to-School Made Easy: A Simple Method for a Calm (and Healthy) Transition
An easy herbal protocol that eliminates the stress, anxiety, behavioral challenges, and uptick in sickness that come with the season.
The Ketogenic Diet and Autoimmunity: Here is What You Need to Know
Considering a ketogenic diet for autoimmunity? Research has shown it can be beneficial, neuroprotective, and is known to calm inflammation.
Supporting a Grieving Child: What Every Parent Should Know
Any type of a loss can lead us to experience challenging feelings of grief — and babies and children are not exempt.
Viruses and the Brain: How Infections Can Cause Cognitive Decline
The Link Between Poor Cognitive Health & Viral Illness It has long been known in the scientific community that viral infection can cause cognitive and mood changes — anyone who has felt brain fog, depression, insomnia, and general irritability during a bout with a...
One Quick (and Simple) Habit That Will Help You to Remember Anything
Memory isn’t what it used to be? Try this technique for greatly improved recall to help you remember anything.
Coffee With Milk For Inflammation Control? Researchers Say Yes.
Health Fact or Fiction? Although dairy has long been linked to increased inflammation in health and wellness circles, researchers are now finding that this is not the case. In fact, it may have beneficial effects that help to reduce inflammation, especially when...
Emotions Are Contagious — Here’s Why.
Did you know we can hardwire our brain towards positivity, and with enough practice, it can become second nature?
Here’s How to Boost Your Bone Health & Avoid Osteoporosis, Naturally!
Exploring different methods for preserving and strengthening bones, including vitamins and minerals, lifestyle, and herbal medicine.
The Secret Superpowers of Highly Sensitive People: Here’s How to Unleash Their Potential for More Joy & Less Stress
Prevent overstimulation, fatigue, nervous tension, and overwhelm in the day-to-day lives of highly sensitive people.
Time-Restricted Eating: The Simple, Science-Backed Strategy to Optimize Your Health, Lose Weight, and Fight Metabolic Disorders
Thermogenesis — the body mechanism for burning energy from food — is directly linked to the light-dark cycles of our circadian rhythms.
Craniosacral Therapy for Anxiety, Pain Relief, Autism, and More: How It Works and What to Expect
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive modality that may lead to improved relaxation, fewer fibromyalgia symptoms, and more benefits.
Having a Bad Day? Here’s How to Quickly Turn it Around.
Sympathetic nervous system activation compromises our ability to reason, focus, and think clearly. Time to reset!
The Shocking Truth About Parasites and How to Get Rid of Them
A parasite is an organism that sources their food from humans or animals, and they’re not just limited to exotic locations.
This is How Poor Gut Health Can Lead to Cavities, Gum Disease
Learn how strengthening the gut and microbiome can help to improve oral health and reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease.
Urban Foraging 101: Discover a Bounty of Nutritious (and Free) Wild Food Right Outside Your Door
You may be surprised at how many wild edibles you can find in urban environments — and even in your own backyard!
Natural Beauty & Anti-Aging Skincare — My Top Tips!
Lifestyle, diet, and natural skincare make a difference in reversing the signs of aging, skin damage, and protecting against future harm.
My Favorite Morning Routine for Exceptional Gut Health
Approaching the morning intentionally with a positive routine sets the tone for the entire day, and can lead to better gut health!
Memory, Emotion, and Stress — How The Relationship Between all Three Predicts Disease
The pioneering work of Esther Sternberg M.D. has revolutionized how we look at the mind-body connection in modern medicine.
One Simple Habit To Reduce Your Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
We have much more control over our health than previously thought — even when we have a strong family history of disease.
How Gluten-Free and Plant-Based Diets Can Lead to Poor Gut Health
If you are eating conventional foods, you may be unknowingly ingesting glyphosate, a toxin that severely damages the gut and overall health.
Cavities or Gum Disease? Here’s How to Naturally Heal Both
If you are having issues with tooth decay or gum issues, good news! Many times you can reverse the damage through diet and lifestyle practices.
Study Finds Lion’s Mane Doubles Neuron Growth, Dramatically Improves Memory
Researchers have found that the highly bioactive lion’s mane mushroom doubles neuron growth and dramatically improves memory.
Here’s How to Naturally Calm Chronic Pain
Explore natural remedies and lifestyle recommendations that help to address chronic pain so that you can feel better quickly.
The 3 Traits of the Happiest People on Earth — It’s Not What You May Think
Finland has been named “Happiest Country” in the World Happiness Report 2023. They’ve won that distinction 6 times now, what’s their secret?
Researchers Have Just Uncovered Another Piece of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Puzzle: Your Microbiome
Recent studies by the U.S. National Institutes of Health found that microbiome dysbiosis may be the root cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Seasonal Health: Summer!
Enjoying a Naturally Healthy Summertime As we head into summer, there is a good chance we will spend more time outdoors gardening, enjoying nature, and gathering together with family and friends. This is certainly a season to embrace! To ensure that it is comfortable...
Is This Common Food Additive the Cause of Your Weight Gain and Anxiety?
Learn about emulsifiers, the foods that contain them, and how to naturally address anxiety, inflammation, and gut health.
The Surprising Connection Between Mental Health & Viral Infections
Inflammation, Viral Illness, and Mood Disorders Throughout the pandemic, many underlying health concerns were highlighted as they contributed to poorer outcomes for severe acute respiratory syndrome. Pre-existing chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, kidney...
Food Allergies & Sensitivities: Could Butyrate Be the Solution?
Researchers are testing unique ways to address food allergies, including healing the microbiome with a compound called butyrate.
Seeking the Best Diet for Brain Health? Green Mediterranean is the Answer.
Researchers have discovered that the green Mediterranean diet is one of the best ways to promote brain health and reduce neurodegeneration.
Acetylcholine: Why You Should Treat This Common Deficiency
A Crucial Biochemical For Neurological Health As one of the most important neurotransmitters in the body, acetylcholine is directly associated with cognitive health by supporting our ability to learn, focus, and memorize information. What's more, it is also involved...
Can Excess Salt Damage Immunity? Researchers Say Yes.
Scientists have found that excess sodium intake is linked to many health conditions, and also lowers resistance to bacteria infections.
Suffering from Brain Fog? Here’s How to Improve Focus & Clarity in a Fast-Paced World.
Research seeks to answer what role technology plays in increasing levels of brain fog and diminishing focus and attention.
CBD: An All-Natural Miracle Worker for Autoimmunity, Inflammation, Seizures, & More
Natural Relief for Hard-To-Treat Conditions Over the past decade, cannabidiol (CBD) products have enjoyed an upswing in popularity for those seeking a natural method to control seizures and pain, cool inflammation, address mood disorders, and promote relaxation and...
Want to Reduce Heart Attack and Stroke Risk? Study Shows Gardening Can Help
Gardening is an outstanding form of exercise, relieves stress, and boosts overall physical and mental well-being.
Why Functional Medicine is the Future of Healthcare
Functional medicine views the body as an integrated system and it is effective in uncovering and treating the root cause of complex illnesses
Herbal Focus: GooseberryRibes spp.
Want to age gracefully, balance blood sugar, and boost brain and cardiovascular health? The gooseberry should be part of your daily diet.
My Top Tips For Calming Myasthenia Gravis Symptoms
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that causes weakness in skeletal muscles when communication with nerve cells is disrupted.
Ongoing Fatigue, Loss of Smell, & Brain Fog After a Viral Infection? New Study Shows it May be Due to an Autoimmune Reaction
Ongoing fatigue, loss of smell, and brain fog are a few of the frustratingly persistent after effects of viral illness.
How to Break Out of Negative Thinking in 30 Seconds or Less According to Neuroscientists
The Mind-Body Connection When I began my journey with multiple sclerosis and found myself in a downward spiral of extremely poor health, I realized that I needed a radical shift in how I approached illness. Along with medicinal mushrooms and other natural remedies,...
Naturally Treating and Preventing Parkinson’s — My Top Tips!
The Root Cause of Neurological Conditions The basal ganglia is an area of the brain that we typically do not give much thought to unless it becomes dysfunctional and impacts our movement or emotional and mental wellbeing. It is most famously known to be involved in...
Researchers Discover Fungi in Gut Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Cognitive health may be linked to a surprising culprit: a unique fungi co-living with bacteria in the gut.
PANDAS, Autoimmunity, or Heart Disease? Donkey Milk May Be a Surprising, Science-Backed Solution
Donkey milk is a pharmafood, sought after for both for its sweet and clean taste and a wide range of health benefits.
No-Till Gardening: Revolutionizing the Way We Grow Food & Herbal Medicine
Let’s dig into the basics of establishing a no-till garden and how it can revolutionize the way you grow food and herbal medicines.
Using a Device to Soothe Your Child? Researcher’s Say It May Backfire
Researchers have found that frequent use of mobile devices to calm young children is associated with an increase of emotional dysregulation.
High-Salt Diet & Stress: Here is What You Need to Know
Researchers have discovered that lowering salt in your diet is a crucial component to soothing stress in your life.
Navigating the Emotional Impact of Multiple Sclerosis
Nicole Apelian’s journey to navigating the emotional and physical aspects of MS, and how she thrives in spite of it.
My Top Herbal Recommendations for HIV and AIDS
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is known worldwide as a severe retroviral infection that causes the destruction of the immune system.
Herbal Focus: Birch (Black) Betula lenta
Your local Black Birch tree is a healing powerhouse and an outstanding source of food and natural medicine.
Exciting New Research: A Healthy Microbiome is Key for the Developing Brain and Social Skills
Researchers have learned that a robust microbiome helps to create a brain system that supports the development of social skills.
Is Sugar Fueling Your Seasonal Allergies?
Is it possible to enjoy a glorious spring without the drawbacks of hay fever and over-the-counter allergy medications? Absolutely!
Cordyceps: A Science-Backed Miracle Mushroom for Preventing Viral-Induced Lung Damage
Researchers have found another reason to heartily embrace cordyceps mushroom: it helps to prevent viral-induced lung damage.
Cultivating Health & Happiness: How Growing a Garden Can Change Your Life for the Better
Nurturing Overall Wellbeing Did you know that gardening is not only a pleasurable activity, it also can improve your overall health and wellbeing? It’s true! Numerous studies have found that tending to a garden is one of the best ways to boost happiness and a sense of...
Seasonal Health: Spring
Spring is an excellent time to tend to our detoxification pathways and take steps to reduce the impact of hay fever.
This is How a Healthy Gut Improves Vitamin D Availability
Research has found that the state of your gut microbiome directly influences how well you absorb vitamin D, a crucial vitamin.
New Study Links Black Death Pandemic With Future Autoimmunity Risk
Fascinating new research digs into the immune system adaptations of plague survivors, and their influence on our immunity today.
Want to Enjoy a Long and Happy Life? The Secret May Lie in Calming the Brain
Researchers have found that activities of neurons in the brain play a significant role in determining lifespan.
Herbal Focus: Oregon Grape Mahonia (Berberis) aquifolium and M. nervosa
Oregon Grape is an exceptionally versatile plant, useful in the treatment of UTI’s, skin infections, severe respiratory syndrome, and the flu.
How to Prevent and Naturally Treat Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Guillain-Barré Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness and numbness.
It’s Time For Black Tea! How This Popular Drink Boosts Long-Term Health
A warm mug of black tea can bring both pleasure and robust health benefits during the chilly winter season.
Need Another Reason to Avoid Sugar? Study Shows it Promotes Metabolic Syndrome by Altering the Microbiome
Researchers have now confirmed what health and wellness advocates have known for decades — refined sugar destroys your gut.
Herbal Focus: Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Tips on how to identify and harvest the soft and mighty herb mullein, as well as how to utilize its powerful medicinal properties.
New Study Finds Shingles Virus May Cause Significant Cardiovascular Disease, Stroke
Researchers have determined a reactivated shingles infection can also have serious health consequences well beyond nerve pain and blisters.
Are You Keto? New Study Finds High-Fat Diets Reprogram Immune Cells
A new study has found that a high-fat diet, such as what you find with a ketogenic diet, can reprogram immune cells to enhance immunity.
How Leaky Brain Can Lead to Autism, Autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, and More
Leaky brain syndrome occurs when the blood brain barrier is compromised, causing inflammation, mood disorders, chronic fatigue, and more.
Nigella sativa: A Small But Mighty Seed for Autoimmunity, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and Much More!
Black seed oil has been traditionally used by many cultures for thousands of years as a natural beauty and health remedy. Science agrees.
High-Salt Diet Linked to Inflammation, Multiple Sclerosis
If you have multiple sclerosis or another autoimmune condition, recent research suggests you may want to curb your salt habit.
Suffering From SIBO? Help is on the Way!
Lifestyle, dietary, and herbal support for SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, a gut dysfunction condition.
How Intermittent Fasting Impacts Female Hormones
Intermittent fasting boasts many health benefits, but a new study sheds light on possible negative impacts of the practice for women.
Citric Acid, Black Mold, and You
A brief look at the differences between manufactured citric acid and naturally sourced, along with the possible health implications for both.
The Surprising Connection Between Gut Health and Exercise
Wild and wonderful gut bacteria, how they can make (or break) your health, and new research showing that exercise can boost your microbiome.
Is Alzheimer’s An Autoimmune Disease? A Revolutionary New Model Says Yes.
New findings could revolutionize how Alzheimer’s is treated, possibly even preventing this devastating disease.
Interoception: The Secret Inner Sense for Defeating Anxiety, Depression, & More
Tune in with interoception, the sense involving subtle signals sent from the cardiovascular system, gut, lungs, bladder, and kidneys.
Seasonal Health: Winter
Take active steps to fortify yourself against poor health and maintain your well being during the winter season.
Struggling with Celiac Disease? Here are My Favorite Natural Remedies to Soothe Symptoms
Celiac disease is an ancient autoimmune disorder with 1 in 100 people diagnosed worldwide and an estimated 2.5 million undiagnosed in the US.
Let’s Play! How Forest Floor Playgrounds Build Stronger Microbiomes in Kids
Study finds that children who regularly interact with nature have more robust microbiomes and lower risk of developing autoimmune diseases.
Herbal Focus: White Pine (Pinus strobus)
Ready to reap the benefits of eastern white pine? Identification tips, what and when to harvest, and its edible and medicinal uses.
Managing the Symptoms of Lupus, Naturally!
Natural approaches to symptom management for calming lupus flares, including diet, lifestyle habits, helpful supplements, and herbs.
Here’s Why Walking in Bad Weather is Good For You
Cold is good? A brief review of some of the history and science behind the beneficial effects of embracing uncomfortable weather.
My Favorite Productivity Hacks to Boost Clarity, Relieve Stress, and Promote Calm
Establishing a positive daily routine can help you to accomplish your goals and create more happiness in your life.
How Stress Changes Your Microbiome for the Worse
Microbiome support with a fiber-rich diet, stress reduction practices, and herbal remedies may lead to a healthier, happier life.
The Connection Between Autism, Mood Disorders, and Low Levels of Lithium
Could naturally occurring lithium, or the lack thereof, impact rates of autism and mood/cognitive disorders?
The Surprising Connection Between High Blood Sugar and Cardiovascular Disease
Learn why managing blood sugar is important not only for those with diabetes, but also to maintain heart and cognitive health.
Lifting the Cloud of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Naturally
Lifestyle habits and herbal remedies may reduce seasonal affective disorder (SAD) symptoms, including flagging energy and brain fog.
Seeking a Natural Approach to Cushing Syndrome? Here are My Top Remedies.
Examining a multi-pronged approach to Cushing’s Syndrome, a multiple-symptom condition which impacts 10-15 million people every year.
Just in Time for the Holidays: How True Forgiveness Can Boost Our Health & Happiness
The practice of releasing resentment, anger, and hostility, or forgiveness, has been proven to impact health and happiness.
Eating Later in the Evening Encourages Obesity. Here’s Why.
New science explains how meal timing plays a major role in energy expenditure, appetite, and pathways within fat tissue.
Children’s Health: Treating PANDAS Naturally
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders (PANDAS) seriously impact learning, memory, and school performance.
Our Ancestral Microbiome is Disappearing. Here’s How to Help Slow the Damage.
Gut health is a vital factor in avoiding chronic disease. Learn how to encourage microbial diversity for ourselves and future generations.
Prepping 101: Water!
Nicole shares tips for collecting, storing, and purifying water, so you can be prepared in any circumstance.
Psychobiotics, Mind Control, and The Gut-Brain Connection
When you eat, the tiny bacteria that make up your microbiome respond by sending biochemicals up to the brain — for better or worse.
This Simple Breathing Technique May Help You Lose Weight, Alleviate Depression, and Calm Asthma
Improved Health in Only 3 Minutes Sometimes the most simple interventions are the most effective solution for health issues. And one of the best examples of this is a technique called Senobi Breathing Exercise (SBE). Gentle yet powerful, this method only takes three...
The Surprising Connection Between Glutamate, Autoimmunity, and Neurological Conditions
Did you know? A glutamate imbalance in the brain may worsen neurological issues, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD, and multiple sclerosis conditions.
Herbal Focus: Black Walnut, Eastern (Juglans nigra)
Identify and harvest the tasty, nutritious Black Walnut, and learn more about its powerful medicinal uses. Tincture recipe included!
DIY Sauerkraut: An Inexpensive (and Delicious!) Remedy For Gut Issues. Recipe Included!
Homemade sauerkraut is a simple and budget-friendly way to boost your microbiome health, and also improve mood, immunity, and weight loss.
The Wild and Wonderful World of Golden Chanterelle Mushrooms; Plus Food Preservation Tips & Recipe!
It’s time to discover chanterelle mushrooms! Learn more about foraging, cooking, and preserving this powerhouse of taste and nutrition.
Depression, Poor Immunity, Excess Weight? Cold Therapy to the Rescue!
Looking at what science has to say about the benefits of cold therapy, and how to safely incorporate this practice into your wellness regimen.
Seasonal Health: Autumn
Nicole’s favorite methods for creating balance during autumn, strengthening yourself against contagious illness, and fortifying your lungs.
Need Another Reason to Enjoy Nature? Here are 5 New Science-Backed Benefits
Learn what science has to say about the powerful impact of spending time in nature on your physical and mental health.
Amanita muscaria: A Legendary Mushroom With a Healthy Twist
How to locate, harvest, and prepare the impossible-to-miss Amanita muscaria mushroom safely during your foraging adventures!
Chronic Inflammation: What It Is, Why It’s Dangerous, and What To Do About It
Natural methods to decrease chronic inflammation and address underlying issues that may be contributing factors.
Prepping 101: Wilderness Field Kit and Herbal Medicine Chest
The fragility of our supply chain for essentials has the average person thinking preparedness isn’t just for those living off-grid anymore
Here’s How to Naturally Improve Hair Health and Stop Excessive Shedding
Certain lifestyle habits, herbal remedies, and diet changes can significantly reduce hair loss and encourage healthy growth.
My Favorite Natural Solutions for Sleep Apnea
Suffering from sleep apnea? It’s important to address the underlying causes sooner rather than later to avoid chronic health issues.
Seeking a Plant-Based Antiviral? Study Finds Stinging Nettle Effective Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Stinging nettle is already known as a power-packed wild green and wonder plant. Researchers have found that it is also a powerful antiviral!
This is How a Sugar Detox Can Change Your Brain for the Better
The heavy impact refined sugar has on brain function, and how to remedy our addiction to this widespread additive.
How to Stop a Migraine in its Tracks (or Prevent it Altogether)
A review of remedies that lessen the length and severity of migraines, and the triggers that may bring them on.
Healing Gout: Natural Remedies That Really Work!
Dietary and lifestyle choices, along with medicinal herbs, can help manage the symptoms of gout, a chronic inflammatory disease.
It’s Back to School Time! Here’s How to Keep Families Happy, Healthy, & Focused
Tried and true methods that support a smooth transition back to school, while also supporting a happy, healthy, and focused school year.
Here’s Why Taming Your Smartphone Habit Leads to Better Brain Health & More Happiness
Simple suggestions to minimize the negative impacts of smartphone use, and cognitive-boosting tips to help to protect the brain.
Spinning from Vertigo? Here are my Favorite Remedies for Rapid Relief
Natural methods to address vertigo, a condition that leaves you feeling as though you are spinning, tilting, or off-balance with dizziness.
Struggling With Insomnia? Try This Little Known Japanese Sleep Solution
A simple yet effective Japanese method called Kaizen may just be the answer to establishing a solid sleep routine.
Menopause, HRT, and Possible Health Dangers
Exploring the possible causes for abnormal post menopausal bleeding, along with the benefits and risks of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT).
Defeat Fatty Liver Disease with These Foods, Herbs, and Lifestyle Tips
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an accumulation of extra fat in the liver, and it’s on the rise.
Cognitive Decline and Brain Aging Linked to Type 2 Diabetes, Insulin Resistance
A new study found that type 2 diabetes is associated with accelerated brain aging and cognitive decline. Can herbs safeguard our brain health?
“Post Recovery Syndrome”, Autoimmunity, Cancer, and More Linked with Epstein-Barr Virus. Here’s How to Defeat it.
The common Epstein-Barr virus may be associated with cancer, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, and “post recovery syndrome.”
Herbal Focus: Golden Root Rhodiola rosea
For those without autoimmune disorders, Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, can help to address a wide range of health complaints.
My Three Favorite Summertime Wild Foods for Detoxification
Looking for an inexpensive way to detoxify without using a range of supplements? The answer may be found in your own backyard!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: My Top Herbal Medicines & Lifestyle Tips for Healing
Reviewing factors that may lead to better treatment and health outcomes for those impacted by chronic fatigue syndrome.
Herbal Focus: Bladderwrack(Focus vesiculosus)
Bladderwrack, a common type of seaweed, is a nutritional powerhouse and can be used for a variety of medicinal and beauty purposes.
Tabata vs HIIT Exercise: Which is best?
Tabata and HIIT are both excellent for health and help you reap all the benefits of a traditional workout without a lengthy time commitment.
Can Gardening Improve Your Health & Happiness? You Bet! Here’s Why.
Science has found that gardening has a range of healthy benefits, from weight loss to improved physical and cognitive wellbeing.
As Global Temperatures Rise, Our Sleep Will Suffer. Here’s How to Soften the Impact.
A new study finds that global warming will significantly reduce sleep quality around the globe, but we can take steps to minimize the impact.
How to Strike a Healthy Balance in a Dopamine-Driven World
Experience the pleasure of the feel-good neurotransmitter, dopamine, in a health-affirming way by shifting habits and choices.
Discover the Wild World of Sourdough for Gut Health and More!
Explore the wild world of sourdough fermentation and learn how this ancient technique can yield delicious bread that is good for you!
Glutamate, Brain Health & You
Learn why the balance between glutamate and GABA in the brain has a profound impact on our mental health and physical well-being.
Herbal Focus: Bilberry(Vaccinium myrtillus)
Bilberry is a powerhouse of nutrition and medicinal uses this is a berry that everyone should get to know!
Sunburn, Stings, and Bites: My Top Summertime Skincare Tips!
Learn how to keep your summer skin healthy, hydrated, and protected, without the drawbacks of synthetic ingredients.
Herbal Focus: Bee Balm(Monarda didyma)
Bee balm is a beautiful plant that attracts a range of pollinators into your garden, including hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.
Transforming Grief Into Strength, Resiliency, Connection, and Hope
Learn about the health-impacts of extended grieving, and methods to navigate these trials in a healthy way.
Secrets of the Blue Zones for Health, Happiness, and Longevity
A researcher set out on a quest to document the secret of blue zones, regional populations of long-lived and exceedingly healthy people.
My Top Remedies for Alopecia Areata, Hair Loss & Slow Growth
Simple lifestyle choices and natural remedies that are highly effective in addressing hair loss and slow growth.
My Favorite Herbal Medicines for GERD and Other Digestive System Concerns
Symptoms of GERD, an extreme form of acid reflux, may be calmed with diet and lifestyle adjustments, as well as herbal medicine.
Elevate Your Meals With These Healthy Condiments — Wild Food Recipe Included!
Explore a few of Nicole’s favorite go-to condiments that will elevate your meals to a whole new level of flavor and nutrition.
My Favorite Culinary Oils for Inflammation, Weight Loss, Diabetes, and More
Learn about the many different types of culinary oils to choose from, which is best for your needs, and how to use it properly.
Prepping 101: Food!
The pandemic has shown us that having long-term emergency food and other supplies is crucial to keeping our families safe during shortages.
Keeping Your Eyes Bright, Healthy, and Disease-Free — Naturally!
Don’t take your vision for granted! Learn about simple methods, like medicinal herbs and lifestyle, that can support healthy eyesight.
Is Plastic Driving the Obesity Epidemic?
New studies show that plastic bottles and food packaging may be causing significant weight gain and obesity worldwide.
Nature Rx: The Science-Supported Miracle Medicine That’s Free
An increasing number of medical professionals have begun writing “nature prescriptions” for their patients.
Herbal Focus: Yarrow(Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow is a wonder herb for infectious illness, wounds, dental pain, fever, menstrual complaints, anxiety, swellings, and more!
Encouraging Small Moments of Joy in Everyday Life
Cultivate moments of joy to boost health and contribute to less stress, improved heart health, a stronger immune system, and reduced pain.
CBD and Inflammation: Here is What You Need to Know
Lifestyle and dietary choices, time in nature, CBD, and other medicinal herbs are Nicole’s go-tos for taming chronic inflammation.
Herbal Focus: Holy Basil(Ocimum tenuiflorum/Ocimum sanctum)
Learn about holy basil, a perennial herb that is often grown for both religious and medicinal use, and can be enjoyed in multiple ways.
It’s Time to Let Go of Chronic Busyness — Here’s How
Daily constant stress can cause health issues like weight gain, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, brain fog, and heart disease.
The Joy of Modern Homesteading — DIY Tincture Recipe Included!
Get back to the land and adopt the spirit of homesteading on your apartment balcony, backyard, or a small plot of land.
Why Starting Your Own Backyard Pharmacy is a Smart Move
Beginner or seasoned gardener? Dig in and explore beautiful and useful plants to grow a backyard pharmacy right outside your door.
Why Everyone Should Take Snapshots of Nature
Nature inspires feelings that connect us to each other and the environment, here’s a practice to foster that connection.
Focus, Memory, and Clarity Less Than Ideal? Here are My Top Tips for Clearing Brain Fog
Suffering from more than the occasional instance of brain fog? Explore these recommendations that can help you regain clarity and sharpness.
Hormonal Health for Women: Endometriosis, PCOS, Uterine Fibroids
Seeking safe, natural support for symptoms of endometriosis, PCOS or uterine fibroids? A dietary shift and medicinal herbs may provide relief!
Allergies Have you Down? Here is the Best Diet and Herbal Remedies for Rapid Relief
Dietary choices and herbal remedies are exceptionally effective in helping minimize the disagreeable symptoms of seasonal allergies.
Nicole interviewed on HIListically Speaking with Hilary Russo
New interview with Nicole on HIListically Speaking with Hilary Russo Check out Episode 79, "Dr. Nicole Apelian: Living Well in the Wild". On this episode of HIListically Speaking, get to know Nicole as she explores the healing power of nature. What she learned from...
Discover the Power of Butterbur for Migraines, Allergies, Inflammation and More!
Butterbur is a perennial, delicious wild food that is famously known for its ability to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.
Two Powerful (and Surprising) Methods for Detoxing Your Brain
Learn about the waste clearance system that helps to detoxify your brain and plays an important role in supporting cognitive health.
Rapid Relief for Psoriasis and Eczema — Naturally!
Skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis are on the rise as people struggle with leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune conditions, and other factors.
How To Know If You Have a Thyroid Condition — And What To Do About It
The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland may be tiny but it’s powerful, and malfunctions can cause a cascade of significant health issues.
Another Reason to Heal Your Gut: New Study Shows ALS Linked with a Compromised Microbiome
A new study could lend hope in diagnosing ALS before the onset of the disease and offers the possibility of a novel method for treatment.
Stinging Nettle: A Power-Packed Wild Green for Allergies, Arthritis, Inflammation and More!
A Delicious Superfood with Many Uses Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is one of those nutritious wild foods that has a wonderful range of uses. Many know this prickly plant for it's allergy-taming properties, but nettle is also a superfood in its own right. High in...
Suffering From Tinnitus? Here’s How to Manage Your Symptoms Naturally
Tinnitus is a common condition affecting an estimated 50 million Americans. In some cases, anxiety and neuroinflammation may be the cause.
Herbal Focus:Maple (Bigleaf) (Acer macrophyllum)
Winter morphs into spring, and the big maple leaf blooms are emerging here in the Pacific Northwest. Learn more about these versatile flowers.
The Gut/Brain Axis: How Nurturing Your Microbiome Can Defeat Depression, Anxiety, and More
Addressing the state of your gut microbiome is an important aspect of healing if you struggle with depression, anxiety, brain fog.
Ready for a Good Spring Cleaning? Here Are My Favorite Detox Methods — Recipes Included!
Time for a spring detox? The liver is one of your hardest working organs and should be the focus of any detoxification effort.
Is This Virus the Missing Link for Multiple Sclerosis?
An exciting new study shows that a past viral infection with Epstein-Barr, a type of herpes virus, may be the cause of multiple sclerosis.
Herbal Focus: Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa and P. deltoides)
Spring is just around the corner in the Pacific Northwest, which means it’s cottonwood bud season. Learn all about this medicinal powerhouse!
The Pandemic, Maintaining a Healthy Gut Terrain, and You
Germ theory, terrain theory, or a mix of both? The science is clear: the health of the gut is essential for mental and physical health.
The Alone Podcast – Episode 17 – Dr. Nicole Apelian
New interview with Nicole on The Alone Podcast Check out the newest episode of The Alone Podcast - a show "dedicated to the participants of the History Channel show, Alone." This week we hear from Dr. Nicole Apelian, a participant on seasons 2 and 5 of Alone on...
6 Foods to Boost Your Mood During the Dark Days of Winter and Beyond
Don’t underestimate the power of food – research shows that diet can be a helpful ally to brighten your outlook!
Sleep Easy with These Top Herbal Remedies
When our sleep is disrupted, every area of our life is affected – medicinal herbs offer a safe and effective solution for sleep problems.
Crohn’s Disease and IBS: 6 Herbs for Rapid Relief
Living with an inflammatory gut condition? Take heart! Pain, inflammation, motility issues & gut health can be improved with medicinal herbs.
Dandelion: A Common Backyard Weed That Tackles Spike Proteins, Liver Troubles, Cancer, and More!
Dandelion is an herbal powerhouse for a range of conditions – pretty impressive for a common backyard ‘weed’!
Reduce Inflammation, Enhance Brain Power, and Improve Gut Health with Red Light Therapy
Red light therapy is a unique treatment that can help to improve skin quality, reduce inflammation, and boost mental health.
10 Natural Remedies for Neuropathy Relief
Top tips for managing neuropathy, a painful condition that affects the nerves and is often associated with diabetes, MS, and chemotherapy.
If You Suffer From Fibromyalgia, Here Are 4 Science-Backed Supplements That Can Help
Fibromyalgia tends to be challenging to treat, although several supplements have shown great promise in minimizing symptoms.
The Transformative Power of Gratitude in the Workplace
Gratitude is a powerful practice for our overall health and well-being. It can transform our daily lives, even in the workplace.
Sciatica, Chronic Pain, and You — Natural Remedies that Really Work!
Medicinal herbs and practicing self-care can make a tremendous impact in addressing the impactful pain of sciatica.
One Simple Science-Backed Habit to Boost Happiness, Brain Power, Weight Loss and More
Exercise is a crucial aspect of promoting both physical and mental well-being, and these benefits are also strongly supported by science.
Fertilize Your Gut? You Bet! Here’s How.
Gut microflora play a crucial role in our overall well being. Prioritizing gut balance and health can help you truly thrive.
3 Simple Science-Backed Methods for Losing Stubborn Abdominal Fat
Practical ways to manage belly fat and reduce the risk of chronic disease so we begin the new year on the right foot.
Kick Off the New Year with These Superfoods for Weight Loss and Health
These three superfoods can help you get back on track after the holidays, and also improve immunity, inflammation, and brain function.
Why (Almost) Everyone Should Eat Seaweed — Wild Food Recipe Included!
Dive into one of Nicole Apelian’s favorite superfoods for healthy living – if you’ve never tried seaweed, you are in for a treat!
The Power of Connection for Health and Happiness
Connection is a crucial part of our emotional and physical health, and the holidays are a great time to strengthen social bonds.
The Surprising Health Benefits of Mistletoe
Explore mistletoe’s long history of use for a variety of health issues, as well as a review of safety guidelines.
Capturing Slow Moments of Holiday Joy
Slowing down and savoring the moment, especially during busy seasons, are vital ingredients to a full, happy, and healthy life.
The Top 5 Benefits of Yoga that are Backed by Science
Yoga is a wonderful practice for both mental and physical wellbeing, and its benefits are well backed by science.
My Top Tips for Keeping an Aging Brain Healthy, Sharp, and Active
Dig in and explore the active steps that can be taken to maintain and improve brain health, memory, and cognition.
Light Pollution: Why it Matters if You Want to Live a Healthy Life
Simple steps to minimize the impacts of artificial lighting in our homes and communities without living in the dark.
Do Your Kidneys Need a Reboot? Here are My Top Tips
Explore this collection of dietary tips and favorite herbs for maintaining (or re-establishing) kidney health.
My #1 Go-To Herb for Avoiding Influenza, Colds, and Severe Respiratory Illness
Elderberry is one of the best antiviral herbs on the planet – it’s an all-around powerful remedy that should be in every medicine cabinet!
Giving Thanks and The True Power of Gratitude
The practice of gratitude helps to put our lives in perspective and enriches us spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
The Art of Doing Nothing — And Why It’s Important
Being in a constant state of activity has a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing – prioritize slowing down for overall health.
How to Have a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving — Wild Food Recipe Included!
The holiday season is fast approaching, do you have a game plan to support yourself through this busy time?
Natural Acne Remedies That Really Work!
A discussion of natural solutions for supporting healthy, clear skin, that work with the body, not against it.
Struggling with Diabetes? Here are My Top 4 Herbal Remedies
A selection of several medicinal herbs and lifestyle tips that can help to support a healthier life with diabetes.
My Secret to Staying Healthy During the Holidays
Learn about the powerful herbs that can help to support and fortify your immune system this holiday season and beyond.
My Top Herbal Remedies for Urgent Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief
Natural remedies and a shift in lifestyle practices can offer much-needed relief for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
Laughter really is the best medicine. Here’s why.
Learn more about the science behind laughter and improved health, and the therapeutic benefits of laughter for your life.
9 Simple Methods to Boost Vagal Tone for Happiness and Health
The vagus nerve affects your breathing, digestion, immune system, and heart rate – its proper functioning is crucial for your well-being!
Living Vibrantly With Vitiligo: 7 Herbal Remedies That Can Help
Vitiligo is an autoimmune condition that has no cure, but an anti-inflammatory diet and herbal remedies may be helpful.
Free Yourself From Mold Toxicity With These Tips
After addressing environmental mold problems, the next step is to detoxify from mold exposure and subsequent mycotoxins.
Unplugging: Why a Device and Media Detox is Good Medicine
If you feel as if you could use a reboot in your life, a media and device detox may be just what you need!
Hormonal Balance: Living Vibrantly, No Matter What Your Age
Manage menopausal symptoms and support hormonal balance using select medicinal herbs and adjusting lifestyle habits.
5 Ways to Transform Anger into Compassion
Actively practicing empathy and compassion can help us to to get a handle on our anger, and to remember the we are all in this together.
Intermittent Fasting: The Missing Link for Avoiding Viral Illness?
Compelling research is showing that an intermittent fasting practice may greatly influence and enhance immune response.
Has The Infamous Prion Met Its Match With Lungwort Lichen?
Breakthroughs in the world of prion disease point to lungwort lichen, and others, as an area where further research is needed.
Breaking the Cycle of Herpes and Shingles with the Power of Herbal Remedies
Medicinal herbs are a safe and effective avenue for preventing and treating herpes and shingles outbreaks.
5 Simple Methods for Boosting Oxytocin, the Happiness Hormone
If you feel you could use a little more happiness and connection, here are five ways you can naturally boost oxytocin.
Struggling to shed unwanted pounds? These underlying conditions may be the cause.
Undiagnosed autoimmune disease, leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, and other factors can make it difficult to achieve your weight loss goals.
Gratitude is good medicine for your health. Here’s why.
Gratitude is a profound habit that can transform your life. A growing body of research shows how it may also impact your physical health.
Herbal Focus: Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
Jerusalem artichoke is a wonderfully sweet, easy to grow autumn tuber with several significant health benefits.
Stay Healthy, Happy, and Calm with My Favorite Back-To-School Herbs
Back-to-school can be a stressful time. Medicinal herbs may help fortify against illness and soothe overstimulated nervous systems.
Now is a fantastic time to enjoy foraging and wild foods. Recipes included!
A few basics of what to keep in mind while safely foraging, as well as some favorite wild foods and recipes.
My 5 Favorite Medicinal Herbs for Defeating Lyme Disease and Co-Infections
Lyme Disease is the top vector-borne disease in the United States – learn about the many herbal options for healing.
Autism and ADHD: How to Manage Symptoms Naturally
Exploring some of the options for managing symptoms of autism and ADHD through diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and herbal support.
Struggling with Fatigue? Herbal Remedies to the Rescue!
Medicinal herbal remedies are an excellent choice for support along the journey to regaining your energy and vibrancy.
Need to brighten your outlook? Diet may hold the key.
Current research shows that diet can influence mental well-being and has uncovered some surprising correlations.
Rediscovering Joy After Adversity
Seven research-based tips to help you navigate adversity in ways that lead to positive growth, contentment, and, ultimately, joy.
Traveling this season? Fortify yourself with these powerful herbal remedies.
Top herbal formulations to help fortify and strengthen immune function during summer travel and seasons of illness.
Are You Experiencing Unexplained Health Issues? EMFs May Be to Blame
The 5G telecom rollout is in full-swing, and many are questioning the safety of this electric and magnetic field producing technology.
My Favorite 7 Medicinal Herbs for Exceptional Lung Health
Detailed information on several herbal remedies that are powerful allies for keeping your respiratory system healthy and strong.
The Life-Changing Power of Medicinal Herbs — One Family’s Inspiring Story
Nicole’s path to managing MS led to the creation of healing herbal formulations in her Apothecary, and the answer to this user’s prayers.
Did Neanderthals Self-Medicate with Herbal Remedies? Science Says Yes
A study of ancient remains in El Sidrón, Spain, shows how early humans tapped into the therapeutic power of herbal remedies.
There’s No Better Time Than Now To Go Wild For Alpine Blueberries!
All about bog/alpine blueberries – a power-packed superfood which can help protect you against cancer, aging, and cardiovascular disease.
My Favorite Herbal Remedies For Aging Gracefully
Herbal remedies can help us lead vibrant lives by boosting energy, calming inflammation, improving vision, and clarifying the mind.
The True Cause of “Adrenal Fatigue” — And How to Heal It
Always exhausted, gaining weight, craving sweet or salty foods, and experiencing brain fog? You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue.
How to Help Hashimoto’s and Autoimmunity With These 8 Powerful Herbs
For those who struggle with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, medicinal herbs are a powerful ally for addressing the maze of life-disrupting symptoms.
Ancient Herbal Remedies for Modern Times
Ancient herbal remedies are experiencing a strong resurgence today as people seek natural solutions for their health challenges.
Are mosquitoes getting you down this summer? Try these natural solutions.
Keep mosquitos and other biting insects at bay so that you and your family can enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about pests.
Suffering from pain, inflammation, or insomnia? Wild lettuce may help
Wild lettuce (also known as opium or prickly lettuce) is an outstanding wild food and herbal remedy, famous for its ability to address pain.
My top tips for encouraging a radiant glow, no matter what your age
Top herbs and ingredients to feed your body and apply topically to promote healthy skin and a youthful glow.
Magical Morel Mushrooms: A Savory Wild Food for Boosting Immunity, Inhibiting Cancer, and Defeating Infections
Morel mushrooms are a wild, health-promoting superfood with many medicinal benefits and outstanding flavor.
Japanese Honeysuckle: Problematic Weed or Outstanding Herbal Remedy? You Decide.
Studies have shown Japanese Honeysuckle to exhibit immune boosting, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant health benefits.
Plume Thistle: A Powerful Medicinal Herb and Delicious Wild Food Rolled into One
Plume thistle may be a prickly weed found throughout the world, but it’s also a nutritious food and medicinal herb with many uses.
Keep your cool this summer with these refreshing foods and herbal remedies
Cooling herbs can help with symptoms brought on by the hot summer months, like flaring tempers, bloating, inflammation, and fatigue.
The Wild and Wonderful World of Cattails, Nature’s Plant-Based Corn Dogs
Cattails are an outstanding wild food for survival – boasting nutritious edible shoots, roots, and pollen.
Chinese Skullcap: A Traditional Medicinal Herb That Tackles Cancer, Inflammation, Allergies, and Anxiety
Chinese skullcap is a medicinal herb that has unique health benefits and is an outstanding remedy for a host of afflictions.
The Power of Pine Needle Tea for Respiratory Health, Immunity, and More
Nicole reviews the many benefits of pine needle, an important herbal remedy that is a powerful source of nutrition and natural medicine.
The Ultimate Guide to Foraging Wild Foods — Now Available!
Nicole shares her brand-new book: The Foragers Guide to Wild Foods, Edible Plants, Lichens, Mushrooms, and Seaweeds.
Grief and the Nature of Loss: How to Find Comfort, Hope, and Healing
Understanding the process of grief, and how self-care, aromatherapy, and medicinal herbs can support the healing journey.
Nature, Awe, and Clearing Clutter. Why we need all three for a calm and happy mind.
Research has shown that nature, awe, and spaces free of clutter greatly influence our mental health and provide tangible benefits.
Feasting on Foraged Fare: Lamb’s Quarter!
Lamb’s Quarter is a nutritional powerhouse, an effective poultice, and a hearty annual that can be found growing wild on every continent.
My 6 Favorite Herbs for Defeating Insomnia Once and For All
When you’re ready to experience sound, rejuvenating sleep, medicinal herbs offer a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.
Herbal Focus: Turkey Tail Mushroom (Trametes versicolor or Coriolus versicolor)
This beautiful medicinal mushroom is a phenomenal botanical – boasting benefits for issues ranging from inflammation to heart health.
Want to Live More Sustainably? Practice Gratitude
Add this to the growing list of reasons why expressing gratitude is vital for a great life – it can actually help us to live more sustainably!
Japanese Knotweed: A Mighty Medicinal Herb For Respiratory Health, Inflammation, Lyme Disease, and Much More
This botanical may be an invasive weed, but it is also known to help prevent and treat a number of health disorders.
Organic Gardening 101: 3 Methods for Cultivating a Bountiful Harvest
Tips to help you cultivate a successful organic garden and put your own fresh and healthy produce on the table.
Are you using counterfeit mushroom extracts? Here’s how to know the difference.
A discussion of mushroom extracts, ingredients, mycelium vs full fruiting bodies, and why the distinction matters in your supplements.
How to Naturally Manage Your Blood Sugar for Heart and Brain Health
Research has shown that there is a strong link between blood sugar and both brain and cardiovascular health.
Wild Foods 101: Safely Foraging Edible Plants and Creatures
A brief primer on foraging for edibles. Covered are safety and nutrition considerations, and recipes for pine needle tea and bee balm icing.
Herbal Focus: Usnea Lichen (Usnea barbata)
Usnea is an outstanding herbal remedy and the go-to herb for keeping healthy during cold and flu season and when traveling or in crowds.
How to Break the Habit of Worry and Fear: 4 Ways to Naturally Calm Anxiety
Nicole shares simple suggestions that can help you break the cycle of fear and worry—and cultivate peace of mind.
My Seven Favorite Herbs for the Allergy Season (and Asthma Too!)
Here are seven herbal remedies that may calm allergies and help you to stop and smell everything this glorious spring season.
How a Sense of Purpose Helps Us to Survive & Thrive: The Science Behind a Purpose Driven Life
A discussion of scientific and anecdotal evidence that explain how, and why, a sense of purpose is crucial for wellness.
Herbal Focus: Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
Marshmallow has outstanding medicinal properties and has been traditionally used for a range of digestive, lung, and urinary issues.
A Medicinal Backyard Kit for Starting a Small Backyard Pharmacy
Nicole’s Medicinal Seed Garden Kit includes all the seeds you need to start your very own plant and herb pharmacy.
Want to Live a Healthier, Happier Life? Practice Kindness
Be kind and be well. Over the years research has consistently found that kindness is directly tied to our overall happiness and well-being.
Cooking on the Wild Side: Ideas & Inspiration for Foraged Fare Year-Round
Are you ready to get excited about wild foods and foraging? Learn more about the magic that comes with foraging your next meal.
My Emergency Field Kit is a Must-Have. Here’s Why.
Nicole talks emergency preparedness, and the items that are crucial to have on hand whenever you leave home.
Herbal Focus: Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Hello Stinging Nettle, goodbye allergies! More than just a prickly plant, this herb is nutrient dense, medicinal, and makes gorgeous fiber.
Wild Joy: The Bliss (and Challenges) of Nature Adventures, My Story
Nicole’s relationship with nature and love of wild places was established early, and has only deepened as her journey continues.
Why I Never Leave Home Without My Herbal Travel Pack DIY Bonus – How to make an herbal tincture
Nicole’s Travel Pack is a potent herbal trinity made up of Usnea Lichen and Elderberry Tinctures, and All-Purpose (First Aid) Salve.
True Happiness: Life Lessons from the Kalahari San Bushmen
On cultivating a sense of community in our lives, and enjoying the benefits of true connection with others.
My Best-Loved Herbal Remedies for Topical Use
Nicole shares some of her favorite healing botanicals for topical use, their benefits, and usage information.
Nature Preparedness and Survival: My Essential Guide
Nicole Apelian and Shawn Clay have created a guide that will help you to better prepare for your nature adventures.
Discover the Joy of Wild foods, Foraging, and DIY Spore Prints
Nicole shares her enthusiasm for foraging in the wilderness for food, including plants you may be able to locate close to home.
How Herbal Remedies Can Help Transform Lives – One Family’s Story
A loyal customer shares her and her family’s ongoing success with a range of herbal products from Nicole’s Apothecary.
The Transformative Power of Wild Places and Connection—My Journey
Nicole shares highlights of her nature connection, ancestral knowledge, natural wellness, and survival skills journey.
Herbal Focus: Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris)
Boost energy, calm Inflammation, and regulate blood sugar with Cordyceps, a miracle mushroom with an impressive range of benefits.
My Top 5 Tips for Keeping Your Brain Healthy, Clear, and Sharp
Nicole discusses how diet, exercise, herbal remedies, and more have all helped to keep her mind clear and sharp throughout her MS journey.
Why Healing a Leaky Gut Should be a Top Priority for Health;
Plus: 6 Herbs for Leaky Gut
Leaky Gut Syndrome is associated with increased intestinal permeability. Learn more about herbal and diet support for this condition.
Experience a New Level of Potency with Spagyric Tinctures
Tincture formulations can vary in quality and effectiveness. Learn about our alcohol, dual-extraction, spagyric method extraction techniques.
Herbal Focus: Blue Elderberry (Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea)
All about elderberry, why it’s one of the most imporant herbs you can use during the cold & flu season, and Nicole’s top 3 uses.
My Favorite Diet for Managing Multiple Sclerosis
Diet, intermittent fasting, and herbal support are crucial elements in reducing Nicole’s MS symptoms and maintaining her active life.
Help keep joints happy this winter with my top 4 herbal remedies and lifestyle tips
Increased arthritic pain during the cold winter months may be mitigated with these practical tips and a few of my favorite botanicals.
Exercise, Multiple Sclerosis, and Brain Health—Here’s What You Need to Know
Research highlights the connection between physical activity and brain function in MS patients, and the impact fitness can have on symptoms.
Herbal Focus: St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
St. John’s Wort is a yellow-flowered botanical known for easing depression and anxiety, but it’s also an exceptional anti-inflammatory.
Gratitude: A Powerful Practice for Relieving Stress and Anxiety
Practicing gratitude can become a habit that powerfully shifts our thoughts so that we experience less stress and anxiety.
Herbal Focus: Lion’s Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
Lion’s Mane mushroom is an outstanding medicinal herbal remedy, providing stress and anxiety support, boosting energy, and reducing fatigue.
Stress less this holiday season with these 4 easy (and perhaps surprising) tips
There will always be busy moments, but these practices can help to break the stress cycle and support your ultimate wellness.
Herbal Focus: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
The ashwagandha plant has a wide range of medicinal uses that include stress relief, improved cognitive function, and enhanced immunity.
Struggling with Lyme disease? Wild Teasel may help
Approximately 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme Disease annually, Wild Teasel may help with prevention and to support treatment.
Why We Need Nature This Winter
Taking the time to enjoy nature—especially during the cold winter months—is an important aspect of self-care and holistic healing.
My Favorite Herbal Remedies for the Cold and Flu Season
These 6 herbs help maintain lung health, boost immunity, and reduce fevers – supporting overall well-being throughout the winter and beyond.
Suffering from autoimmunity? Avoid these popular herbs
If you suffer from an autoimmune disorder, it’s important to tread carefully when using herbs like echinacea, goldenseal, and astragalus.
Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
Reishi mushroom helps to strengthen the body against the negative effects of stress and encourages healthy immune function.
The Gift of Discomfort
Surviving (and thriving) in raw, untamed wilderness. Nicole Apelian talks joyful triumph and her new mini-series, “Surviving The Stone Age”.
One simple way to protect yourself from the threat of 5G
Mounting research has shown that EMF can have serious consequences on our well-being – radiation blockers may provide protection.
Why Medicinal Mushroom Tinctures are My Top Choice for Autoimmune Disorders
Evidence has shown Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Turkey Tail to be effective in regulating immune responses in folks with autoimmune conditions.
Herbal Focus: Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Lemon balm is a fragrant, citrusy, natural remedy to soothe mind, body, and spirit – a health promoting powerhouse!
The Invincible Herbal Extract: Why it’s Better Than Pills
Dr. Nicole Apelian discusses why tinctures are the most effective way to harness and utilize the power of medicinal herbs.
Wildfire and Smoke Season: Healing Herbs and Recipes for Lung Support
Dr. Nicole shares 7 protective and therapeutic herbs that ease anxiety, address respiratory complaints, and help repair lung damage.
The 10 Medicinal Plants You Want to Have in Your Backyard
Nicole’s Medicinal Seed Garden Kit will fit into your backyard with the most incredible, aromatic herbs you need for maximum health benefits.
Herbal Focus: Violets (Viola spp.)
Violets are a plant that most people can identify out in the wild, but many folks don’t know that these lovelies are both edible and medicinal.
Herbal Focus: Plantain (Plantago major and P. lanceolata )
It’s not a weed, it’s plantain, Nicole’s #1 go-to plant! Plantain is edible and its medicinal uses include help for stings, bites, rashes, and splinters.
Herbal Focus: Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
The entire dandelion plant, commonly regarded as a weed, is edible, nutritious, and can be used for myriad medicinal purposes.
Herbal Focus: Borage (Borago officinalis)
Borage is an edible and medicinal plant with blue flowers. It’s a great addition to your garden as it brings in pollinators and butterflies – bees love it!
Life After Alone: What am I Doing Now?
Check in with Nicole Apelian to see what the Alone alum is up to now. New ventures, adventures, and maintaining that good work-life balance.
Yerba Santa, My Top 3 Uses!
Yerba Santa is an herb used to dry up mucus fast. Keep it at the ready during cold season and allergy season for symptom relief.
10 Medicinal Mushrooms And Possible Health Benefits
Our Earth is a reservoir of abundant edible and medicinal mushrooms possessing many health benefits. Fungi boast enormous potential when it comes to maintaining your mental and physical well-being. Mushrooms have a high medicinal and nutritional value that aids in...
Aronia Berries, Ursolic Acid, and MS
Ursolic Acid is found in Aronia Berries, and new studies show it to be an exciting new area of Multiple Sclerosis research.
MS, General Health, and Yoga: Useful Tips for Your Home Yoga Space
Yoga has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, with more than 36 million Americans engaging in it, according to a recent survey. While many yoga practitioners enjoy the sense of community experienced in a yoga class, many others prefer to practice mindfulness in...
Smart Ways To Heal Shoulder Pain Holistically
Shoulder pain is a common problem, but herbal remedies, exercise, and yoga can be used together to both strengthen the shoulders and ease pain.
EMF Protection for the 5G Rollout: Why I Use Blushield
As technology continues to expand, there is a real concern when it comes to EMF exposure. What are the possible benefits of EMF protection?
Stress Less: The Key to Immune Health
The more we stress the more susceptible we become to an attack on our immune system. Doctor Nicole Apelian shares simple, effective ideas to keep the peace.
Combatting Hashimoto’s With Natural Medicine
(Guest Blog by Jennifer Bell) Hashimoto’s, a disease in which the immune system attacks the thyroid; resulting in hormone level issues, is a hard disease to deal with. If you or a loved one are dealing with Hashimoto’s, it’s likely that you’ve tried various treatments...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Are there any natural allergy remedies?
Hi Nicole, it’s allergy season and I am more miserable and uncomfortable than I’ve been in a long time. It seems to get a little worse each year. Any suggestions when it comes to natural allergy remedies?
New Release by Laura Prepon, featuring Dr. Nicole Apelian (part of Laura’s “Mom Squad”)
You and I, As Mothers – Actress and New York Times bestselling author Laura Prepon’s raw and honest guide to navigating motherhood is a must-read.
YouTube Interview with Laura Prepon
Staying healthy now! Check out this new interview with me by my dear friend actor/author/director Laura Prepon.
Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Guest Post by Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. Rheumatoid Arthritis (also known as RA) begins when your immune system attacks and lines the thin layer of tissue that is located near your joints. Usually, joints are affected the worst, but in some cases, it can also spread...
Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis Effectively With Simple Exercises
Alleviating Knee Osteoarthritis 10% of males over 60 years of age and 13% of women in the same age range have symptomatic osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Thankfully, there are multiple natural remedies that can help to alleviate the pain associated...
Achieving Holistic Health through Connection with Community
Connection with Community In the most recent couple of articles in this series on holistic health, we’ve discussed connection with self and connection with nature. The third level of connection, connection with community is equally important and relates back to all of...
Achieving Holistic Health through a Connection to Self
Connection to Self You may have noticed a few themes running through these articles about holistic health, and that’s not an accident. We foster nature connection in much the same way we foster a connection to self, using simple practices you can implement in your own...
How I Manage Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Nicole discusses the daily regimen that works best for her body and lifestyle to manage Multiple Sclerosis.
My Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis and Healing
The First Signs of Multiple Sclerosis I received my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis in early 2000. I remember it very clearly. The year was 1999. I was thirty years old. I was boarding a plane to Wisconsin to visit my stepfather, who had just been given three months to...
Holistic Health and Mind-Body Connection
Mind-Body Connection We all know that emotional stress can cause physiological responses in the body via the nervous and hormonal systems, illustrating the mind-body connection. These physical responses kick off a cascade of reactions in the body that often lead to...
Keeping Kids Healthy During Back-to-School Season
Back-to-school season is a mixed blessing – we’ve had all summer to enjoy more time outdoors with a less scheduled, less hectic, more free-range lifestyle that the extended break from school affords, but now it’s time to put a little more structure in place and for...
Now on Amazon: A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature by Nicole Apelian
A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature I love being outdoors – solo, with my children, with friends and family – every chance I get, I’m hiking, camping, or just sitting somewhere in nature, enjoying what’s around me. Over the years as I’ve worked with more and more...
Emergency Preparedness for Kids!
When my youngest son was 10 years old, he helped me create this video about emergency preparedness for kids and what's in his own emergency preparedness kit. He's 12 now, and he still carries these items every single day. He keeps them in his backpack during the...
Favorite Things: Foraging Field Reference Bandana
When the Wazoo Survival Gear crew asked me to help them create this foraging field reference bandana along with Mark Merriwether Vorderbruggen I was thrilled. Foraging is something I teach a few times every year because it is such an important part of being prepared...
How to Foster Nature Connection for Holistic Healing
We are all in need of Vitamin N, nature. It’s a really easy prescription to write for yourself, and it’s free.
Favorite Things: What’s in My Basic Emergency Field Kit?
There are a few things I keep on me AT ALL TIMES - I used all caps to really emphasize that I carry these items every day without exception. These are the items I would want to have on hand if I was stranded due to an accident or car breakdown, inclement weather,...
Wilderness Living & Survival Skills Workshop with Larry Roberts & Nicole Apelian
Experience what it takes to survive ALONE in the woods with Dr. Nicole Apelian and Larry Roberts from the History Channel’s TV show ‘Alone’ during this 3-day Survival Skills Workshop in Raymond, Washington Learn the skills Larry and Nicole used to survive and thrive...
Holistic Health and the Importance of Fostering Personal Cultural Repair
Holistic Health What is holistic health? It is knowing your own body and taking charge of it as a complete entity, not as a specific disease. Yes, it’s diet, it’s supplements, it’s herbal medicine, it’s exercise, it’s lifestyle, it’s gratitude, it’s “alternative”...
The Sustainable Wild Podcast | Being Prepared for Wilderness Survival
Unfortunately, it appears that this podcast is no longer available. You can explore other interviews & podcasts with Nicole Apelian here and additional press items here. On this episode of The Sustainable Wild Podcast, I address the following questions: Are you...
Journey of Possibilities Podcast | Medicinal Plants, Multiple Sclerosis, Natural Wellness
Listen in to this enlightening discussion on holistic wellness with Journey of Possibilities podcast host Sheryl Sitts. Sheryl and I discuss the following topics and more: Raising children with a healthy connection to nature and the outdoors Balancing the demands of...
My Bushcraft Fire Starter Necklace & Whetstone….
These two items are on my 'favorite things' list because they are not only functional and easy to carry, but they're beautifully handcrafted and tooled. Bushcraft Fire Starter Leather Necklace I often get complimented on this unique necklace by folks who simply like...
Emergency Preparedness | Classes with Nicole Apelian
Upcoming dates for this class have not been scheduled yet. If you have a group of at least 10 people who would like to take the class, I will happily come to you or we can schedule the class at my country property in Raymond, Washington. Please sign up for my...
Medicine Making: Herbal Remedies, Healing Salves | Classes with Nicole Apelian
Upcoming dates for this class have not been scheduled yet. If you have a group of at least 10 people who would like to take the class, I will happily come to you or we can schedule the class at my country property in Raymond, Washington. Please sign up for my...
LA Times | Step 1: Scout the setting; Step 2: Interview the locals; Step 3: Write ‘Leave No Trace’
From the LA Times article authored by Debra Grank: Nicole Apelian, the wilderness educator and guide, read the script and gave us extensive notes on how people like Will and Tom might go about their daily activities. Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie, who play Will and...
Two-Day Course: The Basics of Wilderness Living and Survival Skills
I'm thrilled to be teaching the first immersive experience available through Women Teach Men! Join me Summer 2019 (exact dates TBD) for two days of learning hands-on the wilderness living and survival skills you need to survive in the woods - registration is open now....
Favorite Things: Dovetail Workwear for Women
As you might have guessed, I live an outdoor lifestyle. I'm almost always outside and I'm usually working at harvesting local herbs and mushrooms for my healing salves and tinctures, or teaching others how to make the most of our beautiful natural surroundings. My...
Ask Dr. Nicole: How do you manage your Multiple Sclerosis medications?
Hi Nicole, I have RRMS (Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. I was diagnosed about ten years ago and have been taking injections of Copaxone ever since. It makes travel difficult and it makes me wonder, how do you manage your own Multiple Sclerosis medications...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Are there natural remedies for migraine headaches?
Hi Nicole, my mother has been dealing with migraine headaches her whole life. I've started telling her about you and your apothecary items on your website. We looked for something that might be good for easing migraines but didn't see anything specific. Do you have...
Chinook Observer | ‘Survive and thrive’: Pacific County woman’s philosophy
Teacher, TV survival expert is role model for self-sufficiency From the Chinook Observer article authored by Patrick Webb: Nicole Apelian is a survivor. She leads safari groups to Africa, teaches outdoor survival skills and competes on TV reality shows which push...
Portland Monthly | This Banana Slug–Eating Survivalist Will School You on Wilderness Skills
Nicole Apelian says those mustard-colored monopods are delicious. From the Portland Monthly article, authored by Rebecca Jacobson: Nicole Apelian can build a waterproof shelter from forest debris. She can start a fire in the dumping rain. And, most impressively, she...
Ask Dr. Nicole: How often should I take Elderberry?
Hi Nicole! I have been wanting to get Elderberry for my kids for a while now. We take Vitamin C daily but a lot of health groups I'm in recommend taking Elderberry every day. I saw you have it in your apothecary and I'd prefer to buy from you than some big company. My...
Healthline | How to Prepare Your Emergency Survival Kit
From the Healthline article by Jessica Timmons: "If the worst happened — an earthquake, a tornado, extensive flooding, or some other large-scale natural disaster — would you be prepared? Being prepared for emergencies or disasters simply means being properly equipped...
Bleeker Street Media | An Interview with Dr. Nicole Apelian
From the article on Bleeker Street Media | by Peter Bowen: In Debra Granik's Leave No Trace, a father (Ben Foster) and his daughter (Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie) create a hidden home in the middle of Portland's Forest Park. For Granik, "Tom and Will are part of a...
Alone – Season 5!
Catch Nicole Apelian in Season 5 of the History Channel’s hit show Alone. Nicole and 10 other survivalists, all from previous seasons of Alone, return for a second chance to win. Season 5 is set into the remote surroundings of Northern Mongolia. From the History...
Rabbitstick Skills Gathering | Classes with Nicole Apelian
I will be teaching at the Rabbitstick Skills Gathering in Rexburg Idaho alongside many fantastic instructors September 9th - 15th, 2018. This is an exciting opportunity to camp with other traditional skills enthusiasts, learn craft and skill from experienced and...
Leave No Trace: The Art of Nature Connection Training
We worked in an intensive camp with Dr. Nicole Apelian, she was the engine and heart of this film. She taught Tom, Debra, our crew and myself that touching nature in some small way every day is healing. She reminded all of us that connection to the eternal makes...
Salon | Ben Foster on his role in indie hit “Leave No Trace”
From the Salon interview with actor Ben Foster on his role in the film "Leave No Trace" by Andrew O'Hehir: "I worked with someone named Dr. Nicole Apelian for these tribal skills, or primitive skills rather. Nature becomes legible. You get into the forest and it's...
Dazed | The moving new film about a father and daughter living outside society
From the Dazed article by Nick Chen: 'Will and 13-year-old Tom, a father and daughter camping out in the wilderness, are what most of us consider to be homeless. The self-sufficient duo, played by Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie in Debra Granik’s poignant, socially...
The Oregonian | Story of father and girl found living in Forest Park is now a movie
From the article on OregonLive by Marc Mohan: For the second time this year, a powerful novel by a Portland-area author has become an acclaimed independent film focused on characters at the margins of society. ...Assisting with the actors' wilderness training was...
Ask Dr. Nicole: What are the best herbal remedies for anxiety?
Hi Dr. Nicole, I've been following you on Alone on The History Channel as well as reading your blog and Facebook page. I am in awe of your knowledge of and personal experiences with what works for natural healing and wellness. I was wondering if you have any...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Is there an herbal remedy for kidney stones?
Hi Dr. Nicole, my CT scan shows that I have kidney stones yet they aren't active or moving so I started taking Chanca Piedra Veggie Caps to maybe help break those up and stop forming them altogether, but I'd like to get more of your tinctures to address this. Which...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Whats the difference between the Anti-Fungal Salve and First Aid Salve?
Hi Nicole! First, I just wanted to let you know, I purchased a few of your salves and had the pleasure to use the First Aid Salve on a cut on my foot. It's a great product that helped at the time of the cut and then seemed to really aid in the healing. So, thank you...
5-Day Wilderness Survival Skills Workshop with Nicole Apelian and Larry Roberts
Join me and Alone Show alum Larry Roberts for a 5-Day Wilderness Survival Skills Workshop at my property in Raymond, Washington! There are still a couple of spots left for my upcoming 5-day Wilderness Survival Skills Workshop in the beautiful Willapa Hills of Raymond,...
Book Review: Balanced and Barefoot | Strong, Confident, and Capable Kids
I absolutely love books and the gift of learning something new. While the time to read sometimes feels like a luxury, I always relish the opportunity to settle in for an interesting read. Recently, I was blessed with the time to do just that during the long flights to...
Ask Dr. Nicole: Natural wellness recommendations for keeping healthy kids healthy?
Hello Dr. Nicole! I would like to know what your recommendations are for keeping healthy kids healthy? I have an 11-year-old son who plays outside regularly and gets plenty of fresh air and exercise. He's active, and healthy overall. He doesn't eat very much...
Ask Dr. Nicole: What are the best herbal remedies for chest congestion?
Dr. Nicole, I knew I should have ordered from your apothecary back in November, but I've been procrastinating, and now I'm sick with chest congestion. I had three "standard" doctor's visits last week and I'm going to blame that on catching a bug since I hardly ever...
Nicole Apelian: My Story, My Philosophy, My Passions
I'm excited to share this new video shot in the woods at my home in Raymond, Washington. I'm honored to offer a brief overview of my story of healing from multiple sclerosis as well as my personal philosophy on natural wellness, herbal medicine, and the importance of...
My Favorite Natural Herbal Remedies and Their Uses
My love of and passion for natural herbal remedies and healing has extended beyond simply being in nature to making healing salves and herbal infusions. Since 2012 I've been working to perfect my natural recipes and I love sharing them with others through my...
About Nicole’s Spagyric Herbal Tinctures (Extracts) and Salves
My unique line of apothecary products, Dr. Nicole Apelian’s Herbal Tinctures and Healing Salves are completely wild-harvested and/or organic herbs.
How to: Soft-Fiber Basketry | Classes with Nicole Apelian
Upcoming dates for this class have not been scheduled yet. If you have a group of at least 10 people who would like to take the class, I will happily come to you or we can schedule the class at my country property in Raymond, Washington. Please sign up for my...
Indigenous Wisdom
In my work, my teaching and my travels I have begun to see a shift of focus in recent years of people who are seeking deeper connection and more meaningful experiences in life than generally offered by our wider society. As the Western world continues to march forward...
The Daily Astorian | Experiencing ‘Alone’ with Nicole Apelian
From the article in The Daily Astorian | by Aaron Breniman: When I first saw History’s hit show “Alone,” I wanted to know more about the contestants, what they learned and how the experience changed them. The show features 10 contestants dropped off in the remote...
Discover Doctor Nicole’s Healing Salves
Nicole harnesses the medicinal power of herbs to create potent salves for a variety of injuries and illnesses. Whether you’re looking for a natural topical to treat scratches and bug bites, or a salve to ease muscle pain, Doctor Nicole has you covered. All products are non-GMO, gluten-free, and made from completely wild-harvested and/or organic herbs.
Portland Tribune | Nicole Apelian Gets Back To Basics
Survival skills pro and 'Alone' star is consulting on movie From the Portland Tribune article, authored by Lyndsey Hewitt: Apelian believes that humanity is too disconnected and needs to find its way back to community living. "Because these things have been taken out...
Rewild Yourself Podcast: On Lions, The San, and Being Alone
Dr. Nicole Apelian joins Daniel Vitalis's Rewild Yourself podcast to share her experience living with lions and the San Bushmen in southern Africa. In this episode, Nicole gives us a peek inside the world of the San Bushmen tribe. We learn who they are, how they...
KSL News Utah | Preparing for the worst:
From the KSL News Utah article by Carter Williams: Nicole Apelian, a scientist, researcher, survivor skills instructor and subject of History Channel’s season two of “Alone,” said another important thing individuals can do now is to actually test their preparedness....
Deseret News | PrepperCon to offer tips, tools on surviving disaster
From the Deseret News article by Caresa Alexander Randall: "Guest celebrities this year include Alan Kay and Nicole Apelian of the History Channel’s “Alone,” and Salvador Alvarenga, who survived 438 days at sea. This year continues on the success of the past two...
“Experience Alone” and Preparedness Workshop with Alan Kay and Nicole Apelian – May 2017
Join Alan Kay and Nicole Apelian from the Alone Show on History Channel for a 5-Day Wilderness Living Skills and Emergency Preparedness Experience! Want to experience what it takes to be Alone in the woods for the long-term? Join Nicole and Alan from the hit TV show...
Take an Herbal Medicine & Salve-Making Class this spring!
Where: Nicole's home in North Portland When: March 4, 2017 10am - 1pm Cost: $65 per person Children welcome Learn to make your own tinctures and salves! In this 3-hour class, Dr. Nicole Apelian will teach you how to make infused oils and tinctures from local herbs....
Wilderness Living Skills Workshop in Oregon
Join Nicole Apelian, Alan Kay and Jose Amoedo for a Wilderness Living Skills Workshop in Oregon! When: Feb. 3rd, 4th and 5th Where: Soapstone Woodland Retreat Cost: $595 Over three days, you'll learn crucial wilderness skills such as fire, shelter, water, trapping,...
Popular Mechanics | Everything You Need to Know About Foraging for Food in the Wild
From the Popular Mechanics article, authored by Jay Bennett: Advice from some of the survivalists who competed on the History Channel's show Alone. Flora can be trickier to identify than fauna. There are many instances where two plant species look similar, but one is...
Herbal Medicine and Salve-Making Class – 12/10
Learn to make your own tinctures and salves! In this 3-hour class, Dr. Nicole Apelian will teach you how to make infused oils and tinctures from local herbs.
A Month of Teaching and Travels
I have just returned home after almost a month of teaching and travels, living outside almost the entire time. It was one of those perfect journeys, spent with good people outside in beautiful places. Soapstone Wilderness Living Skills Workshop My old friend Jose (who...
Herbal Medicine and Salve-Making Class – Saturday 10/29
Join Nicole for an Herbal Medicine and Salve-Making Class! Where: Nicole's home in North Portland When: Saturday, October 29th 10am - 1pm Cost: $49 In this 3-hour class, Dr. Nicole Apelian will teach you how to make infused oils and tinctures from local herbs. Herbal...
TJ Survival | Nicole Apelian Talks Knives & Survival for Women
Nicole Apelian talks in detail about the custom knife she used during Season 2 of the hit TV show "Alone" on The History Channel where Nicole and 10 others survived the wilderness with only their wits, their skills, and the ten items they each chose to carry in their...
What I ate for 57 days on Vancouver Island on the TV show Alone
Survival Foods I’ve been asked a lot lately about what I ate when I was solo on Vancouver Island for 57 days fending for myself. In the show, you mostly see me eating salmon. I caught 5 or 6 (can’t recall) during my time there. Each was a blessing, but I ate 25 other...
“EXPERIENCE ALONE” with Nicole & Jose
Join Jose Amoedo and Nicole Apelian from the Alone Show on History Channel for a 5-Day Wilderness Living Skills Experience! Want to experience what it takes to be Alone in the woods for the long-term? Join Nicole and Jose from the hit TV show Alone for this 5-day...
How to Cold Infuse Herbal Medicine
Want to know how to cold-infuse herbal medicine? This short video will give you a head start. More coming soon so please subscribe to my YouTube channel!
Nicole on 7P’s of Survival Radio Show
Nicole Apelian speaks with Josh on his weekly live show "7P's of Survival". The two discuss her life’s journey leading up to the choice to take part in ALONE, what she decided to bring on the adventure and why she made those choices. Listen now:
Survival Life Interview
Nicole Apelian: A True Survivor Written by: Stacy Bravo Dr. Nicole Apelian has had an awesome, and at times challenging, journey — a journey she continues to share with others all over the world. Her grateful spirit, strong will, and expertise in the field of...
The Columbian | Portland woman with MS fine ‘Alone’
From the article in The Columbian by Tracee M. Herbaugh: Nicole Apelian first learned how to live primitively by tracking lions through the South African bush while doing academic research. More recently, she started gathering wild plants to eat to slow the progress...
Phillippine Daily Inquirer | Woman survives the wild, all by her lonesome, in ‘Alone’
From the article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer by Oliver M. Pulumbarit: There were 10 people who got stranded on Vancouver Island in Canada, she related. “We had a week of camera training together and we were individually dropped by seaplane, boat and helicopter...
Born Primal Episode 61: Dr. Nicole Apelian, Alone on History Channel
Nicole joins host Kendall Kendrick on Episode 61 of Born Primal: Conversations with the Ancestral Health Community. The two discuss nature connection, wilderness versus survival skills, Nicole’s 10 Items on Alone, women learning from women, and how to connect deeper...
Live Wire! at Mississippi Studios
Listen to Nicole on Live Wire! In celebration of Earth Day, Luke Burbank talks with survivalist Nicole Apelian, wildlife photographer Gerrit Vyn and poet Anis Mojgani on Live Wire! Radio. The "How on Earth?" episode was recorded live at Mississippi Studios on April...
Inquisitr | Nicole Apelian On Being One Of First Three Women on ‘Alone’
From the Inquisitr article by Danielle McGaw: Nicole Apelian is getting a fair amount of media attention because not only is she in that group of women that are first to be on Alone, but she has some special circumstances. She has multiple sclerosis. Of course, having...
Channel Guide Magazine | Who Will Win Alone Season 2?
Find out who was voted most likely to win Alone Season 2 [Vancouver Island] in this Channel Guide Magazine Poll. Alone Season 2 cast members included in the poll: Randy Champagne, Larry Roberts, Mary Kate Green, Mike Lowe, David McIntyre, Nicole Apelian, Tracy Wilson,...
Decider – Going ‘Alone’
Going 'Alone': Survivalist Nicole Apelian On Being A Woman On History's Harrowing Hit Written by Meghan O'Keefe Nicole Apelian is one of three women competing on Alone this season. She’s an anthropologist, biologist, survival skills trainer, bush expert, and so much...
Portland Tribune – Bits & Pieces
Bits & Pieces Written by Jason Vondersmith It’s official: Portlander Nicole Apelian, 45, is listed as one of 10 contestants on the second season of upcoming reality series “Alone” on the History Channel. It’s slated to start April 21. The show’s premise: The...
AP Boston | Lion tracker with MS leads cast of History Channel’s ‘Alone’
"My goal was to thrive out there. I didn't want to just exist, I wanted to thrive and be a role model for girls and women everywhere." BOSTON (AP) — Nicole Apelian first learned how to live primitively by tracking lions through the South African bush while doing...
Chicago Daily Herald | Lion tracker with MS leads cast of History Channel’s ‘Alone’
From the Chicago Daily Herald article authored by Tracee M. Herbaugh: Nicole Apelian first learned how to live primitively by tracking lions through the South African bush while doing academic research. More recently, she started gathering wild plants to eat to slow...
Alone Season 2 Premiere
Catch the Alone Season 2 Premiere tonight! Tune in to the History Channel at 9pm EST to see Nicole and the other challengers begin their survival journeys. Nicole discusses her goals for the experience:
The Truth About Knives | The Knives of History’s Alone, Season 2
From the article on The Truth About Knives by David C Andersen "NICOLE APELIAN / CUSTOM KUKRI: Nicole Apelian worked as a game warden for the Peace Corps and is a safari guide and anthropologist. She has brought along a whopper – a custom kukri-inspired blade,...
Nicole’s Packing List
Each challenger on The History Channel's show "Alone" was allowed to bring only 10 items of gear on their survival journey. Keep in mind that gear such as water filters, matches, tents and anything battery-operated was completely off-limits. So, what did Nicole...
I start my days off with gratitude. No matter how bad things seem in life there is always something to be grateful for. That thankfulness can change your whole outlook for the day. My youngest son and I sometimes do a simple gratitude: Thank you for the birds and the...
Sneak Peek
Here's the newest trailer for Alone - it's premiering Thursday, April 21 at 9/8c on History. Ten people enter the Vancouver Island wilderness carrying only what they can fit in a small backpack. They are alone in harsh, unforgiving terrain with a single mission–stay...
Alone – Season 2!
Season 2 of the History Channel's hit show Alone is back - and Nicole Apelian is one of the 10 hardcore survivalists on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Equipped only with limited gear, their wilderness experience, and cameras to self-document their journeys,...
Cottonwood Bud Oil – How to Make an Easy Cold-Infused Herbal Oil
It’s Early February and the sun is shining here in Portland, Oregon. Spring is springing, and the swollen cottonwood buds are starting to drip with their sticky orange resin. It is time! Time for what, you ask? It is time to harvest cottonwood tree buds (Populus...
Tracking Safaris in the Kalahari
From the archives - Nicole's appearance on The Art of Tracking Radio Show at BlogTalkRadio: